
作者&投稿:皮厕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Not too long ago ,people can't(could't) go scuba diving on Hainan Island,or anywhere else.This were(was) because therer was no machine allowing a person to breth (breathing)under water for (a)long time.In 194
3 Jacque Cousteau and his friend made it possible by invent (inventing)the scuba machine.Cousteau was very interested on (in)diving deep into the sea, but(and) wanted to be an explore.He bought a ship and used them(it) to explore under the sea .He also was(was 去掉) liked to make videos.As he explore the sea,he took pictures and videos of many thing (things)that people had never seen before

1. any--some 征求别人的意见
2.photo--photos 用复数
5.like--likes 第三人称单数

1.will删掉,as soon as属于主将从现语法,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时
2.在work前面加to,be made to do 使被做,make sb do改为被动语态后就要在made后面加to了
3.把are去掉,sold well就行了,sell这词比较特殊
5.在care后面加of,take care of sb,变成被动语态也不能省of


1.As soon as the rain stop ,we will leave.
2.He was made to work twelve hours a day
3.These kinds of machine are sold well.
4.----How long have you had this bike?
-----For two weeks.
5.The children were taken good care of.

1.去掉will(as soon as...后面用一般是太表示)
2.He was made to work twelve hours a day (be made to do固定搭配)
5.The children were taken of good care. (be taken of good care,得到很好的照顾)


3.are改 were
4.bought改 kept

1. As soon as the rain stops, we will leave.
2. He was made to work twelve hours a day.
3. These kinds of machines sells well.
4. --How long have you had this bike?
--For two weeks.
5. The children were taken good care of.

will stop_stops
made to
care_care of

20个英语句子改错 求高手
1.which-that 2.去掉he 3.anybody-someone 4.everywhere-anywhere 5.a such book-such a book 6.去掉at all 7.quick-quickly 8.去掉that 9.remember后面加to 10.去掉out 11.know-recognize 12.去掉of 13.hear-listen to 14.speak-say 15.去掉for 16.这句没打对吧?two everything是?不过...

1. The book that I borrowed it from the library is well written.去掉 it 我从图书馆借的那本书写得很不错。2. The hospital stood at the place which the roads meet.which ---> where 那家医院在两条路的交汇处。3. Did you see the young man whom was chosen the League secreta...

英语 短文改错
1. winds-wind 2. because后加of 3. correct 4. report-reported 5. helped-was helping 6. happened-happening 7. could fall-had been 8. correct 9. While-When 10. mess前加a 11. somewhere-everywhere 12. help前加to 13. 去掉but ...

回答:1, good at math 2, Having failed 3, tried hard 4, which really made 5, in the second 6, my mistakes 7, encouraged me 8, I made a mistake 9, became interested 10, failure is

is--was go--went goes--went can--could saw--see(前面有did,后面就要用原型了)wasn't --didn't not后面加do(因为这里少了谓语动词)wait--waited find--found

1. know-knows, nobody要三单 2. began-begins, every evening是表示每个晚上,一般现在时,动词就用一般现在时就好,began是过去时,应改为三单 3. did-was, angry 是形容词,前面应该加be动词,时态是过去时,就用was啦 4. does-do, concerts 复数,do要复数形式 5. worked-has been ...

3. I think speaking is more important than reading. 这显然是比较句,应用than。 我认为说比读更重要。 as---than 4.This book is different from that one.It's more interesting. 这本书与那本书不同。这本书更有意思。 be different from 。。。与。。。不同 as---fro...

1、In the morning, children go to school by bike.2、Usually children go to school on foot.3、Mrs.Brown usually stays at home in the morning.4、We usually watch television at night.5、Do you have some potatoes,please?6、They go to Korea by plane.7、At the moment,they ...

— Every week . 7、Every morning I get up early so I won' t be late for school . 8.A honest person always tells the truth. 9.The music sounds bad , please play another one . 10. We each sings a song for the charity...

her. The owner was (very改成so) thankful that she took out a 100-yuan note to reward Lily. (And改成But) Lily refused it and went to school. Seeing this, the owner raised her thumb and praised Lily (加入for) helping her in time again and again.参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

云南省19477376496: 5道英语改错(每题1错)1.There is a little coffee in the fridge,isn't it?2.There weren't any meat in the fridge yesterday.3.There should have something wrong with... -
一径乐净:[答案] 1.it--there 2.weren't--wasn't 3.have--be 4.have--be 5.Are--Is

云南省19477376496: 5道英语改错题...答的好有分追加以下题目中均有一个单词是错的..请改正.!1.Ann felt happily on her birthday last Sunday.2.---Who teaches your English this ... -
一径乐净:[答案] happily -happy your --- you are --- is finishing --- to finish to phone --- phone 绝对正确 好简单啊

云南省19477376496: 五个英语短文改错题---在线等六、判断错误,并改正.66、The fact that the sun sets from the west is known to us all.(from用错)67、Someone knock at the door ... -
一径乐净:[答案] 更正第68/70两题! 66.from → in the sun sets in the west 太阳西落 67.knock → knocked 后面的were reading提示句子应该用过去时 68.楼主有误,短文改错是只改一处错误. 此题错在:has → had by the end of last week是截止到过去某个时刻为止,...

云南省19477376496: 5个英语改错题 急需答案!!!
一径乐净: 1 no matter - Whatever 2 not handing - not to hand 3 has- is 4 for-of 5 A - One

云南省19477376496: 五个英语改错
一径乐净: 1. because---because of 2. like---as 3. by---in 4. me---myself 5. difficulties---difficulty

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一径乐净: are playing dancing running isplaying are singing

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一径乐净:[答案] (有些句子你打字有误) 1.A few flowers were still on the trees at this time of year.(remained意思是“依然是”,跟were still... 4.She lives at 105 Nanjing Road.(Right.理由:at+门牌号+大街、路) 5.He does a lot of practice to speak English every day.

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一径乐净:[答案]are---is more ----another such---so is---was rise---raise 去掉but are---is surprising----surprised 这道题,题干似乎不全

云南省19477376496: 五道英语改错题 -
一径乐净: 1. pollution前面加上the2. bigger改成larger3. billion改成million4. flight打错,应该是fightcrime变成复数形式crimes5. problems变成problem

云南省19477376496: 英语改错(句子)五年级改错(先写出错的地方,再改正)1、Move your legs of he left.2 Are your real for breakfast.3 You're real busy today.4 Daivd have a ... -
一径乐净:[答案] 1.of-on 2.your-you,real-ready 3.real-really 4.have-has 5.clean-cleaning 6.do-does 7.对的 8.catch-catches 9.American-America 10.swim-swimming 11.a-an,America-American 12.对的 13.你打的是ti,什么东西啊 ,就是这个ti改成for 14.butterflys-...

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