
作者&投稿:中叔虏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

it's a Sinatra song - 这是辛纳特拉的歌

Sinatra:法兰克.辛纳屈(或辛纳特拉),外号为“瘦皮猴”,出生于1915年12月12日,在1998年05月14日去世。1939年起先后加入Harry James、Tommy Dorsey乐团担任主唱,1942年以个人名义单飞开始了超过半世纪之久的演艺生涯。Frank Sinatra先后与多组大乐队合作,创造了成串的畅销单曲、专辑,得奖记录亦不胜枚举,格莱美流行男歌手或传统流行演唱奖都非他莫属,1959、1965、1966三次拿下年度专辑奖,1966年的“Strangers In The Night”同时是年度最佳单曲;五十岁那年已经获得了格莱美终生成就奖的殊荣。更是被美国人称为是五六十年代的近义词。由于他在歌唱、电影甚至整个娱乐事业的卓越表现,Frank Sinatra被誉为“二十世纪最伟大的艺人”。


fffrrrr =表示低吼声,像汉语,额额额...

frrefderrtt =另一种声音表达.

<成长的烦恼 Growing Pains >



这是不是成长的烦恼里的?jason和 maggie是感情很好的夫妻,这里的fffffrrrrr应该是一些口头语 比如我们的什么什么 等等等 呃呃额

In this paper, the author 3 D billiard games production experience, including from conception to design and the realization of the entire process.Produced by the game is more popular Visual C + + \/ DirectX9 the programming environment and 3 D graphics API, through the use of basi...


请英语达人帮我翻译下 “The good seaman is known in bad weather...

“达人”英语 “Daren”

取消炮击give up the cannon shot!我需要医疗(Medic!这里造个医疗站build an emergency center here.就知道出坦克you only giving one tank?就知道出一种坦克only a single kind of tank you give?没看见迫击炮 在打我吗? don't you seeing me being attacked by the mortar?把那个(这个) ...

We got a lot of grumble from our client as we cannot provide this accessory to them,So Please confirm the delivery time asap.Thanks in advance!

5.What relieve me is that(让我感到欣慰的是),the car was not damaged.6.The play respesents reflicts between three generations.(三代人之间的冲突).7.At 50,he was forced to become one of the unemployed.(加入了失业者的行列).8.It was during the singing performance that he was...

达人:expert 英 ['ekspɜːt] 美 ['ɛkspɝt; (for adj., also) ɛksˈpɝt ; ɪkˈspɝt]adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的 n. 专家;行家;能手;达人 vt. 当专家;在…中当行家 例句:1、After this you will be an expert ...

因为一个人,爱上一座城。走了一个人,空了一座城。Because of a person, fall in love with a city. Walk a person, a city is empty.Because a person, love a city.Go one, empty city.fall in love with a city because of a person。个人觉得第二个版本好些!满意请采纳!

World on how many kinds of music? This is a very difficult question to answer. The easiest answer can be Chinese music and foreign music, or is instrumental and vocal, but it seems too simplistic, not illustrate the problem. If the countries of the world there are more than ...

新邱区18351116418: 求英语达人帮我翻译两句话.跪谢! 第一句:心跳不止,却不是为了活着. 第二局:我的梦,只有你能够想象 -
一梅盐酸: 1. My heart keeps on beating up,yet, not to make myself live.这里up没有实意,只是西方人习惯添上去,yet解释为“然而”、“却”;心跳西方人一般用beat2. Only you could image my dream.

新邱区18351116418: 麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下这一小段话,谢谢 -
一梅盐酸: The reason why I choose the accounting major is because I am steady and delicated person with strong-minded persistence.Meanwhile, I am optimistic and easy going to get along well with person as well as the sense of responsibility and could be endured pressure.希望对你有帮助.

新邱区18351116418: 英语达人帮我翻译一下这封信,汉翻译为英,谢谢啦~~ -
一梅盐酸: Hi, Daniel,I have had my ticket changed to 10:00am on Feb. 23, from Qingdao to Souel. And I will be arriving at Jinju around 4:30 or 5:30 pm. Do you miss me? Hehe, we will meet again soon. Just waiting for me at school. I'll be coming.

新邱区18351116418: 请英语达人帮忙翻一下!!谢谢啦!!请人工翻译!!谢谢!! -
一梅盐酸: 1. Education background: marketing management related major with bachelor degree or above2.30 years sales management or regional sales expand ex...

新邱区18351116418: 请英语达人帮我翻译一个句子.感谢 -
一梅盐酸: I will make you my partner and love in my life,see you as my belief,I would like to be with you this moment forever,never to be separated.

新邱区18351116418: 英文达人帮我翻译下面这句,先谢谢了. -
一梅盐酸: As the order quantity is big, we have offered you enough discount and there is no margin for us at all. The seller will not shoulder any responsibility if the goods were impounded by the customs. 您好,原文翻译如上供参考.外贸邮件的语言应当简明干练,就事论事.其中,海关“扣货”应用 impound 表达. 希望回答对您有帮助,不明白的可继续提问.

新邱区18351116418: 请英文达人帮我翻译成中文,谢谢. -
一梅盐酸: 他是表达歉意,说“有时候没法儿进到你的花园去帮忙”.他意思是有时候想去帮忙,但系统或网路平台有些问题,所以进去不了.要回他就这么说“不要紧,还是一样谢谢你.” 英语是: Don't worry about it. Thank you all the same.

新邱区18351116418: 求英语达人帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢啦.
一梅盐酸: 1. He believes that he can focus his energy on what he really likes to do after retirement.2. Most doctors think that patients have the right to know the truth about their illnesses.3. We think there's still much to be done in terms of environmental ...

新邱区18351116418: 请英文达人帮忙中译英,谢谢啦,翻译机勿扰!!! -
一梅盐酸: The accessories were deliveried together with the goods , may be we sent sth. wrong.All the work is in progress

新邱区18351116418: 求英语达人帮忙翻译此句,谢谢 -
一梅盐酸: 鸡蛋又涨价了.again不是anain

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