
作者&投稿:徐柳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语改错 10个~

1行 that——what
2行 a——not a
3行 firstly——first;use——using
4行 It——which
5行 reuse——to reuse
6行 over——off
7行 worse——more
9行 the——去掉
10行 to——on

on my first day to (go to->删除) school,I was really exciting。I got in the car with my father and (I->we) went to (the->删除) school together.(So->But) when I got out at the school gate,I realized I was wearing teddy bear slippers!I had (been->删除) forgotten to put on my new shoes!I wanted to return home and changed them,but my father said he had to go to work and had no choice but (+to) leave me at school like that.I crossed the playground of (a->the) school wearing slippers.Everyone seemed to be looking (for->at) me.Finally,to my (joys->joy),my teacher gave me a pair of shoes to (wearing->wear).

Have you ever heard from(改为of或about) the saying:All work and no play make(改为makes) jack a dull boy?What this means is that if you study all the ties(改为time) you will become a boring person.You must go out and having(改为have) fun with your friends,otherwise you will lose him(改为them).No one wants to be friends with the person who that(去掉) only works and studies .Perhaps you have a confident(改为confidence) problem.Please try(加上to) remember that the work you are for yourself arther(rather,笔误吧) than for anyone else.You do not have to compete(加with) you classmates.No one can be happier(改为happy) in studying seven days and seven nights a week


第一句:heard from--heard of hear from收到谁的来信 hear of听说
第二句: this--the
第三句:having---have must后面用动词原形 him---them
第四句:that 去掉
第六句:try 后面加to you后面加do
第七句: you classmates-- your classmates
最后一句:happier---happy ;seven days and seven nights---seven days and nights

from 改为of having:have him: them be friends with: be friendly with that去掉 are/do
try /try to you/your in/of

太乱了 我有点迷糊

Have you ever heard from(1.改为of或about) the saying:All work and no play make jack(2.Jack) a dull boy?What this means is that if you study all the ties(3.time) you will become a boring person.You must go out and having(4.have) fun with your friends,otherwise you will lose him(5.them).No one wants to be(6.make固定搭配) friends with the person who that(7.去掉) only works and studies .Perhaps you have a confident problem.Please try(8.to) remember that the work you are for yourself rather than for anyone else.You do not have to compete (9.加with)your classmates.No one can be happier(10.happy此处无比较对象) in studying seven days and seven nights a week。有个别地方单词有误,估计是你敲键盘时写错的,我已改过。核对即知,就不一一指出了。

第二排:times--time boring--bored having--have
第四排:try--try to



成语改错! 请给出20个有错的成,最好将答案写出来.
1. 专横拔扈(专横跋扈)2. 一脉相成(一脉相承)3. 鬼斧神功(鬼斧神工)4. 耳儒目虚燃染(耳濡目染)5. 再接再励(再接再厉)6. 自立更生(自力更生)7. 一切就序(一切就绪)8. 变换莫测(变幻莫测)9. 温文而雅(温文尔雅)10. 功亏一匮(功亏一篑)11. 闲情逸志(闲情逸致...

英语改错 十处错误, 准确点
1.want--wanted(和前面said 时态一致)2.hopes--hope(主语是girls)3.and in my opinion---but(语意转折)4.let others' iedas to affrct your normal--let others' iedas affect (let sb do sth)5.if you do want to lose wejght--if you want to lose weight(非祈使句不需要加do...

1:第二行usual改成usually(词性不对);2:同一行but改成and(不是转折关系)3:第三行“at”改成“in”(要在池子里边)4:第6行是at lunchtime(固定搭配)5:in the evening要加s(不是一个晚上)6:同一行hour前加冠词an;7:第8行at the weekend改成at weekends(不是特定某个晚上)8:倒...

1、In the morning, children go to school by bike.2、Usually children go to school on foot.3、Mrs.Brown usually stays at home in the morning.4、We usually watch television at night.5、Do you have some potatoes,please?6、They go to Korea by plane.7、At the moment,they ...

语文错句 帮忙找10个改错句的题
(1)我国棉花的生产,现在已经自给有余.(定语和中心语的位置颠倒,应改为 “生产的棉花”)(2)在休息室里许多老师昨天都同他热情的交谈.(多层状语语序不当,表对象的介宾短语一般紧挨中心语,应改为“热情的同他交谈”)(3)文件对经济领域中的一些问题,从理论上和政策上作了详细的规定和深...

短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)It was a long time since w...
短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)It was a long time since we last saw each other. You can hardly imagine how I miss you. How are you getting with your first job? I remember you once tell me you were eager to graduate and bee an English teacher. Now you must ...

短文改错 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)v 文中共有10处语言...
1. before改为 ago 2. friend改为friends 3.own’s改为own 4. and改为but 5. of改为for 6.good改为well 7 much 改为 more 8. 去掉being 9. sure后加 whether 10. needed改为need 略

teacher是一个可数名词,使用a修饰。只有那样我才可能成为一个老师。【小题9】去掉but though不能与but连用 【小题10】hardly ---hard 固定词组work hard努力工作 考点:考查短文纠错 点评:集中考查了在上下文中灵活运用语言的能力,以及对语法规则的深层次理解。特别注意时态和单复数的考查。


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