
作者&投稿:终郝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一点也不像 dosen't look like a little bit
与…相似 sth looks like sth
课外活动 after-school activities

1. A little penguin
2. Three shy of pandas
3. Four terror of tigers
4. Five friendly of elephants
5. Seven beautiful of giraffes
6. Eight cute of koalas
7. Nine smart of dolphins
8. ten ugly of lions

at ease with安逸,舒适
beyond reach够不着
board the train乘火车
break into tears\laughter 突然哭/笑起来
give sb a lift让某人搭车, 帮某人忙
on guard against警惕(提防)
keep company 结交(和...交往)
last but not least最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)
lose face丢脸
make a fuss over为...大惊小怪
make efforts努力
mind one's own business管好自己的事情,也可以说各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜
nothing but只不过,只有
nothing serious不要紧,没有什么要紧的
pass on to传递给
ring sb up打电话给某人
see to it that努力使
be sold out售完
strike the hour报时
take shelter躲避(寻求庇护
under the weather不舒服(身体不适)
wait in line排队等候
walks of life各行各业,各界

at ease with 舒适,自在
beyond reach 够不着
board the train 上火车
break into tears\laughter 突然大哭(笑)
give sb a lift 帮助某人
on guard against警惕 提防
keep company (with)与……为伍
last but not least最后也是最重要的是
lose face丢脸?
make a fuss over关爱备至,过分爱护
make efforts努力
mind one's own business管好自己的事
nothing but只是 仅仅
nothing serious没什么要紧的
pass on to(继续)往下传
ring sb up打电话给某人
see to it that确保 务使
be sold out售空 卖光
walks of life各行各业

其他的就不用了吧 很简单的

at ease with 对什么不在意
beyond reach 够不到
board the train 上火车
break into tears\laughter 大哭/笑起来
give sb a lift 让某人搭车, 帮某人忙
on guard against,对什么警戒,注意, 防范
keep company, 陪同, 结伴
last but not least,最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)
lose face,丢脸
make a fuss over,大惊小怪
make efforts,努力
mind one's own business, 管好你自己
nothing but, 只
nothing serious,没什么大不了
pass on to,传递
ring sb up, 给某人打电话
see to it that, 注意,务必,保证
be sold out,卖光了
strike the hour,生死时速
take shelter,躲避
under the weather,不舒服
wait in line, 排队等
walks of life 社会各界

让某人搭车, 帮某人忙,


at ease with安逸,舒适 beyond reach够不着 board the train乘火车 break into tears\\laughter 突然哭\/笑起来 give sb a lift让某人搭车, 帮某人忙 on guard against警惕(提防)keep company 结交(和...交往)last but not least最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)lose face丢脸 make a fuss over为....

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Hi! I'm a reporter from Lishui. Can I ask you a few questions?B:可以。sure A:请问你是在什么时候学习游泳的?Would you please tell me when you began to learn to swim?B:我5岁的时候。when I was five A:那你为什么会喜欢游泳呢?But why do you like swimming?B:因为游泳...

求超级高手音译 "xooye"这词.怎么翻译?100分..详情见...

Celebrating New Year's Eve, the old year is the last one night, not sleeping late at night to usher in the new year's arrival of a custom that is also called the New Year's Eve celebrating New Year's Eve. Common name to "endure for years." Explore the origins of this...

求英语超级高手翻译一段文字,100分,有追加。非常感谢 乱翻译的绕道
Though my English is poor grades, but I decided to use your best expression to apologize.Don't know if we were meant to be like this, every time is very fine beginning, but always because my brain problems cause relationship imbalance.All leaders are not in the afternoon, I ...

死神之眼:The eye of Azrael 或 Azraeleye 死亡之眼:the eye of death 或 Deatheye 加'S'表示大于1 由于Deatheye是 死神之眼 死神是有双眼的所以要加S,而 死亡之眼 一般是特指一只,所以不用加'S'.哈哈!很COOL的名词,我也想用哦,可以吗?

求超级高手音译 "xooye"这词.怎么翻译?100分..详情见...
Xerox “施乐”的发音是 ['zɪərɔks] ,因此,xooye 应接近 ['zu:ji:](注意,ye在老外看来不是“页”的音,而是“一”的音)你没说这个词的意思是什么,但因与互联网有关,还要记得住,不妨翻译成:足易 (浏览的过程似行路,你的脚步会很轻松惬意的)速易 (速度快...

一楼人工翻译的。这份是我自己翻译的,水平有限,如有出入,欢迎指教。Megamind is a ingenious alien. His hometown suffered from the black hole which forced his parents to sent him to the earth. Meanwhile, another infant form another planet falls into the Metro city as well. Yet they ...

新乐市15352717955: 求英语高手翻译几个短语..41.Get away with telling lies 48.Be in debt 4.Two fathoms deep 18.Earn o -
满胖利普: 41.Get away with telling lies(利用谎言侥幸逃脱) 48.Be in debt(负债) 4.Two fathoms deep (两英寻深)18.Earn one's passage(获得通过) 19.An unpaid hand(不拿报酬的人)51.as well as(也) 4.Great Lakes(北美五大湖)26.A wheat-growing province(种植小麦的省份)

新乐市15352717955: 求英语高手帮我翻译几个词组,不懂的不要瞎闹,我有用,是初二牛津版的,急!!
满胖利普: 1.唱得很动听sing beautifully 2.说话很轻柔speak softly 3.静悄悄地向观鸟地走去walk quietly towards the watching-bird place 4.大声谈论talk loudly 5.叫我们静下来ask us to keep quiet 6.有礼貌的和我们打招呼greet us politely 7.学会清晰地写一篇报道learn to write a report clearly 8.近距离看鸟watch birds closely 9.小心开车drive carefully 10.叫我们不要发出声音ask us to keep quiet

新乐市15352717955: 求英语高手翻译以下谚语和词组
满胖利普: 花钱如流水 有钱能使鬼推磨 笨人守不住钱. 省钱就是赚钱. 积少成多. 束紧腰带,节约度日 花钱如流水 付出很高价钱 或者 被勒索 的意思 收支平衡,量入为出 精打细算

新乐市15352717955: 英语翻译词组 求高手速度.
满胖利普: 1.Talented 2managed3of4 deliveries in 5, explain6 see 7inspired8's turn to9in the distance 望采纳

新乐市15352717955: 求英语高手.帮我翻译几个中文词组. -
满胖利普: 苍穹 welkin 火焰flame blaze flamboyance flare-up 黑色幽默black humor 寒冰cold ice

新乐市15352717955: 求英语高手翻译一个短语
满胖利普: disappear in a flash; vanish in a flash

新乐市15352717955: 英语高手帮忙翻译下词组 - ---(高一组)
满胖利普: 宝贝,我来回答啊. 1.The current situation 2.Mean 3.In Shakespeare's time 4.Ask for directions 5.Attend 6.Was about to close 7.Compare A to B 我的答案好吗?我们也是做这张试卷的

新乐市15352717955: 求高手翻译英语短语
满胖利普: Come about 发生 Many a quarrel has come about through a misunderstanding. 许多争执都是由于误会而产生的. come across 出现在脑海中, 留下印象 A good idea came across my mind. 我忽然想到一个好主意. come along 取得进展 I began ...

新乐市15352717955: 请英语高手帮忙翻译词组
满胖利普: Embroidery department(机绣部) Hand Ministry(手工部) Flower arrangement(排花) Parking area( 车位区) Cutting area(裁剪区) Plate area(制版区) 希望对你有帮助.

新乐市15352717955: 英语翻译在线等(求高手求速度) 要用到括号内的词组 -
满胖利普: 1.I soon got adjust to the life without parents university.2.Although our efforts to persuade him, he insisted on going.3.Can you see to sent it that the letter today? This letter is required before Thursday to headquarters.4.Students often complain that the...

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