
作者&投稿:汗心 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Merry Christmas! Never thought this day last year can touch you, that day really very happy. I began to love this festival. Pray for this year can touch you, however, do not disturb is also my gentleness

Dumping on the ground (推荐你用dump,而不是litter the ground,因为国外基本都用no dumping)reflects out the problems that still exist in our educational system
This is a warning for global warming.
People around are hustling to buy salt.
I determine to focus more on study.
Number of graduates this year in our school has risen up to 400000.
The emission of carbon dioxide has occupied 2 percent in atmosphere.
We have gone into the information era.
I finished my homework with ease,
He paid for the coat without hesitation.
Undergraduates lack the pratical skill which make things done solely by hands

percentage completed游戏完成度
mission attempts任务进行次数
playing time游戏时间
day passed in game 游戏中已过去的天数
safehouse visits 进入藏身点的次数
rampages passed没玩过游戏不是很清楚,猜想是主角进入暴走状态的次数
hidden packages found 找到的隐藏物品
people you have wasted 杀死的人数
people wasted by others被别人杀死的人数
road vehicies destroyed 摧毁的路面载具数量
boat destroyed 摧毁的船只数量
planes helicopers destroyed 摧毁的直升飞机数量
tire ppoed with gunfire 单词拼错了吧,可能是说打坏的轮胎数量
total number of wanted stars attained 得到的通缉星级总数量
total number of wanted stars evaded 躲避掉的通缉星级总数量
times busted 被逮捕的次数
hospital visits 进入医院的次数
number of head shots 爆头的次数
daily police spending 平均每天用于贿赂警察的费用
criminals wasted 杀死的罪犯数量
kgs of explosives used 用掉的炸药量/千克
bullets fired 总共射出的子弹数
bullets that hit 集中目标的子弹数
accuracy 设计精确度
dist traveled on food (miles) 单词拼错了,food应该是foot,步行走过的路程/英里
dist traveled by car (miles) 开车走过的路程/英里
dist traveled by bike (miles) 起自行车走过的路程/英里
dist traveled by golf cart (miles) 开高尔夫车走过的路程/英里
dist traveled by helicopter (miles) 开直升飞机走过的路程/英里
total distance traveled (miles) 总共走过的路程/英里
MAX.INSANE jump dist (m) 疯狂跳的最大距离/米
MAX.INSANE jump height (m) 疯狂跳的最大高度/米
MAX.INSANE jump flips 疯狂跳次数
unique jumps completed 完成的超级跳次数
MAX.INSANE jump ratation 最大的疯狂跳旋转速度
best INSANE Stunt so far 目前为止最好的疯狂特技

NO INSANE Stunts completed 目前还没有完成过疯狂特技

Longest wheelie time (secs) 完成后轮平衡特技取得的最长时间/秒
Longest wheelie distance (m) 完成后轮平衡特技达到的最远距离/米
Longest stoppies time (sece) 不懂了
Longest stoppies distance (m) 也是不懂
Longest 2 wheels time (sece) 完成2轮平衡特技取得的最长时间/秒
Longest 2 wheels distance (m) 完成2轮平衡特技达到的最远距离/米
criminals kill on vigilante mission 在治安维持任务中杀死的罪犯树
highest vigilante mission level 完成的最难的治安维持任务
passenger dropped off 丢下的乘客数
cash made in taxi 开的士赚的现金
people save in on Ambulance 用救护车救过的人数
Highest paramedic mission level 完成的最难的医疗任务
total fires extinguished 扑灭的大火数
fire truck mission level 火焰卡车的任务级别
Assassination contract completed 完成的暗杀任务
flight hours 坐飞机的时间
fishes fed 喂养过的鱼的数量
sprayings 喷雾剂?
weapon Budget 购买武器的花费
fashion Budget 购买衣服的花费
property Budget 购买财产的花费
Auto repair and painting Budget 用于自动修理和上油漆的花费
property Destoryed 毁坏的财产
Highest media attention 取得的最高公众关注程度
CRiminal Rating 犯罪等级


我看了下 不难
是在太长了,没命拿你这个分啊 哈哈

1.I will go to work tomorrow.2.I am looking forward to your coming.3.Keep the meeting room tidy and clean 4.Please make the final decision before noon tomorrow .5. I hvae spent 4000 yuan on buying a mobile phone.

154.在我看来,真正幸福的人是那些身心都健康的人。154. It seems to me that truly happy people are those who are physically and mentally healthy person.155.我已经把我的简历寄往几家国外的公司,但尚未收到回复。155. I have sent my CV to several foreign companies, but has not yet...

1. I might be so foolish to fantasy some random impossible things.2. You are suddenly so close, yet so far away.3. I am very greedy that even my career of study got affected.4. Yet i am a very peacockery person, I never want to admit that 5. I know you will ...

1, jealousy is a knife, the last is not inserted in other people, is still running.2 Do not forget to stop and rest, others are still running.3, after passing some things people can see them shining, this is kind of lucky, but also kind of money to spend before the age...

1.Put the hand which is used to hold the gun on the camera, use first one hand and then the other in quick succession,record the precious moment.2.Maybe I am just a drop of water in the long river of history,but I will be clinging like the drop of water to seek for ...

不管怎样,我们都应该找到一个折中的办法。如果政府试图提高英语流畅度的计划威胁到马来语的存在,那么政府就要冒着在马来保守的政党的引起怒火的危险。但从影响这回发展计划的实用主义的观点来评判,过去的一些民族主义狂热份子开始放弃这种看法。5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though...

英语高手进 !!!翻译几个句子 翻译好的最佳分数!!!
1.在大多数情况下,交通事故都是由于司机的疏忽大意造成的 In most cases,many accidents are caused by driver's negelection 2.从某种意义上说,现在的学生对传统教育的方法的反应不佳 In a sense ,today's students haven't a great reflection to the traditional education.3.在有些山区,猎人...

1. 在城市找工作要比乡村更容易.It’s much easier to find a job in city than that in country.2. 有许多有趣的事情可做,有许多好玩的地方可以参观.There are many funny things to do as well as many amused places to visit.3. 如果你想放松,你可以去餐馆吃饭,可以参观博物馆,去电影院...

1 We must take advantage of this opportunity to improve our spoken English.2 As far as I know, the car accident was caused by the weather.3 The workers were all very much surprised at what the boss said.4 The students should take an active part in different activities of ...

at ease with安逸,舒适 beyond reach够不着 board the train乘火车 break into tears\\laughter 突然哭\/笑起来 give sb a lift让某人搭车, 帮某人忙 on guard against警惕(提防)keep company 结交(和...交往)last but not least最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)lose face丢脸 make a fuss over为....

市中区19450606436: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句句子!急!谢绝工具翻译者!1:不要在乎别人怎么议论你2:人生中,有那么几件事,是不能用眼睛来看的3:当局者迷,旁观者也... -
薛法碘克:[答案] 1.Don't care about what others say behind you. 2.There are some things in life that can't been seen with your eyes. 3.those closely involved cannot see clearly,and those not can not necessarily see clearly either.

市中区19450606436: 求英语高手用心达意的帮助翻译六个句子,十分十分感谢~~~~~Keep reminding yourself of your goals, keep telling yourself why exactly you're doing what you're ... -
薛法碘克:[答案] 保持目标感,不停的告诉自己为什么做这件事,这件事到底是个什么东西穿自己喜欢的衣服,化自己的妆.因为你的身体是属于你自己,你有权决定这一切.其他人无权过问如果J能够处理失去B ,并且可以看着他可A在一起.那么,你就可以做一切...

市中区19450606436: 高手翻译几个句子(英语),不要机翻哦 -
薛法碘克: 1. May I have an autograph picture of two of you?2. The hanging accessory inside of the envelope deliveries happiness.3. I wish you and your families all happiness.4. I wish you all take care of yourselves when working and study.希望以上回答对你有帮助

市中区19450606436: 急!!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子 -
薛法碘克: 个人觉得基本无误.The news that earthquake hit Sichuan shocked us.Though he cannot speak, he can make himself understood by means of gesture.Keep up your courage and you are certainly to be successful.

市中区19450606436: 求英语高手帮忙翻译以下句子,万分感谢. -
薛法碘克: 你在哪啊?我最最亲爱的老婆,为什么让我苦等了那么多年?我发誓,只要你不嫌弃我,我将用毕生精力去守护你直到永远.Where are you, my dear wife? Why did you let me wait for you for so many years?I swear to God, If you don't mind me, I will take care of you from now on until forever!很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!

市中区19450606436: 求英文高手帮我翻译几个句子~ -
薛法碘克: 1、Sacrifice my love2、Sacrifice the love of my dying

市中区19450606436: 求英语高手帮忙翻译下面的句子.《亲爱的—— 我知道, 你下个星期二将会回到美国,因为你的生日即将来临.那我就提前祝你生日快乐吧!在中国,我会说... -
薛法碘克:[答案] 《亲爱的——一定正确哦!"Dear --我知道,你下个星期二将会回到美国,因为你的生日即将来临.那我就提前祝你生日快乐吧!在中国,我会说祝您健康长寿,快乐每一天.你一定很期待回到你的家乡,见到你的家人,因为无论在世界的...

市中区19450606436: 求英语高手翻译如下句子:
薛法碘克: Merry Christmas. I never expected I could met you today of last year, which I really had a wonderful time. I began to love this day.~ I really miss you right now. However, no disturbing you is my gentle style. If, you still be there in 2 years, I will come back to meet you. 圣诞快乐.祝您好运.

市中区19450606436: 求高手翻译2个英语句子1、何苦呢?(何必呢?)2、如果是我的话,我也会这么做. -
薛法碘克:[答案] 1、Why bother? 2、If it was me,I would do it,too 第二个是如果是我,而不是如果我是你,楼下的 给个最佳吧!

市中区19450606436: 求高手帮我翻译以下几个英文句子
薛法碘克: 1,宗教自由,言论自由和新闻自由的代价是,我们必须忍受很多垃圾.2.如果我们的困难翻倍但不是翻两倍的话,我们的境况还是比地球上其他人要好.3.在一代人的时间里,我们从拒绝黑人在午餐柜台服务变成任命一名黑人担任国家的军事最高长官,并且他也被认为是总统的有力竞争者.(指鲍威尔吧)这是一个伟大的国家,我为自己是它的子民感到自豪.4.自由的作用是保证他人也自由.5美国是这样一个国家,在这里犹太商人可以出售禅珠给对圣诞持不可知论的人.6.我的生活就是我的信息.7.给我一个英雄的名字,我会为你写一出悲剧.8.一个人战胜了自己的欲望,他就是英雄.希望对你有所帮助.如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢您!

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