
作者&投稿:韶枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

个人能力: Personal Ability
I am long engaged in metallurgy, cement, and electrolysis industries and have deeper understanding of them
I am long engaged in the design, type selection and commissioning of large and middle projects
I am long engaged in the mixed installation of the equipment made by Siemens and ABB,and have deeper understanding of DC equipment (6RA70, DCS500)
I am long engaged in the design and commissioning of automation and driving equipment, and have deeper understanding of Siemens S7 Series of PLC and the high power DC and AC equipment made by various main companies.
Be proficient in using design and commissioning softwares such as Office, CAD, protel, STEP7.
Work Performance (Project Name and Work Contents)
项目名称 主要工作内容
钢铁研究总院0.2HZ~10HZ/2500A.40V低频电源 利用S7-200PLC,和TD200,实现一个可以调整从0.2HZ~10HZ调整频率的交交变频。完成了程序的编写和调试,以及硬件回路的设计包括触发回路和检测回路的改进,并完成了现场的调试工作。(……) 0.2HZ~10HZ/2500A. 40V Low Frequency Power Supply. It utilizes S7-200PLC, and TD200 to realize AC frequency conversion adjustable from 0.2 Hz to 10 Hz. I completed the writing of program and the commissioning, as well as the design of hardware circuit, including the improvement of trigger circuit and detection circuit, and I completed the in-site commissioning of them.
江西铜业4KA电解铜整流装置 利用ABB公司的DCS500的控制电路,实现12脉波控制。完成了40KA整流设备的12脉波触发控制。并进行了现场的调试安装工作。
(……) 4kA(到底是4kA还是40kA?) Electrolytic Copper Rectifier. It adopts DCS500 control circuit from ABB company to realize 12 pulse waves (脉波,这里翻成脉冲波) control, and accomplish 12 pulse waves trigger control of the rectifier,and I completed the in-site commissioning of it.
铜陵冬瓜山铜矿2500A/690V矿井提升机 利用ABB公司DCS600的控制单元对现场一台老旧原装ABB公司10年前2500A矿井提升设备的直流传动装置进行升级改造,保留其晶闸管和阻容吸收等功率部分,更换控制以及检测,励磁控制部分.改造结束后配合PLC和机械方面完成了整套设备的调试工作。
(……)2500A/690V Mine Hoist. It adopts DCS600 control unit from ABB company to upgrade the DC drive apparatus from ABB company that was belonged to a 2500A Mine Hoist installed in 10 years before, the power part such as thyristor and resistance and capacitance absorption parts being preserved and the control and detection, and excitation parts being changed. After the upgrading I completed the commissioning of the whole set of the equipment working with PLC and machinery aspect.
沈阳大吉,盛达18KA,12KA,6KA电弧炉设备。 利用模拟电路设计的整流控制装置实现对熔炼钛金属的电弧炉控制,完成控制装置的先期调试和现场调试安装。
(……) Shengda 18kA,12kA,6kA Electric Arc Furnace (EAS). Using rectifier control apparatus designed with analogue circuits to realize the control on EAS that are used for melting metallic titanium. I also completed the primary commissioning and the in-site commissioning of the control apparatus.
郑州中铝冷轧厂 河南中铝2050冷轧厂使用的830V/4400A西门子混装模块的改进工作,包括检测电路,触发回路的改进。并参与了部分的现场传动调试工作
(……)Improving the 830V/4400A(混装) modules which were used in 2050 Cold Rolling Plant of (……), including the improvement of detection circuit and trigger circuit. In addition I participated in part of the in-site drive commissioning work.
天津荣程,青岛钢厂550A/380V电磁搅拌电源 参与完成了变频器的硬件设计工作,软件的改进和现场调试以及后期维护工作。
(……) 550A/380V Electromagnetic Stirring Power Supply. I participated in the hardware design of frequency converter, software improvement, in-site commissioning and later maintenance.
廊坊富鑫1050可逆单机架可逆薄板冷轧机组的现场安装调试 参与完成了由ABB公司的DCS500直流传动装置的控制电路和景新公司的功率电路组成的直流传动设备及SIEMENS公司的S7-400PLC构成冷轧机组的成套电气控制设备设备调试。
(……)The in-situ commissioning of 1050 Reversible Single Unit Reversible Cold Sheet Mill. I participated in the equipment commissioning on the DC drive equipment that is composed of the control circuit of DCS500 DC drive apparatus from ABB company, and the power circuit from Jingxin company, and the complete electrical control equipment that is used in the cold mill system composed of S7-400PLC of ABB company.
天津江林1100单机架六辊轧机混装模块新型触发板改进 现场晶闸管需要300MA出发电流,对原有触发板进行重新设计更改。
(……) The improvement of new trigger board of (混装) modules used in1100 Single Unit Six-High Mill.
The in-situ thyristor needs 300 mA(这里是mA毫安吧?MA是兆安了) trigger current so the original trigger board was redesigned and changed.
山东省青州市273无缝钢管生产线的现场调试 作为现场传动负责人,完成从安装完成的验收检查,产品检验,单机调试,自动化调试,系统联调,热负荷生产试车,正常生产,最后验收的全过程.
Qingzhou City,Shandong Province. The in-situ commissioning of 273 Seamless Steel Tube Line. As the in-situ drive responsible person I went the whole process from the installation checking and acceptation to product inspection, single unit commissioning, automation commissioning, united commissioning of whole system, pilot production, normal production, and final acceptance.
(……)1450 Single Unit Reversible Cold Rolling Machine. Be responsible for the detail design of the system, plotting the principle drawings, the selection of components and devices, and the arrangement of in-site wiring.
中冶陕压1150浙江协和可逆冷轧 系统详细设计,原理图纸的绘画,元器件选型,现场配线安排.
(……) 1150 Zhejiang Xiehe Reversible Cold Rolling Machine. Be responsible for the detail design of the system, plotting the principle drawings, the selection of components and devices, and the arrangement of in-site wiring.
鸡西北钢集团120吨转炉 北钢集团,炼钢厂,2套120吨转炉的炼钢设备现场调试
(……)Participated in the in-site commissioning of 2 sets of 120 ton converter
山东聊城中钢联无缝钢管 中钢联无缝钢管穿孔机,轧管机,定径机,矫直机的现场调试
(……)Participated in the in-site commissioning of piercer, tube mill, sizing mill, and straightening machine of seamless steel tube (……)
个人概述: Personal Brief Introduction
本人于2005年毕业后一直从事于电气自动化行业,在XX公司担任电气工程师至今。主要从事电气传动以及自动化的相关产品前期设计,改型以及现场的调试工作;成套设备的设计,绘图,选型以及现场调试,人员培训后期维护的工作。对电力电子技术,数模电路以及PLC相关知识有比较深的认识。长期从事直流变流,交流变频的相关领域工作。有比较丰富的冶金相关领域现场调试经验,诸如冶金厂,冷轧厂和熔炼厂等。具有良好的英语听说能力,团队协作精神,缜密的逻辑能力。长期的现场工作养成了良好的动手能力和认真细致的工作态度。Since graduated in 2005 I have been engaged in the profession of electrical & automation and as an engineer in ××company. My main job is the preliminary design, modification, and in-situ commissioning of the products related to electric drive and automation; the design, drawing plotting, type selection, in-situ commissioning, personnel training, and later maintenance. I have deeper understanding of electric and electronic technology, digital and analogue circuits, and PLC. I have long been engaged in the work in the field of DC and AC frequency conversion. Also I have relatively rich in-situ commissioning experience in metallurgy and related field, such as metallurgic plant, cold-rolling plant, and smelting plant. I have good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English, team coordination spirit, meticulous logic reasoning ability, and good practice ability and serious and careful working attitude owing to long term in-site working.

Equipment maintenance directory, pump gas purification (a), definition and classification of the pump (two), treatment plants use pump structure, working principle, maintenance and the common faults of centrifugal pump reciprocating pump metering pump, 5 screw pump, gear pump
(three), pump daily maintenance and repair program (a), the definition and classification of the pump, the pump is the original motive of the mechanical energy is converted to liquid energy machine. The original motivation (motor, diesel engine etc.) drives the impeller to rotate through shaft, to do work on liquid, so the energy (including potential energy, pressure energy and kinetic energy) increases, so that the liquid delivery requirements to high pressure or place. • pump is a kind of general machinery important, products are widely used in industry, agriculture. Industry is mainly applied to the field of thermal power, nuclear power, petroleum, petrochemical, city water supply, environmental protection etc.. In many species, pump, classification method, it also each are not identical, according to its working principle can be divided into three categories: vane type pump, positive displacement pumps, other types of pumps. We now according to the structure, medium, use comprehensive classification, see table
(two), treatment plants use pump structure, working principle, maintenance and common fault • 1, centrifugal pump centrifugal pump is the basic structure composed of six parts are the impeller, pump body, pump shaft, bearings, seal rings, stuffing box. Impeller centrifugal pump is the core part, its higher speed, the impeller blades and played a major role in the assembly before, the impeller through the static equilibrium experiments. Internal and external surface of impeller on the requirements of smooth, to reduce the flow friction loss. Also known as pump pump shell, which is the main water pump. Play a role in supporting fixed, and is connected with the installation of the bearing bracket. The role of pump shaft coupling and motor by connecting, the motor torque to the impeller, it is the transmission of mechanical energy of the main components. Is a set of bearings component on the support shaft in the shaft, a rolling bearing and sliding bearing two. Rolling the use of butter as a lubricant oil to be appropriate is 2/3 3/4 size too much may have a fever, and too little heat and noise! Sliding bearings using a transparent oil as lubricant, fuel to the oil level line. Too much oil to be leaking along the shaft and drift of base, too little overheated bearings burned to the accident! Bearing in the pump during operation the maximum temperature of 85 degrees in the general run of about 60 degrees, if we should find the reasons for higher (whether there are impurities, oil is black, is water) and timely treatment.
Also known as reduced leakage sealing ring ring. Impeller and pump shell gap between the pump pressure will cause the water flow through the gap area of low pressure water pump, effect, efficiency! The gap is too small will cause the impeller and the pump shell friction and wear. In order to increase the return to reduce the internal leakage resistance, the service life of delaying the impeller and the pump shell, junction with sealing ring in the pump impeller shell edge and foreign aid, sealing the gap remained at between 0.25 ~ 1.10mm is appropriate. Stuffing mainly by the packing, seal ring, tube filler, filler cap, seal tubes. Fill the role of letter is to close the gap between the pump shell and a pump shaft, not to pump the water flow out to not let the outside air into the pump. Always maintain the vacuum pump! When the pump shaft and the packing heat friction depends on the water pipe on the living water to fill the cooling water sealed circle! To maintain the normal operation of pumps. So in the operation process of pump in the inspection tour of inspection of the stuffing is the special attention should be paid to! On the packing should be replaced in about 600 hours to run
Centrifugal pump working principle: when the centrifugal pump, pump shaft to drive the impeller to rotate quickly, forcing the pre filling rotating liquid in leaves, in the inertial centrifugal force, the liquid from the impeller center outward radial motion. Liquid obtained energy during the motion process flows through the impeller, pressure can increase, the increase of flow rate. When the liquid from the impeller to enter the pump shell, and deceleration due to shell channel expands gradually, part of kinetic energy into pressure energy, the final discharge pipe along a tangential flow. So the volute is not only from the impeller outflow liquid components, but also a turning device. When the liquid from the impeller center swing outward to form a low pressure area, the center of the impeller, the total potential energy surface and the center of the impeller tank under the difference, thus the liquid is sucked into the center of the impeller. Relying on the continuous running impeller, the liquid will be continuously suction and discharge. The mechanical energy of liquid in the centrifugal pump performance for the ultimate pressure can improve.
It should be stressed that, if the pump before the start should be filled with liquid to be delivered to the pump shell, because the air density is low, the centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the impeller, the impeller center area is not enough to form a suction pressure liquid storage tank, so although the centrifugal pump can not transport liquid. This shows that the non self priming centrifugal pump, this phenomenon is called gas. Suction piping installation check valve is to prevent before the start into the pump shell liquid flows out from the shell. Air from the suction pipe to cause gas tied all the pump casing. 望采纳!!!

■ self-evaluation
Done in the production line of gear for more than two years due to work carefully and transferred to the quality testing, and then because of a job well done was appointed to the post of head of quality inspection teams. Gear machining category of the rich experience and know how to discover problems and issues research and analysis for solution. Able to skillfully read mechanical drawings, on-site quality control more experience with the 3-D and other precision measuring instruments have deeper understanding, can skillfully use Mahr profiler.

■ computer skills
OFFICE application to a series of common office software;

■ level language
Mastering and use of Putonghua
University English 3

■ work experience
September 1998 - Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. has Po-quality transmission parts factory quality inspection team headed by
Main duties: the assembly and machining quality parts and assembly quality analysis, processing and rectification verification,
On the outsourcing of quality problems in quality of the SQE and consultations with suppliers resolved, the scene inspection process and the implementation of the
Make day-to-day record, the line Zhijianyuan summary of the inspection, found problems in a timely fashion to deal with the higher authorities reported.担
Coordinator of the PCR, a department responsible for the factory outside of the tracking problem rectification. And the team responsible for the day-to-day fine for measuring Room
For the simple precision measuring instruments dealing with the issue to ensure that the parts to make timely, accurate reports.

■ educational experience
September 1995 - 1998 August Shanghai Automotive Transmission Company Limited (formerly known as Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd. Automotive
Gear Factory) technical school
March 2004 - 2007 January Shanghai Science and Technology Management College of tertiary
November 2004, Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation Training Centre team and group leader training
October 2007, Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation, based CMM training centre

■ intention job
Willing to join a competitive and creative collective cohesion and combat effectiveness, or of a team.

■ awards and certificates
1998 Junior Certificate CNC lathe
The 1998 Intermediate-tooth certificate
2004 team and group leader certificate
2005 Shanghai Automotive Transmission Company Limited (formerly known as Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd. Automotive Gear Factory) advanced quality of the individual
2007 CMM Foundation Certificate

1、I attended a summer training camp, this is our team mirror image. 2、This is this school movie studio, you may see that some 30 about camera, also has a very big gate probably in that side, it is said that this gate may advance a tank.3、This is Cinema institute's ...


求英语达人 翻译
1. If you want to talk to me, please speak English 2. Not out of the way, please let me 3. Not on my hands and feet 4. I have to go, I am going to have class 5. If I said I do not go, what can you do to me 望楼主采纳!

If you can give me the chance to participate in the forum,I will try my best to promote the culture of the Capital Airport and the capital city of tourism and cultural to the people from all over the world definitely.

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1, as a strong social responsibility of Chinese, we should keep on the environmental pollution continued concern, until this serious ecological problems effectively control. We should with kindness and respect to treat all of earth, because the earth is carrying our life's common ...

我现在要为你输液 Now I want for your infusion 先帮你消毒皮肤 To help you disinfection skin 有一点点痛 A little pain 请不要怕 Please don't be afraid 跟昨天一样有一个小时的治疗时间 As one hour with yesterday's time to treatment 如果你觉得有什么不舒服 If you feel ...

1、Through organizing the practice of nine KMP plans in the Marking System,we have accomplished programming the whole area markets efficiently.The total sales achieved doubling,even reached the summit.2、The Three New plan,which is on the basic of "new derection,new orientation,new ...

You should reserve all good feelings for the one willing to make sacrifice for you.

求英语达人 中英文翻译
许多东西需要你去捍卫,You have to defend many things,国家,家人,和你的尊严,Country, family and your honor 一旦有人践踏了你的尊严 Once someone tampers your honor,或是伤害你的家人甚至国家,Or harms your family or even country,你决不能如此罢休。You have to stand up and fight!

策勒县13472802667: 本人在写英语简历,由于英语水平有限,欲请好心人帮忙翻译.谢谢! -
阮馨怡宝: It's been a year since graduation until now, in this time of year I respectively in two distinct company learning, I prefer to be call...

策勒县13472802667: 急求高手帮我翻译份英文简历!!! -
阮馨怡宝: Send it to my QQ mail box I will do that for you in the UK way.

策勒县13472802667: 拜托英语高手帮我翻译下我的简历吧!!急啊!!突然要交英文简历!!万万分感谢阿!!我会在线等待... -
阮馨怡宝: As I explained in the enclosed materials, I was an earnest, responsible, adaptable and confident indep...

策勒县13472802667: 高分跪求英语专业人士帮忙翻译简历,明天用,急!!!
阮馨怡宝: I'm 23 years old. In July 2007, I was graduated from Changchun finance college, and my major is Accounting Computerization. I hope I can get the chance to work in your company with an accountant post or relative job with accounting. In the period ...

策勒县13472802667: 因为工作需要,要写一份英文简历,希望有能力人士可以帮我翻译下下面的这段文字,我好作参考,谢谢. -
阮馨怡宝: I have engaged in the shoe industry 6 years working experience, familiar with sports shoes, casual shoes, mountaineering shoes, BanXie, beach shoes, vulcanization shoes, leather shoes, children... Familiar with shoemaking workflow, material ...

策勒县13472802667: 急:请英文大师帮忙翻译下简历,谢谢!! -
阮馨怡宝: 工作职责: (业绩) Job duties: (Results) 该公司为一家中外合资的研发性企业,客户对象是欧美的各大医药公司.The company's research and development of a Sino-foreign...

策勒县13472802667: 英文厉害的大侠帮我翻译下简历呗!急!! -
阮馨怡宝: 楼主,请看我的标准翻译.有些职位和名词直译不符合英语表达,只能意译,希望你看清楚,不要说有的翻译有差异.有疑惑请追问,多谢采纳. 个人简历Resume 基本信息 Basic information 姓 名Name性 别Gender男male民 族...

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