
作者&投稿:盛璐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For chasing a pretty girl requires money and your time,
and we all know that
time is money.
Therefore, a pretty girl is money times money.
And we also know that
money is the original sin of the evil.
Therefore, a pretty girl is an evil~


1 I have cities but no houses, forest but no trees, rivers without water. What am I 2 What table is in the field 3 What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk 4 Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired 5 What goes on four legs in the morning , on two at noon , and on three in the evening 6 What kind of coat can be put on only when wet Key:A map VegetableA clockFather ChristmasPeopleRaincoat低年级英语智力题1. What kind of dog doesn't bite(咬) or bark(叫) 2. What has four legs but can't walk 3. What is black when(当) it is clean and white when it is dirty 4. What letter(字母) is a part(部分) of the head 5. I'm an animal, I have two long ears, white fur, a short tail. I like to eat carrots. What am I 6. What letter is an animal 7. What letter is a question(问题) 8. What letter is a drink(饮料) 1. Hot dog 2. A table 3. A black broad 4. I 5. A rabbit 6. B 7. Y 8. T 经典的英语智力题____ is greater than God. ____ is more evil than the Devil. The poor have ____. The rich need ____. If you eat ____, you will die 答案只有一个单词KEYYes, the key is " nothing" . Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is more evil than the Devil. The poor have nothing. The rich need nothing. If you eat nothing, you will die. 2005年第十五届广州市小学英语智力竞赛题(初赛): http://www.hdhdedu.com/upload/2005-4/2005en.doc

1 Two crocodiles are lying in the sun and drink cocktuils .The small one is the son of the big one but the big one isn't the small one's father, why?
两只鳄鱼躺在太阳下喝鸡尾酒. 小鳄鱼是大鳄鱼的儿子但大鳄鱼不是小鳄鱼的爸爸, 为什么?
the big one is the small one's mother
2 How many months have at least 28 days?
12 month, 12个月, 除了闰年2月以外, 平时每个月都比28天多
3 A postman mends to number 100 boxes. How many times will be write "9"
一名邮差修理信箱到100号, 他得写几次9?
10 times, 11次, 注意99是两个9哦

4 What happend on DEC 25th ,1948?
x'mas, 圣诞节
5 A cock is sitting on the foof.The angle of the roof on the side is 25' while the order side is 45'. When it lays an egg,Which side will the egg roll?
一只公鸡坐在屋顶上, 当顺序角度是45度时,屋顶边缘的角度是25度,当它下了个蛋的时候, 这个蛋会向哪边滚?
cock doesn't lay eggs!公鸡根本不下蛋!
6 How many cards do you need to take out from a pack of poker to be sure you have 2 of the same color?
take'em all!54 cards, 全拿出来, 拿54张, 肯定有一样的
7 Tom makes $16000 manth is APRIL . His boss cuts his pay by 25% in May and gives him a 25% rise in June . Was Tom better off in Apirl or June?
tom赚了16000块的那个月是4月, 他的老板5月份扣了他25%的薪水, 然后六月份又加了25%的薪水? 他哪个月过的更好一点, 四月还是六月?
April四月, 16000x(1-0.25)x(1+0.25)=15000
8 A farmer has 20 pigs . A quarter run away. How many left?
一名农夫有20头猪, 跑了四分之一, 剩了几头?
15, 剩了3/4
9 In sandi Arabia bigaway is still logal .Can a man marry his window's sister?
在沙特阿拉伯一夫多妻还是合法的, 一个男人可以娶他的寡妇的妹妹么?
no, he can never do that. 他的寡妇...说明这个男人已经挂了...怎么娶寡妇的妹妹?
10 Which month do soldiers hate most?
March, 3月, 英文三月还有行军的意思

1、两只鳄鱼一边晒太阳一边喝鸡尾酒(cocktail)。小鳄鱼是大鳄鱼的儿子,但大鳄鱼不是小鳄鱼爸爸,为什么?答:因为大鳄鱼是小鳄鱼的妈妈。Because the big crocodile is the small one's mother.2、有多少个月至少有28天?答:12个月。Twelve.3、一个邮递员数100个盒子,会遇到几个“9”?答:10个。(9、19、29、39、49、59、69、79、89、99)Ten.4、1948年12月25日发什么事?答:那天是圣诞节。It was Christmas.5、一只公鸡在屋顶,屋顶一边的倾斜角度为25度,另一边为45度,当它下蛋时,鸡蛋会滚向哪一边?(出题的有问题,公鸡怎么会生蛋。)答:这个很难说,眼看鸡屁股朝向哪一边。我只能模棱两可地回答“看情况”It depends. 如果是问那边滚得快就很好回答了。6、如果你要从一副扑克牌抽出几张牌,才能抽到两张颜色一样的牌?答:请教数学高手,我把只是都还给老师了。7、汤姆四月份的工资为16000美元,他的老板五月份给他减薪25%,六月份又在五月份的基础上加薪25%,汤姆是四月的工资高还是六月份的工资高?答:四月份的工资高,因为六月份的工资为16000*0.75*1.25=15000.Tom was better off in Apirl.8、一个农夫有20只猪,四分之一跑掉了,还剩下多少?答:15。Fifteen.9、在沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)......(什么叫bigaway,打错字了?)是合法的(legal),一个男人可否与他寡妇(widow)的姐妹结婚呢?答:不知道,根本不知道题目要讲什么10、士兵最讨厌哪个月份?答:三月(与长征英文相同)March.

1she is his mother2有多少个月至少有28天 every month3邮递员给100个盒子编号 他要写多少次9 11times

1.Because the big crocodile is the mother of the small one.2.There are 12 months have at least 28 days. Because all months have such times.3.Ten times from 1 to 100.4.The Christmas day then is the most important festival of West.5.It will lay an egg on the roof which angle is 25', for the hen is able to sit down on this side.6. 3. There are two colors in the poker(red and black),so the third can make sure it.7.Tom was better off in June when he fetch his salary.8.There are 5 pigs leaving.待续

1 Because the big one is the small one's mother,2 twelve

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南皮县18450049191: 10道英语趣味题,要有翻译还有答案的,急啊! -
钞柳伊迈: .Why are girls afraid of the letter C ? 1.Because it makes fat fact!为什么女孩们害怕字母“C”?因为C会让肥胖变成事实!2.Why is the letter E so important? 2.Because it's the beginning of everything!为什呢字母E很重要?因为它是“每件事...

南皮县18450049191: 英语字母趣味巧问妙答题 附解释及问题翻译 根据正确率打分 100分采纳(抄答案的人希望有点良心) -
钞柳伊迈: 1.D.与dog同音.2.Y.与why同音.3.breath.每个人同时做的应该就只有呼吸吧...4.when two people ....当有两个人的时候就有两把嘴了.....lol

南皮县18450049191: 英语趣味问题翻译 -
钞柳伊迈: 因为追美女需要金钱和时间 For chasing a pretty girl requires money and your time,而我们知道and we all know that 金钱就是时间 time is money.所以美女等于金钱的平方 Therefore, a pretty girl is money times money.而我们又知道,And we also know that 金钱是万恶之根 money is the original sin of the evil.所以美女等于恶魔~' Therefore, a pretty girl is an evil~^_^

南皮县18450049191: 谁有英语趣味题(要翻译)?
钞柳伊迈: 1.Which letter can drink?2.Which letter can eat?3.Which letter dose the blind man like best?4.Which letter can we see with? 第四题是26个字母 第1题:T 第3题:O 第2题:H

南皮县18450049191: 英语趣味题 英文怎么说
钞柳伊迈: English interesting question

南皮县18450049191: 小学英语趣味智力题帮个忙,带上问题的中文和答案.如:It has two legs,but can't walk.(他有两条腿但不会走路.)全面一点,帮个忙,带上问题的中文和答案.... -
钞柳伊迈:[答案] It has two legs,but can't walk.(他有两条腿但不会走路.)compass(圆规).where can a dog find another tail (狗在哪里可以找到另一条尾巴?)at a retail shop(在零售商店)why does a dog afraid of sunshine?...

南皮县18450049191: 英语趣味题,趣味词组.下列词组首位单词一样,请将中间缺少的单词补出来,并译成汉语.face_____face_____________________little_____little_________... -
钞柳伊迈:[答案] face to face 面对面的 little by little 逐渐地 over and over 再三 again and again 反复地,再三地 neck and neck 并驾齐驱 hope against hope 抱一线希望

南皮县18450049191: 还是几道关于英语的趣味问题!1.There are six lights in the room.All of them are turned on.If I turn of two ,then how many lights are there in the room yet?A.Four ... -
钞柳伊迈:[答案] D.Six 教室里有六盏灯,每盏都亮着,我关掉了两个,问教室里还有几个灯, 当然还six 6个喽 A.The hen's 格林先生与布来客先生邻居.格林先生的母鸡一天在布来客家的花园里下了个蛋,问这是谁的蛋? 当然是.The hen's 母鸡的蛋喽

南皮县18450049191: 几道关于英语的趣味问题!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ -
钞柳伊迈: 1.虽然填出来了~不过这些词都怪怪的,不常用~不知你满意否 ADD EYE REM2.his bed(床上吧~人的一生的三分之一的时间可都用来睡觉了哦~)3.emm, maybe it's someone who's addicted in drugs/cigrettes(烟鬼/吸毒者)

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