
作者&投稿:海雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Not at all!没关系


2、你是哪位?当你接到陌生人电话时,不知道对方是谁,你就可以这么说:(1)Who is that?哪位?(2)May I ask who is calling?请问你是哪位?3、介绍自己?如果你打电话给别人,但别人不知道你是谁的时候,你就可以这么回答:(1)I am Dabai, from ***.我是来自某某的大白。(2)Can...

大白的英语翻译 大白用英语怎么说
大白 [词典]come out; become known; [方] chalk; whiting;[例句]真相终将大白。Truth will out.

the brother of my father is my—— uncle 2.the father of my mother is my ——grandfather 3.the mother of my father is my—— grandmother 4.the sister of my mother is my—— aunty 5.the daughter of my father's borther is my —— sister 6.one day ,the big rabbit ...

真相大白 The case is entirely cleared.; Everything is clear now.; The truth has been brought into daylight.; The cat is out of the bag.; come out;[例句]一切终会真相大白的——我向你保证。This will all come out in the wash — I promise you.

谚语英语初一 初一经典英语谚语
搜索答案 我要提问 谚语英语初一 初一经典英语谚语  我来答 首页 用户 认证用户 视频作者 ...标签:谚语 英语 经典 上一篇:血淌是什么意思 血淌的意思 下一篇:描写大漠宋词 描写戈壁大漠的宋词 ...Zhen相总会大白。 He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. Shen言为智。 No garden ...

28、大白鹅—大白鹅,大白鹅,不脱衣服就下河。荡起水花一片片,好像白莲一朵朵。 29、怎么走——兔子...英语顺口溜 1、颜色 yello也难不倒。 6、守规则之书写规则 书写方法很好记 , 手持pencil要有力。 ...使用百度知道APP,立即抢鲜体验。你的手机镜头里或许有别人想知道的答案。 扫描二维码下载×...

After listening to the young police officer , all the people's heart are a bit scared , my heart suddenly more of a wary and skeptical. Police suddenly remembered what seems years ago , and then out of the ward. Just after leaving for a while the young police officer , ...

我要你是我一个人的大白 用英语怎么翻译
我要你是我一个人的大白 I want you to be my only lover.

徵应18337864011问: 九上英语题
来安县洛屈回答: 你好 这些问题都是关于英语学习方面的----口语、语法之类的.因此回答,要根据句意,答出适当的方法. 用英语回答: 1.He can't get the pronounciation right.-----------他的发音不准确.解决:he can practice by listening to tapes,:他可以通过...

徵应18337864011问: 浙教版 九年级英语上 -
来安县洛屈回答: --- _______ would you like ?---Thanks.That's all.A.What other B.What else C.Who else D.Who other 分析:看过之后,可以知道,对话应该是在商店或者餐馆等服务场所.所以首先排除掉C和D.“别的什么东西”在英语中,应该表达为“what else”或者“what other things”.

徵应18337864011问: 学英语报九上答案 -
来安县洛屈回答: 1、The students often go to school by bike.(对划线部分提问) How do the students often go to school? 2、It's time for breakfast.(改为同义句) It's time to have breakfast. 3、(根据语境及首字提示完成题目) Would you like to fly a kite with ...

徵应18337864011问: 九年级英语上册课课练答案 -
来安县洛屈回答: Unit 1 Section A 1a-2b 一丶 1.make flashcards 2.make a vocabularylist 3.listen to tapes 4.read textbooks 5.ask teachers for help 6.watch English videsa 二丶 1.by now 2.by subway 3.by swimming 4.by Xu Beihong 三丶 1.on 2.how 3 .did 4.By 5....

徵应18337864011问: 九年级上册英语
来安县洛屈回答: 答案应该是:1.there lived 2.do 3.to play 4.childhood 5.the most popular 6. how to take 7.was built 8.surprised 第四大题:1.at the end of 2.in the end 3.took ...to safety 4.fell in love 5.at first 6.felt sorry for 7.bursted into 8.pulled off第一大题因为不清楚,鄙人加入了猜测的单词,希望可以帮到你 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

徵应18337864011问: 求九年级英语上册题目的答案 -
来安县洛屈回答: (1)Shaking (2)Noding (3)shaking (4)pulling ing不是be动词,是动名词形式所填空项都在句子中作主语的成分,所以要用动名词短语to引导的动词不定式短语也可以做主语,但是动词短语,是不能直接做主语的

徵应18337864011问: 求英语大神帮帮忙啊,九年级上英语题求解答
来安县洛屈回答: I) 1. born 2. review 3. knowledge 4. atmost 5. brain 6. wisely 7. creates 8. active 9. learner 10. practicing 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. pays more attention on 17. Even if 18. connect to 19. whether or not 20. write down II) 11C 12C 13D 14A 15D

徵应18337864011问: 急求:9上英语基础题!
来安县洛屈回答: 一、单项选择. 1、Nobady know what had happened ________the police appeared. A、after B、since c、until D、while 2、I think Nanjing is becoming________. A beautiful and beautiful B more and more beautiful C more beautiful D more and more beautifully 还要的话就问我要评价手册吧.

徵应18337864011问: 九上英语求答案 -
来安县洛屈回答: 1.shown up2.sold out3.set off4.goes off5.got dressed6.stay up7.got married

徵应18337864011问: 九上英语 要拍下来的全部答案 -
来安县洛屈回答: 1. expression2. discovered3. secret4. grammar5. repeat6. physic1. take notes2. memorize the form/pattern3. am afriad to4. fall in love with

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