
作者&投稿:宋子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. She has been interested in acting since she was a child.2. He was palying the piani at this time yesterday.3. I have nothing to do at home today.4. Who would like to have a try first.5. The park is quite near, why not go there on foot?Ⅳ.1. D 2. D 3. ...

也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 英语 课堂 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐:特别推荐 NASA公布照片后,全世界感谢中国! 先有鸡或先有蛋的千年谜题?有答案了 为啥电子烟也被纳入控烟范围? 《流浪地球》点燃木星就把地球推走?× 个人、企业类侵权投诉 违法有害信息,请在...


八年级英语大课堂答案参考(一) PartIV 一.1.views 2.underground 3.around 4.interest 5.amazed 6.beauty 二. DECAB 三. 1.the Summer Palace 2.the Monument to the People's Heroes 3.the Palace Museum 4.Wangfujing Street 5.Laoshe Tea House 四.1.went in the past 2.the biggest...


八年级英语大课堂参考答案(一) 第二单元综合能力 一.DBCBA BADAA DDBCA 二.BBCDB CBADD 三.ACCBD DABBC CABAC 四.1.practicing 2.heroes 3.close 4.tennis 5.science 6.movie 7.subject 8.health 9.finishes 10.mixed 11.myself 12.monkeys 13.tasty 14.least 15.unpopular 五.1.have ...

2,世界最高的山是什么?珠穆朗玛山.___the highest___in thein the worldThat's___3.长江是中国最长的河.The___ ___is the longest___in China.4,黄河是中国第二条长河.The___ ___is the___longest river in China .the longest river 2.the highest hill 3.the biggest city...

八年级校园英语英语大课堂答案***一*** Part VI Grammar***2 I.1.because 2.because of 3.so 4.because 5.because of 6.so 7.because of 8.because 9.because 10.because of II.1.because 2.Why couldn't,hear 3.Because of,heavy 4.Because she is kind 5.There is,so III.DC...

一单项选择 从各小题所给的a,b,c,d四个选项中选出最佳答案。[ ]1。Let's [ ] the lions.a.sees b,see c,seeing d,watch [ ]2.[ ] do you want to see the tigers?Because they're cute .a.Why b,What c,Where d....

融便18910143291问: 九上英语课课练test for unit8答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答:[答案] 由于资料有限, 知道里面的人大多不知道题目的 拍照是一个好的选择 提问时注意不要太多题目 一个提问一个题目最佳、 抢答会更快哦. 加油啦

融便18910143291问: 九上英语典中点Unite9答案,要SectionB 1a - 2c,3a - 4b,Self Check&Reading,单元语法空间 的同上 -
岱岳区盐酸回答:[答案] 一、1sour 2crispy 3mistake 4salty 5chef 二、1in 2up 3in 4by 5of 三、1are planted 2batteries 3salty 4to sprinkle 5thought四、DAACDDBBDB五1 were invented 2use of 3Did see them 4was made 5Whatdid invent...

融便18910143291问: 高效课时通九上英语答案150页 -
岱岳区盐酸回答: Ⅰ.(略) Ⅱ. 1. ruler 2. key 3. map 4. jacket 5. orange 6. pen 7. English 8. spell 9. what 10. please Ⅲ. 1. C I 和O都是元音字母. 2. B 字母I的笔划是三划. 3. C 题意:“这是一把钥匙吗?”“是的,它是.”问句是一般疑问句,应用yes...

融便18910143291问: 九年级英语上册课课练答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答: Unit 1 Section A 1a-2b 一丶 1.make flashcards 2.make a vocabularylist 3.listen to tapes 4.read textbooks 5.ask teachers for help 6.watch English videsa 二丶 1.by now 2.by subway 3.by swimming 4.by Xu Beihong 三丶 1.on 2.how 3 .did 4.By 5....

融便18910143291问: 启东中学作业本英语九上unit3答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答:[答案] 冀教版九年级英语上册Unit3单元测试题及答案 参考答案 单元测试 I 1.scientist 2.protect 3.was reading 4.doing 5.camels II 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A III 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A IV 阅读理解 (...

融便18910143291问: 冀教版九年级英语上册第八课答案解析
岱岳区盐酸回答: 1 A catch up with up and down does his best the other beating practise few ancient belive gold race faster give up won carry to learn excited was meaning they had an exam every week

融便18910143291问: 9上英语博师在线答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答: I.1-6 BCBABC II.1. share 2. address 3. Dolls 4. coins 5. mails III. 1. used 2. watching 3. miss 4. interests 5. actor Ⅳ.1. am interested in playing 2.walking a pet dog 3.Collecting stamps, great fun 4. in their spare time 5. fly kites 6. used to hate 7. be good friends, eachother

融便18910143291问: 求九年级英语上册题目的答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答: (1)Shaking (2)Noding (3)shaking (4)pulling ing不是be动词,是动名词形式所填空项都在句子中作主语的成分,所以要用动名词短语to引导的动词不定式短语也可以做主语,但是动词短语,是不能直接做主语的

融便18910143291问: 九上英语自主学习指导课程答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答: I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were 8.used 9.preferred 10.has been III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to V.1~5 BAEDC VI.1~5 ABADC 6~10 BACBD VII.1~5 ADBDD

融便18910143291问: 九年级英语课堂内外的答案 -
岱岳区盐酸回答:[答案] 可能由于你们用的教材不同,所以,请在的问作业页面,把你的“具体问题”在上面提问,然后老师会帮你回答,

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