
作者&投稿:曹制 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


We wander in the palace of music. We ramble through the gallery of songs. Although no impassioned musical master is here, nor the melodic voice from superstar singers, we are deeply indulged in the interaction between the music and our souls. We are miraculously enchanted by the outburst of sincere feelings.

Everyone of you is a talented musician. You freeze the most beautiful moments in our hearts with your singing. Ranking results are nothing important when we think of what beautiful memories this special experience leaves to us. Where there is hard work, there must be a success well deserved. Let us give our applause to the bravery of all the singers, and for their performances. We give our heartfelt thanks for bringing us this music feast! Today you are the winners for this conpetition, and tomorrow, you will be the winners for your life!


世界将发生变化 变化的意义与方向尚不为人知 这个变化是跨时代的
主+谓语+状语,主语从句,which即change, 最后那个修饰主语中的change

Zhijian Aquatic Products Shop, Mawei District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Room 204, Shanshui Refrigeration, No.36, Kuaizhou Road, Mawei District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China


1, fuzhou horsetail area he established the aquatic products
2, fuzhou horsetail area fast state road no. 36 and refrigerated room 204

Mawei district, Fuzhou City records Department of fisheries management

Mawei district, Fuzhou, 36th fastest Chau Road landscape refrigerated Room 204

  1. Mawei District of Fuzhou Zhijian operating the Department of Fisheries

  2. Fast Zhou Lu, Mawei District of Fuzhou city landscape refrigerated Room 204 No. 36

请记住,对于人来说,距离,年龄和肤色并不重要,爱才是你需要关乎的要素.我会在给你的下封信里更多谈及我的生活.附件是我的照片.如果你能回寄给我你的照片,我会感到无比高兴.将来有机会我想与你见上一面. 我们可以交流我们的生活,分享我们爱的经历.我最常用的语言就是英语,但也可以通过翻译用另一...

今天早上,我被风暴鸟(一种能够预测风暴的鸟)唤醒,我希望他没有骗我。The black cockatoo's have not let up their eerie call all morning, they usually only make their call when rain is on the way, so these signs are promising.整个早晨,那些黑鹦鹉的丝毫没有停止它那怪异的叫声,...

1. I believe,even the most beautiful adjective would not be able to describe my feeling for her.2. Sichuan University has a history of more than 60 years, not only that it is an excellent normal university,it has also advanced with big strides towards a comprehensive university,...

谦卑的心即是谦虚的态度,不能单纯地用heart(心),默默地可以用sliently或是quietly,但是表达不够准确,用毫无怨言地更好,也符合外国人的表达方式。我的翻译是:Making the greatest contribution to society without any complaint in a modest attitude.供楼主参考。

一年四季你们都放除秋天不放假外…We have vacations every season except autumn.我们每天早上6:30上课,晚上10:00放学,We begin our class at 6:30 in the morning and school is over at 10:00 in the evening.中午有2个小时休息时间,每周六下午放一个晚上,一个月放一次月假。There are ...

1、从国家的整体利益而言,独生子女节省了国家资源,减轻了国家的负担。From the aspect of the nation's interest, only child policy saves the resources and relieves the load.2、独生子女家庭父母把全部的精力都放在这一个孩子的身上,创造最优越的的条件和环境,孩子较容易成功。Only child ...

帮忙翻译一下 英译汉
a language notebook 一个语言(学习的)笔记本 a pre-exam instruction 一次考前指导 a language lab direction 语言研究室管理(制度)参考资料:★尊重手译,尊重自译,鄙视机译,鄙视抄袭★May my answer be helpful to you : )

3. 具体的说应该叫工业产品造型设计,也就是研究产品的外观造型。Specific that should be called industrial product design, which is the appearance of product modeling.4. 我属于双重性格,时而安静,时而活泼;我热爱艺术,就像热爱自己的生命一样。I belong to a double personality, and sometimes...

very much.This area can reflects the advantage of Chinese traditional medicine.In my opinion, I can release not only my family and myself but also many female friends from the pain of their disease if I have studied this major.感觉你像是要和老外交流,希望能帮你解决燃眉之急。

1.she seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.她看起来很幸灾乐祸.2.the government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months 接下来的几个月政府必须采取措施预防可能发生的原油紧缺问题。3.you'll have your own office soon but for the time being you'll ...

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译下,中译英 -
牧素医痫: Good morning horable judges, toaday I'm glad to be here,... I'm an outgoing girl/boy, and I like/be crazy about/love making friends. At school, I have many good friends. I like sports and I'm good at playing basketball. I was school basketball player ...

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译:中译英 -
牧素医痫: Don't you think that you are so selfish? You never think of the feelings of the others.You must stop doing this. If your co-workers could find it out, one could not imagine what might happen.

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译几个句子,汉译英1我有很多朋友,一些来自于国外2我有三本书,其中第一本我最喜欢3我仍然记得我第一次上学的那天4我不知道她今天没来的原... -
牧素医痫:[答案] i have lots of friends some of which are from aboard i have three books one of which i like best i still remember the day when i went to school i don't know the reason why he didn't come 我只能说一楼语法不对

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译一下,中译英~1.明天你们要和谁比赛?2.这个单词代表什么?3.这次你们又被打败了.谢谢~{ -
牧素医痫:[答案] 1.明天你们要和谁比赛? Who will you play against tomorrow? 2.这个单词代表什么? What does this word mean? 3.这次你们又被打败了. You have been beaten again this time.

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译一下 中译英 -
牧素医痫: 1,山东省劳动和社会保障厅 Shandong Labor and Social Security Department2,劳动保障行政部门钢印Labor and Security Management Department Steel Seal3,光荣退休Retire with honor4,根据国务院和山东省人们政府有关规定,批准xxx自...

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译一下,中译英.谢谢. -
牧素医痫: "We work with you to this more than 6 months of the day, we feel very happy! At the same time, the best in your new job still work goes well, happy every day! If there is a chance, hope we can cooperate again. I hope we can keep in touch with you!!!!! You are we friends forever!"

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙汉译英,谢谢. -
牧素医痫: thank you for you telling me the truth honestly .best wishes for you

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译一下,. -
牧素医痫: XXX: 截止目前为止,我司财务还没有收到贵司的付款,请帮忙安排一下.希望得到你的帮助,谢谢!不能直译,参考如下:Dear XXX I'm writing to ask for your help to arrange your company to pay us as soon as possible, because up to now our Finance Department hasn't received your payment yet. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,XX 全是我自己来的,还算专业,若帮到了你,记得采纳哦-,0

南市区13982344855: 请帮忙翻译一下(汉译英)
牧素医痫: The thing I want is too perfect.You couldn't give me.So I have no choice but to retreat.

南市区13982344855: 帮忙翻译一下,汉译英.
牧素医痫: The next time please take my feeling into consideration.Thank you. 下次请考虑到我的感受.谢谢

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