
作者&投稿:刘咳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Where there is misery, there is red cross.
2 It is very likely to become a worthless desert where no trees exist.
3 Few birds can inhabit where food can hardly be found.
4 No dust can be tolerated where electronic computer lies.
5 Drugs should not be put where it is accessilble to children.
楼上机翻哥不要来丢人了好不好 不知道为什么英语翻译这么多机翻的。。。是看不起人智商是么?

She repeated the story so much times that everyone growing tired of her
His parents met him almost all the requirements, so that he was spoiled
Looking at the five-star red flag raised, the athletes moved to tears。

we will decorate our family as soon as the spring day comes
we gave a call to my friend before i came out
i always play the computer games while my father fall asleep every day
i will take some exercises as soon as i get up
my father had gone to shanghai when i got home
he has been trained for five years for becoming a consmonet
i respect bai qiu en because he has helped many people
the reason why i study hard is to enter the peking
he wanted to help people so he became a doctor
注意句首都要大写 正确率95%

One comes in the Spring Festival
every year for a short time we
that he has trained purpose for 5
years with regard to beginning
to decorate our my I having made
phone call when I all play with
computer game every day during
the period of father goes to bed
doing sport every day as soon as
I getting out of bed think that I
arrive home father for my friend
before go out having already
gone to Shanghai is that he can
become one astronaut we respect
Bethune the purpose that my
effort studies is that he wants
to help people therefore he has
become one doctor because of he
has helped many person be
admitted to Peking University


1. They like to go travling where there is the sea.2. Put the books where they were.3. Because it was raining last night, the ground is wet.4. It must have been raining last night because the ground is wet.5. Since everyone understands it, let's begin.6. Children are...

1.我两年前住的地方失火了 1. I lived two years ago place was on fire 2.学生们正在上课突然地震发生了 2. The students are class suddenly an earthquake happens 3.他还没来得及解释,这个女人就开始哭起来了 3. Before he could explain, this woman began to cry 4.今天我们遇到这么好的...

回答如下:英语条件状语从句可以置于句首或句尾,但翻译成汉语时,通常置于句首。英语定语从句有限制性和非限制性定语从句,限制性定语从句翻译成汉语时,通常要放在所修饰的名词之前(翻译成“……的”); 非限制性定语从句与所修饰的名词或者整个句子关系松弛,故往往单独翻译成一个句子。例如:If you ...

英语句子翻译 (状语从句)
1.He didn't come out until he take the new medicine.2.When he performed on stage, his parents were seated in the stand.3.He has been ahead of his classmates in English after he read these books.

1.Let us sit to up the seat of front, in order to can see know more some 2.Had better take some clothes more, in order to prevent the weather becomes cold 3.For catching up a morning class car, he has greatly and early 4.He has greatly and early and caught up a ...

1,The volume of the recorder is so small that it can be put it in your pocket.结果状语从句 2,She sang while She was preparing the experiment 时间状语从句 3,He insists his own opion because he was sure of the right facts 原因状语从句 4,Even if what you say...

1 She speaks with the tears continuously sheding.2 Please leave the room with the light (turned) off.3 Where there is substance, there is motion.4 It would be better if they were caught.(虚拟语气)5 I have no doubt for his honesty. but for his memory.6 One are not aware...

状语从句英语专四语法辅导总结 复 合句——副词性(状语)从句 副词在句中起状语作用,故如果起状语作用的部分为一个句子,那么该句便是副词性从句,也称状语从句。状语从句可细分为:时间、地点、条件、原因、让步、目的、结果、比较、方式等。状语从句的测试重点为:考查考生对主从句之间逻辑意义关系的...

1. Once this issue is declared to all, it will be filmed soon.2. Whenever I saw this book, it reminds me what my grandfather said.3. Mr. Smith was moved by the beauty of the West Lake that first time he went to Hangzhou....

来安县13542561178: 5句地点状语从句翻译,很急,谢谢(会加分) -
通官中性: The member of the Red Cross will go to the place Where is in trouble,It can become a worthless desert easily,where is no trees It difficult to find food in the place where there is no place for birds .Put the computer in place, where is no dust.Drugs should not be placed where the children accessible in easy

来安县13542561178: 英语翻译,急! 用状语从句1 Tom非常失望,因为很多人没来参加晚会, 2 你一看到他就请把这条便条给他, 3 Tom会迟到,除非他打的, 4 看起来好像要... -
通官中性:[答案] Tom was very disappointed, because many people didn't show up. /Tom was very upset that many people failed to show up. 2种你觉得哪种好,就用哪个.Can you please pass the note to him when you see him...

来安县13542561178: 英语翻译,急!! 用状语从句 -
通官中性: 1.He has so little money that he couldn't buy that book.2.The little child didn't get up until his parents were back home.3.Even though it rained heavily, all of us were there.4.Wherever you go, i won't forget you.5.You can hardly pass the exam unless you study hard.

来安县13542561178: 状语从句翻译 -
通官中性: 1. Regardless what he is going to say, I am not going to believe him.2. No matter how difficult it is, I will do my best.

来安县13542561178: 英语状语从句练习!翻译!急急急! -
通官中性: 16. The child is small, but he is very intelligent(sensible).17. Even if everyone say so, I still want to believe this isn't true.18. Whether you agree or not, I wo...

来安县13542561178: 请用状语从句翻译下列句子.在线等 急急急 -
通官中性: 虽然年轻但他懂得很多.Although he's young,he knows a lot.我急急忙忙为了上课不迟到.I hurried so much that I wouldn't be late for class.他是一个沉默寡言的...

来安县13542561178: 帮忙用状语从句翻译一下句子. 急啊... -
通官中性: 1. When he came in when I was reading 2. This is the house the house than the big 3. If you already know the news, please tell me now. 4. They do not violate the law, you can do whatever you want to do. 5. I have told you, no matter how much money I...

来安县13542561178: 状语从句翻译
通官中性: 1趁热打铁 Strike while the iron is hot. 2我们要一直等到医生来 We will wait until the doctor comes. 3有志者事竟成 Where there is a will ,there is away. 4他今天缺席是因为他病了 Today he is absent,because he is sick. 5除非你努力学习,否则是学不...

来安县13542561178: 英语句子翻译 (状语从句) -
通官中性: 1.He didn't come out until he take the new medicine.2.When he performed on stage, his parents were seated in the stand.3.He has been ahead of his classmates in English after he read these books.

来安县13542561178: 状语从句翻译2个10分 -
通官中性: 1. 她按照别人告诉的那样做了这个工作.2. 他说话的样子好像他曾经去过那里似的.1. as 引导的是方式状语从句,按照...的样子 比如说 do the work as I told you. 按照我告诉你的去做这工作.而你给的这个句子 she 是被告知的,用了被动语态.2. himself 表示他自己曾经去过,反身代词表示强调.

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