
作者&投稿:兀有性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
大家帮忙做几道改错的英语题目 求了~

第一题:把C改为of。固定短语be afraid of 表示“害怕。。”
第四题:把B改为millions of 。因为像百、千,这样的词,表示具体数字时不可以加of,加上of 后要加s,如millions of 表示“数以百万的”
第六题:把D改为by bike 。因为表示去哪里的方式时,要用by加交通工具,这里要用单数。
(1)swim across the swimming pool
(2) behind the house
(3)in front of the library

第一题twelfth第二题at变of第三题quietly变quiet,四蹄Where改what 五题wait后加for
翻译:to live ,wooden house
take, greatwall,isn't raining

I. Correct the following:
1). Looking out of the window, a plane flying in the sky.
2). Fred is energetic and capable,who is a man you can rely on.
3). We have great faith and high hopes to her.
4). If be interested in painting, a course can be taken at the evening school.
5). The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes were half closed, looking very sleepy.
6). Those who wish to take linguistics are expected to sign these name on this sheet of paper.
7). A man is judged not only by what he said but also by his did.
8). He was beated down by a jeep, but it was not serious.
9). To get ready for the trip, all the things what he needed were put in his suitcase.
10). She bought several picture books and put them into her bag, which wew she intended to give to her children.
11). We all thought she was a charming, intelligent, and very capable young woman.
12). That cat belongs my neighbor with five kittens.
13). There are two students in the classroom are doing exercises.
14). The result is that he lost the presidential election.


1) a plane flying in the sky
2) and (he is )a man you can rely on
3) We have great faith and (hope on) her
4) If (you are)interested in painting,
5) looking- looks
6) sign his name - signtheir names
7) his deeds - what he did
8) it- his wound
9) (she put )all the things
10) She put into her bag the picture books she had bought for her children.
11) she was ( a ) charming, intelligent, and very capable young woman.
12) That cat with five kittens belongs to my neighbor.
13) do - doing
14) being - was



1). Looking out of the window, a plane flying in the sky.2). Fred is energetic and capable,who is a man you can rely on.3). We have great faith and high hopes to her.4). If be interested in painting, a course can be taken at the evening school.5). The old man...

1.will删掉,as soon as属于主将从现语法,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时 2.在work前面加to,be made to do 使被做,make sb do改为被动语态后就要在made后面加to了 3.把are去掉,sold well就行了,sell这词比较特殊 4.bought改为kept,bought是非延续性动词,不能加一段时间for或since,kept保存,...

1.I used【to go down(A)】to the bank of the stream and【chose(B)】little【flattened(C)】stones to throw across the water, which moved【as swiftly(D)】as swallows.B 改为choose 因为and连接前面的go是动词原形,并列谓语动词时态要一致。我过去常常沿着小溪的岸边漫步,选那些光滑的...

45,改正及原因:By the time the sun sets this evening,I will have finished the book 【I have been writing】 for the last six years. 时间状语是for the last six years表示从过去的某个时间一直延续到说话现在,这种情况用现在完成进行时。翻译:到今天晚上太阳下山的时候,我就会完成我...


1、has改成have,2、opinion改成opinions 3、benefit改成benefitical.4、Drink改成drinking 5、第二个as去掉 6、a改成an 7、keep改成keeping 8、happily改成happy 9、you该成we 10、was改成is

Have you ever heard from(改为of或about) the saying:All work and no play make(改为makes) jack a dull boy?What this means is that if you study all the ties(改为time) you will become a boring person.You must go out and having(改为have) fun with your friends,...

改错题 (答案及理由):【鄙视复制的person 版权所有 翻版必究】!!1.Your schoolbag is a little heavier than mine.(mine是名词性物主代词,带替my schoolbag 此处也可以填my schoolbag)2.Holly's best friends are much funnier than she is. (同理,下面提到的在比较级词前可加much, a ...

1. know-knows, nobody要三单 2. began-begins, every evening是表示每个晚上,一般现在时,动词就用一般现在时就好,began是过去时,应改为三单 3. did-was, angry 是形容词,前面应该加be动词,时态是过去时,就用was啦 4. does-do, concerts 复数,do要复数形式 5. worked-has been ...

沈河区13667545926: 请帮我做几道英语改错题..谢谢! -
戎购藏茵: 1.haven't 改为don't2.listening 改为listened3.to 改为with4.will 改为would5.watched 改为watching 不懂欢迎追问,祝你开心.

沈河区13667545926: 几个英语改错题.1.We need hurry.There are only 5 minutes go.2.You just need to answer more 2 questions to win the big price.3.Angela was such calm and ... -
戎购藏茵:[答案]are---is more ----another such---so is---was rise---raise 去掉but are---is surprising----surprised 这道题,题干似乎不全

沈河区13667545926: 几个英语改错题 we have to hand a book report next weekcan you pick up your friend in that teami am afraid you'll have to go with milk in tea,we have no milk ... -
戎购藏茵:[答案] we have to hand 【加 in hand in 上交】 a book report next weekcan you pick up【去掉up pick 就是挑选的意思】 your friend in that teami am afraid you'll have to go with【改成without 后文可知没有牛奶了】...

沈河区13667545926: 几个英语改错题1 about one fifthe of the workers in chemical works is form……2 l wonder if the english - chinese dictionary l referred to belong to him3 all of the ... -
戎购藏茵:[答案] 很高兴为你解答. 保证正确率~! 正确答案是: 1、 About one fifth of the workers in chemical works 【are】 from…… 2、 l wonder if the English-chinese dictionary l referred to 【belongs】 to him 3、All of the information in the newspaper 【is】 correct...

沈河区13667545926: 几个英语改错题,1.The boy always tried hard to finish reading the books and return it to the owner on time.So the rich man was ready to lend him some of the ... -
戎购藏茵:[答案] 1,return it ->return them some of the books ->any of the books 2,populations->people there are not enough food->there is not enough food die of->die from

沈河区13667545926: 几道英语改错题,谢谢! -
戎购藏茵: 1.正如一楼所说,看的比赛不止一场2:wish 后面可以接双宾语,wish sb sth.wish me success祝我成功

沈河区13667545926: 几个英语语法改错题,1.There are strange similarities in the life 76._________of John F.Kennedy and the life of Abraham Lincoln.For 77._________example,... -
戎购藏茵:[答案] 1. There are strange similarities in the life 76. in 改为between of John F. Kennedy and the life of Abraham Lincoln. For 77. 正确 example, Kennedy became a president in 1960,while Lincoln 78.a改为the elected in 1860.This was exactly one hundred ...

沈河区13667545926: 几个英语改错题改错题,每小题有1 - 2处错误.1.He works in the shop where we visited yesterday.2.We'll visit the city which I was born.3.Mary is the only ... -
戎购藏茵:[答案] 为你解答.1. He works in the shop where we visited yesterday.where-which,定语从句需要的是visit(及物动词)的宾语,不是状语.2. We'll visit the city which I was born.which-where,这里需要作地点状语.3. Mar...

沈河区13667545926: 急求答几个英语改错题1.He told us he had joined the party in 2000.2.i would have gone to Shanghai yesterday,but i had missed the flight. -
戎购藏茵:[答案] 1.He told us he joined the party in 2000. 2.I should have gone to Shanghai yesterday,but i missed the flight.

沈河区13667545926: 做几个英语改错和改编题目~~. -
戎购藏茵: 你是找对人了,我就英语好,谢谢~~~ I. Correct the following: 1). Looking out of the window, a plane flying in the sky. 2). Fred is energetic and capable,who is a man you can rely on. 3). We have great faith and high hopes to her. 4). If be interested ...

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