
作者&投稿:调雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the Great Archives估计是指吸血鬼中流传的一种书或典章(Archive是档案)
the Great Archives规定你以Aziz Mare之名死亡(存活)
在世界的某些区域你被称作(假名)Thor of Bessarabia

The Great Archives中对你的记录是:这孩子曾经活得很痛苦,曾经劳动也曾经受难,但是现在他自由了


Thanks, I saw the celebrations for National Day in Beijing on TV, it was spectacular.

Make sure you pace yourself well with rest and study over this time, It's not good to study without proper rest.

Your mind needs to be refreshed, and do take some time to enjoy some recreational activities that will stimulate you so that you can achieve good results.

Today is Saturday, We have not had any rain for three months now and we need water badly.

This morning I awoke to the call of a storm bird, I hope he's not lying.

The black cockatoo's have not let up their eerie call all morning, they usually only make their call when rain is on the way, so these signs are promising.

There's a few clouds hanging about, but mostly blue. No need for warm clothes this morning.

Already I have made my bed, had breakfast, mowed the lawn, and soon I must, shower myself and get ready to go out.

I will be working with a private client today.

Her name is Irene, she is the lady on the right in the photo.

She is 91, I usually take her on outings to have morning tea.or else a picnic.

Today we are going to have lunch together in an Indian restaurant.

Besides Chiemi and I the other lady in the photo is her daughter. Hope all is well with your family




bother 英[ˈbɒðə(r)] 美[ˈbɑ:ðə(r)]vt. 烦恼; 烦扰,打扰; 使…不安,使…恼怒; 使迷惑;vi. 麻烦; 烦恼; 操心;n. 麻烦,操心; 累赘; 烦扰,吵闹; 讨厌的人;[例句]Lots of people don't bother to go through a marri...

英汉互译 麻烦帮忙翻译一下
1. 即使我有时间,我也不会和他联系。Even If I DO have the time, I will not contact him.2. 我们国家在战争中起到了重要作用 Our country made a significant difference in the war.3. 因为他的变化,我都人布会醋来他了。Because his change...4. 尽管他现在知道了时间的重要性,但...

I began studing English in Junior One. At first, I had to remember words by heart everyday. The gramma of English and the sentance order are quite different from that of Chinese therefore I felt that it was very difficult. I always forgot words and gramma and my grade was no...

the Great Archives估计是指吸血鬼中流传的一种书或典章(Archive是档案)大概是在说 the Great Archives规定你以Aziz Mare之名死亡(存活)在世界的某些区域你被称作(假名)Thor of Bessarabia Thor是雷神托尔(神的名字)Bessarabia:苏联欧洲部分西南部一地区。应该指的是你的领地 The Great Archives中...

businessmen like Bill Gates 2 Although in some degree, the University contributes to the success, but not the decisive factors of success in your life.3 As the saying goes, "All roads lead to Rome", university education is important, but it is not the essential of your life....

cargo company will deliver cargoes on 1300LT, so will meet with late deliver time. Carogoes will be missed on shipment.2.Yes.every week in Wed&Fri proceeds to CFL. and FCL for OOCL will be on Sat. but schedule time is not fixed, it will changes monthly.3.CFL OOCL ...

I have been in participation of several important swimming competitions and won some awards also. However,I quit swimming now because of injury.Nevertheless, it has become one of my best memories and has a great impact on my career as a coach later in my life.

它是世界上的一切存在独立的人,such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather.诸如此类植物和动物,地球和岩石,天气。Now more and more people are focusing on the nature.现在越来越多的人关注自然。It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being.毫无疑问...

Hou Yi set guise Magic Power, by the respect and admiration of people, many of Chester Muming to Toushi learned. Treacherous Diaozuan, the intention unrighteousness Peng Meng also has come in mixed.Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful kind-hearted wife, named Chang'e. In addition to...


宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英文 -
泣泪如意: Help companies in marketing to use big data to reform and optimize their marketing mode, infusion based on big data for the enterprise marketing idea, let the enterprise form the era of big data of new marketing concept.

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英语
泣泪如意: Silently, like all like that time is quiet, quiet. The evening of my heart, and what is more quiet. Keyboard fingers parked in a fixed, only you

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英文
泣泪如意: Positioning 1.GPSone anti-theft campaign 2. Personal locator product range 3.GSM car alarm series 4. Software development and design

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英语一下,谢谢 -
泣泪如意: From now on, i will work hard to achieve my dreams, never regret.Dad and Mam, thank you for years'support , i'll try.

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译几个英语句子~(汉译英) -
泣泪如意: 展开全部1 Even without higher education, you can be the same person as the movie star Jackie Chan, or the successful businessmen like Bill Gates2 Although in some degree, the University contributes to the success, but not the decisive factors of ...

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译英语
泣泪如意: 1. Is my expression right? 2. I am having my first class today, please don't hesitate to give me advices and critiques. 3. I am so nervous. 4. I am always afraid of speaking in English, but I really want to learn it well. 5. I think you are an easy-going ...

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译为英文,急用
泣泪如意: In the empty times, take a look at some more about the English language movies and listening to audio tapes. English, the two familiar words so I am very troubled, there is taught from primary school onwards. I have always been good to learn it, the ...

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英语谢谢~ -
泣泪如意: 1 我最终认识到这件事为何非做不可.1 I finally understand why the matter to be done.2 看来他还未认识到有危险. 2 It seems that he has not yet recognized the danger.3 他把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆. 3 He put all his books are dedicated to the ...

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英文 -
泣泪如意: XX健康套装 XX Heath Care Suit可强化提升呼吸系统、免疫系统、循环系统It can strengthen our respiratory system,immune system and circulatory system.

宜君县18631262020: 麻烦帮忙翻译成英文啊!谢谢!越肉麻越好!呵呵 -
泣泪如意: Darling, Did you forget that, the first day I saw you, m...

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