
作者&投稿:宥凭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1.walk sb home 陪某人回家
i walk Mary home everyday
2.take the dog for a walk 遛狗
I take the dog for a walk everyday
3.take no notice of 不理睬
The driver took no notice of the policeman
4.make fun of doing sth (说下什么意思)
do not make fun of other students
5.stay awake 保持清醒
when we have an exam, we must saty awake
6.not ... until..(说下意思)
he didn't go home until midnight
7.in one's power 处于..的控制
Hongkong was in Britain's power before 1997
8.have trouble with stn (说下意思)
i have trouble with english
9.it is believe that (后面接什么时态和句型?) 人们相信
it is believed that the earth is round
10.increase (说下什么意思)
the population of china is increasing every year
11.suffer from 遭受
Tht Sichuan people are suffering from the earthquake
12.get tired of 对...厌恶
I am tird of english.
13.pack up 打包
we must pack up at once
14.fall in love 相爱
they fall in love in the first sight
15.more ..than.. (说下什么意思)
he is more mad than stupid

1.I walked him home yesterday afternoon.
2.Would you like to take the dog for a walk ?
3.I have called him for several times but he took no notice of me.
4.You should make fun of learning English
make fun of doing sth 从……找到乐趣
5.I have lied in the bed for some time ,but stayed awake until the next morning.
7.The situation is in my power.
9.后接现在时态,是一个完整的句子。比如:It is belived that she will defeat the enemy.
11.I have suffered from him for long
12.I got tired of reading this tedious book
13.Packed all your things up for a new jounery.
14.Jim falled in love with the girl over there.

I often walk Jones home.
2 I am going to take the dog for a walk.
3 Do not try to take no notice of the fire alarm.
4 He always make fun of playing piano.他经常弹钢琴取乐
5 You should stay awake in work time.
6 The dog will not leave until you offer it a bone.你不给狗一块骨头,它是不会走的
7 The whole country is in his power
8 Do you have some trouble with your homework ?对....有问题
9 It is believed that the moon always travels round the earth.
10 The population of the wrld increaces every year. 增长
11 The poor man suffer from cold .
12 I am getting tired of cheating .
13 Please pack up these things .
14 Jack fell in love whith rose .
15 This tittle is more difficult than last one. 比。。。。。还。。。。。

1.I walked Amy home yesterday.
2.I ususlly take the dog for a walk after supper.
3.She takes no notice of me.
4.[make fun of doing sth.以…为乐]
I make fun of walking the dog.
5.I stayed awake until mom back home.
I don't sleep until mom back home.
7.My dog is in my power.
8.[have trouble with sth做某事有麻烦]
I have trouble with English.

1.my friend asked me to walk him home
2.hey,Jean!Could you please take the dog for a walk?
3.Don't take no notice of the new studient
4.I always make fun of playing guitar(以....为乐)
5 Please stay him awake before doctor arrive
6 I didn't finish my homework until today (直到...才)
7 The place was in the army's power
8 I usually have some trouble with my computer(....有故障,有问题)
9.It is believed that China is a great country(后面的从句是真理或是客观事实就用一般现在时,否则就用过去时)
10 The population of the world has increased to 6 billions in the past years (增长)
11 I was suffered from the headache
12 Lucy got tired of her new job
13.Hey,boy!please pack the food up
14 We fell in love two years ago
15 I think she was more confident than her sisiter(比...更)

1. After school,I walked her home yesterday.
2. This morning,I took my dog for a walk after breakfast.
3. Because of he haven't been apolagize,I took no notice of him from then on.
4.make fun of doing sth (取笑某事)
They made fun of selling nothing yesterday.
5.We should stay awake when we are in trouble.
6.not ... until..(直到...才...)
I didn't go to bed until my father back home.
7.The machine was in the scientists' power.
8.have trouble with sth ( 应付.做…有困难)
I have trouble with the developing project.
9.It is believe htat he were the richest person in the world.
The waters increased and bare up the ark.
11.My grandpa suffers from headache.
12.She got tired the job.
13.You should pack it up preparatory to sending it by post.
14.I fall in love with you.
This book seems to be more a manual than a text.


1.I'm crazy about watching TV.2.His behaviour changes my attitude towards him.3.She lacks sense of humour.4.These books rage from math to science.5.Above all, he is the most talent one.6.I don't have ability to make him laugh.7.As a matter of fact, he is my ...

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1.want sb to do sth I want you to clean my house.She wants him to kiss him.2.want to do sth I want to do my homework.He wants to kiss her.3.like doing sth I like playing football.She likes dancing.4.like to do sth She likes to eat hot food.I don't like to ...

Unit 1 wake up醒来 wander off 漫步 most of the time 大部分时间 either…or… 或……或……each other 互相 spend…(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事 be determined to do 决定做……think about 看法 for example 举例子 work out 得出;解决 argue for 为……辩护 argue with 与……争论\/...

15、你能有意识做的是应效仿他们的语言或使用相同的术语。 16、所以,他们需要创造一个新的术语。 17、你的律师可以用简单的英语跟你解释,但是有时一些法律术语仍然会涉及到。 18、为了方便起见,如在短语“治理机制”中一样,

欢声笑语怎么造句 欢声笑语造句举例

1 I like apple ,but I dot not like banans。翻译:我喜欢苹果,但是我不喜欢香蕉。2 Can I help you?翻译:有什么可以帮助你的吗?3 Do you want to be a doctor?翻译 :你想成为一个医生吗?4 I get up eraly。翻译:我起得早。5 My home is 2 kilometer from my ...

她静静的走了。8.春花秋月---体会到唐诗宋词的美,让我觉得古代的人们都生活在春花秋月之意境中。9.春来秋去---春来秋去,岁月流逝,不知不觉的中我们已经度过了十八个春秋。10.盈盈秋水---她的眼神饱含感情,如盈盈秋水,象秋天明净的水波一样明亮。sorry,只会造句,望采纳 ...

她静静的走了。 8.春花秋月---体会到唐诗宋词的美,让我觉得古代的人们都生活在春花秋月之意境中。9.春来秋去---春来秋去,岁月流逝,不知不觉的中我们已经度过了十八个春秋。10.盈盈秋水---她的眼神饱含感情,如盈盈秋水,象秋天明净的水波一样明亮。sorry,只会造句,望采纳 ...

用所给的短语造句。 一个短语造一个句子。。
1.I weave around the swarm of the press.2.The dancing is in keeping with the music.3.It is difficult for him to solve the problem.4.The woman escaped from the room sucessfully.5.The manager identifies himself with the workers.6. The culture appeals to the tourists.7. The...

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集顾福司:[答案] 1.walk sb home 陪某人回家 i walk Mary home everyday 2.take the dog for a walk 遛狗 I take the dog for a walk everyday 3.... 才. he didn't go home until midnight 7.in one's power 处于..的控制 Hongkong was in Britain's power before 1997 8.have trouble ...

松阳县19350231133: 高一英语短语造句 -
集顾福司: House in the area are built of sandstone .

松阳县19350231133: 英语造句,高一的短语,麻烦帮我造句!谢谢· -
集顾福司: 1.walk sb home 陪某人回家 i walk Mary home everyday 2.take the dog for a walk 遛狗 I take the dog for a walk everyday 3.take no notice of 不理睬 The driver took no notice of the policeman 4.make fun of doing sth (说下什么意思) 取笑,捉弄 do ...

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集顾福司: 您好!1.I am upset about(或at) my dog's death. 我对小狗的死去非常难过.2.Mary has got to go to work on Sunday due to the complex tasks. 因为复杂的任务,玛丽不得不在星期日去工作.3.He was not concern about the TV program at all. 他...

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集顾福司:[答案] Unit 1 wake up醒来 wander off 漫步 most of the time 大部分时间 either…or… 或……或…… each other 互相 spend…(in)... 安装/(抽象)建立 do some research 做研究 choose to do sth.宁愿、偏要、决定做某事 catch one's eye 引起某人的注意 care ...

松阳县19350231133: 高一英语短语造句. 每个短语造五句. -
集顾福司: 每个造五个句子太多了,每个短语造一个句子给你参考一下.也可以在有道上输入词组,有很多例句.The leader came up with a good idea to solve the problem.After making great efforts,John finally caught up with other classmates.We need to ...

松阳县19350231133: 高一英语造句 -
集顾福司: 1.During the day and never seem to have a never-ending. 2.By moonlight, I can see the broken cities of the iceberg. 3. Finally from the office of the building to rescue trapped out. 4. He was sent to inquire about the owner's name. 5. Not to damage ...

松阳县19350231133: 请大家分别用这些高一的英语短语造句谢谢了 -
集顾福司: “1.I insist on his innocence.---我坚持认为他是无辜的. 2.Many people were forced to stop over at the station because of the heavy snow.---由于下大雪,许多人被迫停留在车站里. 3.White hair is not a sign of wisdom, only age.---白发不都是智慧...

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