
作者&投稿:东郭弯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 鳄鱼表演快开始了,顺着地图,我们来到了鳄鱼表演场,我们三个走到座位上就坐下开始看鳄鱼表演了,3个泰国鳄鱼大师开始和鳄鱼玩耍了,第一个和美人鳄玩,亲嘴,当马骑……
2. 童年是一张地图,图中的一个个地点是我们欢乐的种子,带领我们穿过一个个“圣地”。童年是一支笔,笔中包含着一个个遐想,让我们轻轻写下。童年是一首歌,歌里有我们的幸福,使我温暖。快乐。
3. 祖国是什么?有人说,祖国是地图上那只高唱的雄鸡;有人说,祖国是各地上空飘扬的五星红旗;还有人说祖国是回响于四方的义勇军进行曲。
4. 我“噔噔噔”地跑回家,翻出小地图,用蜡笔把爸爸驻守的那个小岛涂得鲜红鲜红的。
5. 幸福,是两个人找遍地图上所有想去的地方,然后一起去。

1. 当我需要足够的光线去学习时,只要按一下开关,那柔和明亮的光线就照亮了整个房子。当我不注意时,把灯罩拨得太高了,台灯上警告灯就会变得红通通的,警告我不要把灯罩拨得太高,所以,我十分喜爱这盏小台灯。
2. 别厌恶你的职业,万一你对它有足够的动力与热心,即便再平常的职业,你也会化陈腐为神秘.
3. 如果一个人有足够的信念,他就能创造奇迹。
4. 你知道,只要你有足够的渴望,足够的自信,那就可以得到想要的一切。所以今晚,就在你临睡之前,把注意力全部集中在你最想从生活中得到的那件事上。坚信你可以得到它,看着自己正拥有它,感受着自己正使用它。
5. 没有足够的实力就不可能敢为天下先。
6. 你有足够的理由佩服每天早起的人,不信的话,你去做、做到后会发现有很多人佩服你呢。
7. 只要你坚持的时间足够长,在恐惧之中的某一时刻来到之后,恐惧就根本不再是极端的痛苦,而不过是一种十分讨厌、令人恼火的刺激。威廉·福克纳
8. 我们应该相信:提供一架足够长的梯子,我们都可以到达宇宙。这可以是一种生存的信念,或者作为我们一生奋斗的动力,都好。至少我们相信了,我们去做了,在路上了,最后肯定可以收获我们想要的生活。
9. 如果你变得足够强大,别人就无法拒绝你;如果你可以命令自己,困难就无法阻碍你……只要首先改变了你自己,你才能去改变你的世界,改变你的生活。

1.Mary is afaid of talking with strangers.
2.lily is a beautiful girl with long straight hair.
3.The bank is over there.
4.lily is more interesting in English.
5.As times goes on,people sure change .
6.She put check on students' homework.
7.He is ashamed of cheating his parents.
8.Bob is flying in an airplane to Paris.
9.I feel nervours when I speak in front of a group.
10.John is terrified of sleeping alone.
11.May used to go to school by car.
12.She is stll afraid of tiger even though it is in the cage.
13.He studyed hard in the past few years.
14.Bill always sleeps with the light on.
15.Mom worried about Tom's health.
16.Don't chew gum in the class.
17.You have so much time to do your homework.
18.Don't chat with others when the teacher is speaking.
19.I hardly ever sleep late.
20.He often misses the old days since he retired Last year.
21.Practice your oral English in the daily life.
22.He is a good student when he was in primary school.
23.It seems that a girl is dancing .
24.He is Stressed out.
25.The Bills move to other town last week.
26.Mike completed a task yesterday.
27.Monlly is a problem child.
28.Bill afforded to pay for the rent.
29.He studyed hard to do this.
30. Miss Wang is our head master.
31.The boy got into trouble with the police.
32.He lives in boarding school.
33.He is a boy as well as me.
34.To my surprise,Lee is the winner,
35. YOU are not a little girl any more.
36.I take pride in my motherland.
37.Please pay more attention to your study.
38.Liming is a top student in our school.
39.Please give up smoking.
40.The Summer Palace is a historical place.

1.My mum is good to me.我妈妈对我很好 。
2.Please add up these figures.请把这些数字加起来。
3.I did not go home until six o'clock.我六点才回家。
4.I get my pen repaired.我把我的钢笔修好了。

5.His words calm me down.他的话使我平静下来。
6.I have to finish my homework at first.我必须首先完成作业。
7.I am concerned about the basketball game.我很关心篮球比赛。
8.I will go on a holiday.我将去度假。
9.I ask XiaoMing to play basketball.我叫小明去打篮球。

10.I always take care of my dog.我经常照顾我的狗。

11.My mum pays for my toy.我妈妈给我的玩具付钱。

12.I take XiaoMing to the park.我把小明带到公园。
13.I will take an exam.我将参加考试。
14.XiaoMing cheated in the exam.小明考试作弊。
15.He should have finished his homeworks.他本应该做完他的作业。

Leading a healthy life is good to youngsters.
You can try to add these numbers up.
He had not understood these problems until he asked his classmates.
She went to the downtown and got her bicycle repaired.

The icy water calms him down.
I have to finish my homework in the afternoon.
They are concerned about the development of our nation.
It is very pleasant for us to go on holiday together.
She asked me to download TV series for her.
Teachers are responsible to take care of their students.
You have to pay for your fault.
/Your father pay your tuition for you.
My mother took me to park this Saturday.
All of us will take an exam this Monday.
Cheating in the exam is extremely shameful.
I should had my homework done this morning.


He is good to his parents.
You need add up these two numbers.
He is not happy until his mother comes.
You need get this bike repaired.
Workers are clam down the crazy person.
You have to go home after school.
You need be more concerned about your study.
I will go on holiday with my parents.

I have to go home now

I pay 15 yuan for the hat.

1.My mum is good to me.我妈妈对我很好 。2.Please add up these figures.请把这些数字加起来。3.I did not go home until six o'clock.我六点才回家。4.I get my pen repaired.我把我的钢笔修好了。5.His words calm me down.他的话使我平静下来。6.I have to finish my homework...

1、First of all, Tibet is a part of China.2、Tom's mother is mad at him for failing the exam.3、No matter where the Olymic flame passed on, Chinese are cheering up.4、I am supposed to get a good grade.5、Li Hua is good at playing basketball.6、Mike does well in fo...

用所给的短语造句。 一个短语造一个句子。。
1.I weave around the swarm of the press.2.The dancing is in keeping with the music.3.It is difficult for him to solve the problem.4.The woman escaped from the room sucessfully.5.The manager identifies himself with the workers.6. The culture appeals to the tourists.7. The...


6、Can you come along with us tomorrow?7、We anticipate a lot of snow this winter.8、I go to bank with by the way.9、You need to work out.10、If you make just one change in order to lose weight, this is it.11、Come closer so that I can see you.12、They die ...

1.Mary is afaid of talking with strangers.2.lily is a beautiful girl with long straight hair.3.The bank is over there.4.lily is more interesting in English.5.As times goes on,people sure change .6.She put check on students' homework.7.He is ashamed of cheating his ...

英语造句 每个短语造一个句子
许多人不同意。bove all, noise wants small.首先,噪声要小。Please add to my account.请记在我的账里。Come along with me.跟我来!As far as I am concerned.至少对我来说是这样。She sings as well as she plays.她唱得好,弹得也好。Die is as natural as living.生死自然之理。Two ...

1.We are supposed to be abosrbed in studying.(我们应该把心思集中在学习上)2.I stayed up last night.(我昨晚熬夜了)3.I can't wait to see her.(我迫不及待想看到她)4.The result is better than expected.(结果比预想的要好)5.Let's go out for a walk.(我们出去走走吧...

1.walk sb home 陪某人回家 i walk Mary home everyday 2.take the dog for a walk 遛狗 I take the dog for a walk everyday 3.take no notice of 不理睬 The driver took no notice of the policeman 4.make fun of doing sth (说下什么意思)取笑,捉弄 do not make fun of other...


赫山区17132445397: 用所给短语造句(每个短语造一个句子)超急~1.help yourself2.have to3.have a try4.in front of5.look at -
漕琼十八:[答案] 1 You should help yourself. 2 I have to go home now. 3 This apple is so sweet ,please have a try. 4 The bike is in front of the house. 5 Pleae look at this picture.

赫山区17132445397: 用所给的短语造句.一个短语造一个句子.【1】weave around根据.而写成【2】be in keeping with与.一致;与.协调【3】for sb对.而言【4】escape from从.中逃... -
漕琼十八:[答案] 1.I weave around the swarm of the press. 2.The dancing is in keeping with the music. 3.It is difficult for him to solve the problem. 4.The woman escaped from the room sucessfully. 5.The manager identifies himself with the workers. 6.The culture appeals to ...

赫山区17132445397: 用下列短语造10个句,一个短语一句话,简单点的句子be afraid of - -------------------------害怕 2 straight hair - ------------------------直发 3 over there--------------------------... -
漕琼十八:[答案] 1.Mary is afaid of talking with strangers. 2.lily is a beautiful girl with long straight hair. 3.The bank is over there. 4.lily is more interesting in English. 5.As times goes on,people sure change . 6.She put check on students' homework. 7.He is ashamed of ...

赫山区17132445397: 英语造句 每个短语造一个句子a couple of 几个 a number of许多above all首先、最重要的是 add to增加along with 与、、、一起 as...as同...一样as far as就...来... -
漕琼十八:[答案] There are a couple of possibilities.有很多种可能性A number of people disagreed.许多人不同意.bove all,noise wants small.首先,噪声要小.Please add to my account.请记在我的账里.Come along with me.跟我来!A...

赫山区17132445397: 初中英语五个简单的短语造句一个造两个句子哦1、give up2、give in3、make use of sth4、in ovder to do5、so as to do -
漕琼十八:[答案] 1,2.We can give in,but not give up. 3.We will make good use of our time.我们将好好利用我们的时间. 5.He study hard so as to get high mark.

赫山区17132445397: 英语造句 每个短语造一个句子 -
漕琼十八: There are a couple of possibilities.有很多种可能性 A number of people disagreed.许多人不同意.bove all, noise wants small.首先,噪声要小.Please add to my account.请记在我的账里.Come along with me.跟我来!As far as I am concerned....

赫山区17132445397: 英语达人请进,帮造几个句子.一共7个短语,每个帮造个句子,造得简单一点,要翻译成中文.1.run out of 2.make use of 3.account for 4.be in no position to do ... -
漕琼十八:[答案] We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood.我们的煤用光了,只好烧柴. You cannot predict tomorrow but you can make use of today.你不能预知明天,但是你可以利用今天. I can not account for his failure.我不能解释他为何失败. If we do not know the facts...

赫山区17132445397: 用一些短语造下句子..用以下的短语造句1.first of all首先 2.be mad at sb 对某人生气/恼火3.pass on传递 4.be supposed to .被期望或被要求.5.be good at.擅长.... -
漕琼十八:[答案] 1、First of all,Tibet is a part of China.2、Tom's mother is mad at him for failing the exam.3、No matter where the Olymic flame passed on,Chinese are cheering up.4、I am supposed to get a good grade.5...

赫山区17132445397: 谁能用这些短语造一些句子 要单个的一句
漕琼十八: Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your work.你检查作业时要当心拼写错误. Her hat is a creation that will never go out of style; it will just look ridiculous year after year. 她的帽子是一项决不会过时的创作,只不过看上去一年比一年...

赫山区17132445397: 英语造句,每一个短语造一个句子,中英文since then 自能以来keep in touch with 与.保持联系in the daytime 在白天keep ...off  使.不接近at the same time 同时 -
漕琼十八:[答案] I have never seen her again since then. please keep in touch with me. I usually do this job in the daytime. Keep the children off from the fire. She is doing her homework,at the same time she is listening to the music.

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