
作者&投稿:邰孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She had a fit of the giggles.她咯咯地笑了一阵。
You must break away from such bad habits.你必须革除这样的坏习惯。
Can the flower that break off still live again?折断的花还能再活吗?
The war broke out in 1964.战争于1964年爆发。
Having heard the news,we all burst out crying.听了那个消息,我们都突然哭了。
Whenever I write a poem these words always cross my mind.在我写诗的时候,这些话常闪掠过我的心头。
Sometimes the simple things will jump out at you.有时候,简单的事情突然来到你面前。
Thanks for picking me up on short notice.谢谢在很短的时间内接我。
When i popped out,they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl.当我出生时,他们最后决定他们想要一个女孩。
The wheat is beginning to spring up .小麦正开始迅速生长。


1、when he talk to me,his always have one’arms around./i have your arms around warm like fire.
2、Methods Check and deal with instrument.
3、My parents forbid me to play in the evening.
4、At least you should tell me your true situation.
5、The first youth was given by God; Second of the youth depends on one's own efforts.
6、Can you come along with us tomorrow?
7、We anticipate a lot of snow this winter.
8、I go to bank with by the way.
9、You need to work out.
10、If you make just one change in order to lose weight, this is it.
11、Come closer so that I can see you.
12、They die young well that live well.
13、The team worked hard to make the most of the data.
14、Maybe I can cheer you up with a joke.
15、I was fifteen, starting to put on weight.
16、It also can look over the attribute of the electronic file at any time .You can follow one's bent.It is unnecessary to be limited to the information age changing .
17、You should be ashamed of yourself.
18、Why Should Engineers and Scientists Be Worried About Color?
19、Believe in tenacious defence.
20、We have the same show great interest in computers.
21、I take away the things I need only.
22、But he said he could not rule out a recession.
23、Sky and sea make up of a harmonious picture.
24、You must sink your differences if you want to make much progress.
25、It takes much time to carry out a test.
26、Pick up the cup by the handle.
27、I feel that somebody run after us.
28、How do you draw this conclusion?
29、Let's play a joke on someone today.
30、You know we sell our tea according to our samples.
31、American woman to explore the outer space.
32、On average, I spend 100 on books each month.
33、I suggest doing it in a different way.
34、One should not take a negative attitude towards criticism and turn a deaf ear to other people's advice.
35、They hold meeting in secret.
36、Drink milk to have side effect more?
37、A difference not only now, Miliband says, but also in the long term.
38、He was ready in no time.

please tell me how can I get to the hospital.it sounds like it was raining outside.he explained it to me word by word.i think i have to drop some subjects to pass the exam.do you want to play on the scholl fields after lunch with me?

I prayed all the time.I tried to break out of that rule.进入:I saw him turn into the library. 转变:Tom turned failure into success.What do you think of the proposal that we should put on a play at the Englishevening ?

check with the coffee 请你把帐单连同咖啡一起送来给我好吗?I think it important for you to learn English.我认为你学英语很重要。Better is the wrong with sincerity, than the right with falsehood.真诚的错误,胜过虚假的正确。What 's the matter with your left hand?你左手怎么啦?

i hope to get good grade,.我希望可以拿好成绩。hundreds of students never have enough food.成百的学生 没有足够的食物。i want to join in the party.我想参加晚会 i finished my homework just now.我刚刚写完我的作业。please take him to the hospital right now.请立刻把他送去医院 i'...

After climbing hill, we stopped to have a rest.China is one of the biggest countries in the wrold

英语中some time,some times,sometimes,sometime 的中文意思。。。顺便...
(2)sometime也是副词,意思是“在某个时候”。可用于一般过去时与将来时。例如:You can hand in your homework sometime before Friday.你可以在周五前某个时候交作业。(3)some time是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”。例如:I'll be away for some time. 我将离开一段时间。(4)some ...

3. 短语动词把…抛在后面;超过 If a person, country, or organization is left behind, they remain at a lower level than others because they are not as quick at understanding things or developing.We're going to be left behind by the rest of the world...我们将被全世界甩在后面...

This thesis is very profound.这次选题很深刻。I have a sence there is danger here.我感到这里有危险。Our government should fuse with the normal people in our country.政府应该和普通人民融合在一起。My friend went away.Leave the good memories behind.我的朋友走了。留下了那些美好的回忆...

我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。 11.My teacher is very impressed. 给老师留下了深刻的印象。 12.She had trouble making complete sentences. 她很难造出完整的句子。 13.What do you think you are doing? 你在做什么? 14.Most people speak English as a second language. 英语对于大多数人来说是第二...

...在线等,速度。英语造句加汉语 九年级上英语造句: 用这些短语...
He used to go have a walk in the morning.他过去常常在早晨散会儿步。I am interested in math.我对数学很感兴趣。She takes an interest in English.她很喜欢英语。I am use to reading before sleeping.我习惯在睡前读会儿书。Tom regards Lucy as Lily.汤姆把露西当成了莉莉。The teacher ...

唐县15290027725: 请将这些英语短语各造一个句子1.be supposed to 2.stay up 3.can't wait to 4.than expected 5.go out 6.mix up 7.as though 8.like crasy 9.in the form of 10.act like ... -
笪曹卡力:[答案] 楼主,这是我自己的造句,希望能够帮行你!英语爱好者真诚为您解答!1.We are supposed to be abosrbed in studying.(我们应该把心思集中在学习上)2.I stayed up last night.(我昨晚熬夜了)3.I can't wait to see her....

唐县15290027725: 英语造句,每一个短语造一个句子 -
笪曹卡力: 你好,答案如下 My mother works as a nurse in this hostipal.I'm unaware of his presence.He is 30 now but he depends on his parents a lot.In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.A grand total of 28 women ...

唐县15290027725: 请把下列英语短语每个造一个句子warn basicpleas antmatch...withpop outdecide onplay againstbe differet from be used to do be ready todo one's voice -
笪曹卡力:[答案] They warn that the measure,if implemented in its current form,will cause shortages of basic items,such as bras,and hurt sales ... we are different from others Time is be used to do something valuable i am ready to do it 最后一个不会

唐县15290027725: 把这些英语短语造成句子,1.e - mail sb 给某人发邮件2.talk to sb about sth 关于某事和某人交谈3.prepare to do sth 准备做某事4.thank sb for 因为...5.invite sb ... -
笪曹卡力:[答案] He had e-mail Tom last week. Peter told to jack about his father. I perpare to do homework. thank my mother for my lunch Teacher invited us to her house.

唐县15290027725: 帮我把下面的英语短语各造句子一句!1.live in 2.a little 3.go to the movie 4.an action movie 5.on weekends 6.get to/up 7.beginning of 8.At the end of 9.arrive ... -
笪曹卡力:[答案] 1.i live in shanghai and never go outside it.2.can you give me a little more?3.i foten go to the movie at weekend.4.my favorite ...either on the right or left.18.go straight and you will see it's on your left.19.wish you have fun.=have a good time!20.please ...

唐县15290027725: 请大家帮我用这几个英语短语各造一个句子!! -
笪曹卡力: 1.I hit her in a fit of anger 2.Will we be able to break away from this vicious circle ?3.He would not break off negotiations by a sharp denial 4.They had to escape to America before the war broke out in 1939. 5.Instantly the girl saw her mother, she burst...

唐县15290027725: 请将这些英语短语各造一个句子1.have one's arms crossed 2.deal with3.forbid sb.to do sth.4.at least5.on one's own6.along with7.a lot of 8.by the way 9.work out... -
笪曹卡力:[答案] 1、when he talk to me,his always have one'arms around./i have your arms around warm like fire.2、Methods Check and deal with instrument.3、My parents forbid me to play in the evening.4、At least you ...

唐县15290027725: 英语造句题,请用下列短语各造一个句子:1、medical research2、be late for3、wear a tie4、worry about5、take a present能不能给个翻译? -
笪曹卡力:[答案] 1,He is doing medical research now.2,You are late for the meeting3,He wears a gray tie4,Mom is always worrying about her children.5,Congratulations!You can take a present !

唐县15290027725: 九个英文短语各造一个句子.1.have sth in mind2.beat it3.drop in(on)sb4.not...at all -
笪曹卡力: 1、you should have his good advice in mind. 2、Beat it ! I am angry now. 3、Why don't you drop in for a drink one evening?你哪天晚上过来喝一杯怎么样? 4、He's not looking at all well.他看上去气色一点都不好. 5、I pay a visit my friend every ...

唐县15290027725: 请帮忙用这些短语造句 -
笪曹卡力: For particulars apply to Mr. Brooker. 详情请向布鲁科先生询问 He applied himself to his new job. 他努力干好新的工作. He applied to police for a passport. 他向公安机关申请护照.

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