
作者&投稿:苍幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"His father did not want to let him watch TV at night." "She tried a piece of clothing, but are not suitable items of clothing or her." "Warmer today than yesterday." "It's very fashionable clothes."

Shall we/Do we need to arrange desktops for 3 colleagues coming back from Tesco office?
give的感觉是送给人家 比较中式英语 其实原句的意思是给他们安排台式机
computers现在不太作为office用于了 多指大的那种 台式机现在多用desktop
开头处shall me or do we need to 都是可以的 看你和谁说这句话
如果是书面用或者对方职位高过你 最好用do we need to 这样正式一点
如果是同级同事间那shall we就可以了

付款方式 Terms of Payment

此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付
The total order amount is RMB50.000, the repairing fee will be payed under balance price.
Party A agrees to pay 30% of the total order amount to Party B within ten days since Party B entered into Party A's workshop and start the project.
Party A agrees to pay 30% of the total order amount to Party B within ten days since Party B finished the repairing for the second unit.
带检修工作完成后 甲方在十五天内付给乙方部分检修费用
Party A agrees to pay the part repairing fee to Party B within 15 days since Party B finished the repairing project.
合同总价的10%作为保证金 在检修工作完成后半年,如无质量问题 一次性付清 乙方向甲方提供相应数额发票
the amount of deposit shall be 10% of the total order amount.Party A agrees to pay off the total amount six mounths after the project completed and no quality problem caused during the six months. and Party B will offer the relevant invoice to Party A

合同总价的10%作为保证金 在检修工作完成后半年,如无质量问题 一次性付清-? 付清合同总价还是? 不明确

The Maintenance Engineering Maintenance 50,000 contract price after the completion of repair at a cost of the settlement payment

Party A Party B Maintenance personnel move in within 10 days after the contract price lump sum paid to the B 30%

The second question units within 10 days after the completion of maintenance paid to the B 30% of the total contract price

With repair work completed in 15 days Party A Party B of the maintenance costs paid
Payment = clearing price - 70% of the total contract price *

10% of the contract price as a deposit in the six months after the completion of repair work, such as quality issues with a one-time payment to Party A Party B to the corresponding amount of the invoice

The Maintenance Engineering Maintenance 50,000 contract price after the completion of repair at a cost of the settlement payment

Party A Party B Maintenance personnel move in within 10 days after the contract price lump sum paid to the B 30%

The second question units within 10 days after the completion of maintenance paid to the B 30% of the total contract price

With repair work completed in 15 days Party A Party B of the maintenance costs paid
Payment = clearing price - 70% of the total contract price *

10% of the contract price as a deposit in the six months after the completion of repair work, such as quality issues with a one-time payment to Party A Party B to the corresponding amount of the invoice


Party A agrees to pay 30% of the total order amount to Party B within ten days since Party B finished the repairing for the second unit.带检修工作完成后 甲方在十五天内付给乙方部分检修费用 付款金额=结算价-合同总价*70 Party A agrees to pay the part repairing fee to Party B ...

1.we confirm you that we will reply you a copy signed by courier soon 我方保证将尽快快递给你方一份签字的复印件。2. note that our DDU Price is valid for material invoiced on August\/08 and we will need to update material price as per LME Cooper Alloy and logistics prices for...

1 de l'accord pour le prix unitaire de l'accord, à l'aide de dollars comme monnaiede paiement Différends 2 dans le processus de mise en œuvre résultant de cet accord, les deux parties doivent résoudre par des négociations.Dans le conflit au cours de la période ...

卖家要赔偿损失,并且要进行货品替换。如果有一批寄出的货物与买家的订单不相符,买家要偿还所有损坏的剩余物的损失。--- 翻译完了,呵呵。这是我自己翻译的。希望对楼主有帮助。

1.3 如果卖主将被延迟在达到任一个交货计划保证由于(1) 不可抗力, (2) 买家的疏忽依从它的义务根据这个合同, 或(3) 任何延迟可归属对行动或买家的遗漏, 可适用的交货计划保证将由更改单延期期间不超出这样的期间延迟; 假设, 然而, 这样的延搁将被做的那没有除非卖主提供了一个书面通知因此对所...

问的是翻译,不是解释吧???按照顺序:18:Competitive Restriction provisions: Party A Party B in the left after years (maximum of three years) may not produce similar products or operating similar businesses a competitive relationship or other units interested in working, or their production...

双方签订有关取消或延迟履行合约的文件在本合约中是一个有效文件。5. 遇到经济纠纷, 经双方商议还未能解决的, 应透过法律解决, 采取的是基本的法律。八. 保险: 买方负责产品的保险。九. 其它未提及的:其它未在本合约提及的事件, 可以由双方商议. 商议后所签文件将被视为本合约的有效附件。合约一式...

英文合同翻译常见术语:IN CONSIDERATION OF(考虑到,以为约因)、WHEREAS (鉴于)、IN THE PRESENCE OF (见证人)、NOWTHEREFORE(特此、兹特)、NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS(兹特立约为据)。当接到一个英文合同翻译任务,这里一个herein,那里一个whereof,后面又来一个hereby,这些平时很少用到的词全集...

10.2 。由单方面决定,它须通知缔约另一方以书面形式至少六十( 60 )天提前到何时终止,是为了生效后,在没有使用这种终止发电有义务进行任何补偿或赔偿,对这个帐户。应合同所产生的接受这项提议被终止,分销商应立即终止使用该供应商的品牌,直到完全出售其库存。10.3同样,合同可以终止,当供应商是...

北仑区19193844528: 哪位朋友帮忙翻译一下合同中的几句话.急 谢谢The written form referred to in phrase 1 is granted by fax but not by email.Proportionality factor I =55% ... -
向溥硫酸:[答案] 第一段中的批准应以传真的书面形式做出,不得以电邮形式. 55%的替代比例. 自汽车生产日起算,24个月内出现大于3%的缺陷率,例如无连接或无信号,连接过程失败等,我们将不再区分是第二还是第三部分出现问题. 如果比例超出此限制,我将在...

北仑区19193844528: 请好心人帮忙翻译英文合同中的一段话,谢谢谢了Offeror, a single Shareholder, offers to sell all, or part of his shares. The offer is accepted timely by one ... -
向溥硫酸:[答案] 要约,一个单一股东,提供出售全部或部分的股份.提供及时接受一个要约,但不是所有Offerees .接受要约不同意在六十( 60 )天的时间限制购买所有提供股票.所有Offerees ,包括接受要约,有义务销售和要约也必须购买依照协...

北仑区19193844528: 请帮忙翻译一句合同中的话 -
向溥硫酸: 大概是:xx应当认真履行下列职责.

北仑区19193844528: 合同中的几句英文翻译( 外贸英语) -
向溥硫酸: T/T电汇.. 先付30%的预付款(300美金),尾款在货物到达船公司的仓库后付清.供应商收到尾款后同意运走货物.

北仑区19193844528: 求翻译合同中的一段话(英译中) -
向溥硫酸: 承包商未能遵守与索赔相关的本条款或另一条款的,任何延期和/或追加付款应考虑违约行为对索赔的适当调查造成的妨碍或损害程度(若有),除非索赔不包含在本条款第二项规定之内.

北仑区19193844528: 谁能帮忙翻译以下下面几句话(合同中的) -
向溥硫酸: 你好,很高兴为你翻译,但是这个文章缺乏上下文语境,我只能试试看了:1)涉及到的用语“包括”或是“其中包含”或是“特别指出”,仅代表修饰或强调的一种形式,而不应该理解为或是代表对前述文字的意思概括,应该为无限制的词汇.2)涉及到的协议或是文案,应该为不断更新修正的协议或文案,并且:3)在确定某一事件或是某一行动的发生日期时,此日期应该视作仅仅为该事件或行动发生时的日期.希望能够帮到你!如果不明白请再追问吧!

北仑区19193844528: 几句合同条款的翻译 -
向溥硫酸: 自己翻译的,大意没错,希望可以帮到你:1.9 This Agreement shall not constitute any party, the legal representative, partner or agent of the other parties or any of them nor (save as expressly provided in this Agreement) shall any party or any ...

北仑区19193844528: 经贸合同中的几句话,高分求翻译 -
向溥硫酸: 卖方需维护,赔偿,保护买方和他的员工,代理商,以及所有者不受伤害,而且要避免任何的损失,花费,损害,开支(包括代理人的花费和开支),索赔以及以下无论立场是否确定的法律诉讼,包括任何或者全部的个人伤害或死亡的争议,财产的损失或损害以及因为卖方违反了条款或合同中包括的任何事项而造成的特殊损害.买房没有成功的履行在合同中的他的责任或者,或者没有做合同里所说的事情,或者卖方在工作上的疏忽,或者他的员工,代理商,或转包商没有将合同里所要求的和他履行的进行联系.

北仑区19193844528: 一段合同上的文字,麻烦高手翻译下,急急!!1 -
向溥硫酸: Any notice, request or other communication shall be written in the English language, sent to the addresses stated on the first page of the Contract, and deemed to be duly given 任何布告(通知), 要求, 或其它任何沟通细节需用英语, 且发送到...

北仑区19193844528: 请帮忙翻译销售合同里的一句话不知道如何能流畅地翻译下面的话,谢谢“This contract is mutually on12/01/08 by and between the undersigned for the under - ... -
向溥硫酸:[答案] 以下签字双方于2008年1月12日就以下列货物达成协议,具体款项如下:

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