
作者&投稿:依利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is difficult for him to get up early every morning!

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功能,质量,包装,商标以及其他商品细节会严格遵照委托人的要求。编号NO.PIQ151 DT.19.10.09 申请人的购买编号 NO.BG0338043 DT.24.11.09

He said that he was doing homework.
He told me that he wouldn't come today.
He often says that English is always helpful to his job.
He said that English had been helpful to his job.
He said that English would be helpful to his job.
The teacher told us that the moon is much smaller than the sun.
He thinks that the house was purchased in 1999.
I am not sure whether he speaks English.
I am wondering whether it will rain or not.
The teacher asked who could answer this question.
I am sorry that you couldn't come to the evening party.

1.after 100 years
2.live until 200
3.free time
4.in the university
5.space war
6.fall in love with sb./sth.
7. go skating
8.be able to do sth.
9.the World Cup
10.computer programmer
11.some day
12.realize 或 make sth. come true
13.predict the future
15.hundreds of
16.the same as
17.wake up
18.again and again 或 over and over
19.before 5 years 或 5 years ago
20.fly a rocket to the moon
21.seems like
22.their own robots
23.make the robots look like human

He said he was doing homework and he told me that he won't come today. He often said he said English is always useful English past for his useful work he can speak English will be useful in his work the teacher told us that the moon is much smaller than the sun. He thought that the house was bought in 1999 I don't know whether or not he speak English I think what day is it rained or not the teacher asked who could answer the question very sorry for his work, you can't come to the party. Note that 'or more with the object clauseSince.100 2 live to 200 years old, 3 free time 4 University of 5 space war 6 fall in love with sb for sth 7 go skating 8 will do sth 9 World Cup 10 computer programmer 11 a day 12 to achieve 13 forecast future 15 hundreds of 16 and 14.... Wake up again and again as 17 18 19 five 20 years ago, fly rockets to the moon 21 seems to have.... 22 of their own robot 23 make robots look like humans

英译汉难,汉译英简单。英译汉难的原因:1. 语言差异:英语和汉语属于不同的语系,存在明显的语言差异,包括词汇、语法、表达方式等。翻译时需要考虑两种语言的语境、语义和文化背景,以确保准确传达原文意思。2. 文化背景:英语和汉语所承载的文化背景和历史积淀不同,一些词汇和表达方式在一种语言中可...


请高手帮忙翻译一段剧本,汉译英,不要翻译器的,要准确`` 高一水平,不要...
Director:Hi, everyone.如果是晚上,最好用good evening比较正式 I am the best director winner of last Cannes Film, Festival Richards. Rose. Billand DJ. Of course, for the sake of convenience, you can call me Honey. Today is the premiere day of my new film, beautiful shadow. T...

首先是春天:在天顶略偏东北的方向,可以看到北斗七星,斗口两颗星的连线,指向北极星.而此时的斗柄,正指向东,所以有云:斗柄东指,天下皆春.斗柄北指,天下皆夏.斗柄西指天下皆秋.斗柄南指,天下皆冬.First is the spring at the zenith: slightly northeast direction, you can see the Big...


(正译) 请暂时不要发这份文件。(反译) 六、倒置法 在汉语中,定语修饰语和状语修饰语往往位于被修饰语之前;在英语中,许多修饰语常常位于被修饰语之后,因此翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。倒置法通常用于英译汉, 即对英语长句按照汉语的习惯表达法进行前后调换,按意群或进行全部倒置,原则是使汉语译句安排...

Actually,April Fool\\'s day is only a day which can make people relaxed and happy.For happiness is very important to human beings.I hope all my teachers and classmates can be happy every day,and what you need do is smiling.In the end,I hope you gain happiness from my speech...

...翻译一简单的短文英译汉 不要软件翻的 那样子我也会
tail" in a location where the customer is apt to look.一个更经济(节约成本)的方法(解决方案)就是在买家容易看到的地方贴个条子,上面写到:开始玩玩具的时候,先把尾巴那里的一个标签去掉。参考资料:★尊重手译,尊重自译,鄙视机译,鄙视抄袭★May my answer be helpful to you : )...

找位大神帮我翻译一下,谢啦,英译汉。不难,但怕有用 想要准确翻译。
感谢分享,读书真快乐 嗨,很高兴找到一个人跟我有同样的意见 你的答案正是我需要的。真是救了我,感谢你这么有心、体贴 掉下床感觉失落,这真照亮了我的一天。(这什么啊。)


金川县19622051349: 翻译小短文.不是很难!!很急!!帮忙啊
播柱康必: I am a tall girl, I can speak English and Chinese, I like the pandas because they were lovely and very interesting. I'm a student ,I want to become a reporter. I like reading newspaper & playing basketball on the school playground. i like sunny day,it ...

金川县19622051349: 翻译,把中文转换成英文,不要太难,急急急啊
播柱康必: In this era of fast economic development, more and more companies realize greater interests in order to use Pinpaiyanshen and brand effect to the greater of Lirunkongjian Zheng Qu, Dan Shi brand and brand extension Que are two kinds of Bu ...

金川县19622051349: 谁能说一个简单很短的英语故事,不要长的和难的,有翻译,5年级水平很着急 -
播柱康必: A fox and a goat An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself. A goat came. He asked the fox:”what are you doing? The fox said : "There will be no water, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don't you ...

金川县19622051349: 三分钟的英语小故事带翻译,急~~~~~~不要太难的~~~ -
播柱康必: A Soldier's Brilliant Idea Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He ...

金川县19622051349: 我个人英译中做得不错,但中译英却感觉很困难,我该如何改善中译英? -
播柱康必: The language proficiency required for the target language is much higher than that of the source one. That's why target language is very often our mother tongue.If you have problem translating Chinese into English, that means you have not mastered English well enough. Maybe that is something you need to do first.

金川县19622051349: 翻译工作很累吗?很难吗? -
播柱康必: “我其实非常喜欢学语言” 就冲这一点,你做翻译应该不会觉得无聊,自会从中找到乐趣 翻译可以分为口译和笔译,但是在实际工作中,其实两样都会用到,只是侧重点不同.这里以英语翻译为例: 1. 做兼职翻译: 可以做口译,也可以做笔译...

金川县19622051349: 孩子会汉译英不会英译汉怎么办? -
播柱康必: 这孩子挺聪明呢,一般汉译英会更难. 要提高英译汉能力,应该增加阅读量,多阅读英语文章,增强对英文的理解能力,而且要多练多学,功到自然成!

金川县19622051349: 急啊...英文简历翻译!!!(不是很难哦)!!! -
播柱康必: First of all, thank you very much from his busy schedule had taken the time to read my resume, I am a cheerful personality, good communication skills, full of self-confidence of girls, though your company's lack of business skills and some, ...

金川县19622051349: 帮忙英译汉!很急……英语高手帮帮忙! -
播柱康必: 1.Childhood Childhood is less clear to me than to many people: when it ended I turned my face away from it for no reason that I know about, certainly without the usual reason of unhappy memories. For many years that worried me, but then I ...

金川县19622051349: 怎么提高自己英译汉的水平呀,有时候能看懂,却不能准确表述出来,难过啊 -
播柱康必: 多找些资料看看,比如有的报纸周末会有英语版面《参考消息》《环球时报》. 多看美剧,哈哈这个我是深有体会,还能提升你的语感,比如《绝望主妇》,看的时候,一句话要暂停一下,自己琢磨一下翻译出来的汉语和原句.有时候一集看两遍.这个方法坚持用一段时间会很出效果的. 再有就是多做题,把你认为比较有特点的题目和答案抄在便签纸上,贴到你家的卫生间/厨房/电脑屏幕旁,这样利用刷牙/做饭的时候也能看上一眼,加深记忆.

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