
作者&投稿:伏罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

every 近义词 each 都是“每个”的意思
buy 反义词 sell "卖“
选择一:A 我们有很多帽子,你想要哪一个?
选择二:B like+doing 喜欢做某事,表示经常做的,like+to do 也可以,主要区别就是to do多强调偶尔一次的喜欢,句子中为every day,所以B最佳。

她要去火车站,是现在说将来的话,就用 is ,是现在说过去将来的话就用was
后面那句 可以啦,但一般都说 she is going to ,,,

My father told me that the moon was smaller than the earth.
主句是told 过去式,从句也用过去时态

You should get to the company at nine o'clock. (改为同义句)
You are supposed to get to the company ay nine o'clock.

She doesn't play computer games every day. I suppose.(合并为一句)
I don't suppose she play computer games every day.

He will never go to that strange place.
He won't go to that strange place either.

1.is 虽然父亲告诉我是在过去时,但他描述的是一个事实,所以要用一般时态
2.are supposed to
3.don't suppose ;plays
4.won't forever

英语问题提问如下:1、What can you tell me about yourself?翻译:你能介绍一下你自己吗?2、What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?翻译:毕业五年后你想做什么?3、What is your greatest strength?翻译:你最大的优点是什么?4、What is your greatest weakness?翻译:你...

01.Do you have your breakfast at home?是的,通常早上在家吃面条,偶尔吃些其它的。Yes, I do.I usually have noodles at home in the morning and occasionally something else.02.Who cooks the meals in your family?通常是我的母亲在家做饭,但我的父亲偶尔也会做饭。My mother usually d...

1. What do you usually do after school?2. What kind of food do you like best?3. Do you like listening to music?4. Who is your best friend(s)? And why you like playing or studying with him\/her?5. Which subject do you like to learn?

用英语问别人十个问题 不要那种太简单的 什么你叫什么名字你几岁之类...
Which subject do you prefer,English or Chinese?你喜欢哪门学科,英语还是汉语?Do you want to go travelling with your parents?你想和你父母一起去旅行吗?What is the date today?今天几号?

1:What is memory?how does it work?In my opinion, memory is just like making friends. When we are interested in something or someone , we hope to meet it or him a second time or more times, then we'll be its or his friend and keep it or him in our mind.2: What ...

1.Do you like ___A,skate B.skating 选B,like在这里是谓语动词,like+doing sth“喜欢做什么”翻译:你喜欢溜冰吗?2.What about something eat?改错 What about eating something ?what about +名词\/动名词 表示建议做什么 翻译:吃点东西吧?3.Who's the woman ___ blue?A.in ...

第一个问题 get to\/ got to 一般是说“一定要做什么”(通常用过去式got to,简写为gotta)、“准备做什么”、“在渐渐的做什么”1。 We gotta go to the concert.我们一定要去这个演唱会。2。 We get to know each other.我们开始(渐渐开始)了解对方。相当于一个及物动词的动介固定搭配,...

in half 表示“分为相等的两半”或“从中间破开”。本句中的in half 是saw the tree 的宾语补足语,即看到的这棵树呈现出“从中间裂开”的状态。3、Remember how Atlas is such acontrol freak.how 有以下三种功能:疑问副词:用来提出以什么方式、有多大范围,有多少数量,达到多深程度等问题。(...

1. He si sick."sick"在这里是"变态"的意思吗?答:差不多,如果你很讨厌某个人,就可以用这个。比如:这个人真够腻歪的。或者,这家伙真够讨厌的。2. paycheck \/pay 有什么区别,平时的工作薪金哪个更为地道呢?答:paycheck=paycheque. 和pay,salay,wage区别不大。不过salary和 paycheque 比较...

英语语法 There be 结构 there be句型有特点,主语放在be后边,多个主语并列时,be随最近主语变。变疑问很简单,把be提到there前。变否定也不难,be的后面not添。肯定句中用some, 疑问、否定any换。介词短语表地点,"有"表"存在"记心间。There be在主语前,have\/has在主语后。多个主语并列时,There be随...

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语小问题(很简单)1填空:Let us go in the evening.I - _____ - _______ - to go to a basketball match in the afternoon.Would you like to go with me?(... -
元谭血塞:[答案] am going we hope you will be here

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语小问题 -
元谭血塞: 你好,mango的复数既可以是mangos也可以是mangoes.1.没有正确答案.heavy 的比较级是heavier ,前面可以加修饰词much ,even,a lot 等,但是不能加more ,也不能加many.2.A 固定句型Thank you for doing sth.希望能帮到你,祝你开心.

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语问题~~~1、它离我家有一公里远. 翻译成英语一共有哪几种表达方式?2、我们看见许多我们以前从没有看到过的图片. 翻译成英语3、博物馆里挤满... -
元谭血塞:[答案] It is one kilometer from my home.We see(saw) lots of pictures we haven't(hadn't) seen before.后面一句我觉得这里的包括应该用including更好.这样的话句子就是The museun is full of people,including workmen ...

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语小问题(很简单)1翻译句子他有一个大家庭He___ - ____a - ___ - _____.我们冰箱里有鸡肉吗?没有.____ - we - ___ - _____ - ______in our - ____... -
元谭血塞:[答案] he is in a big family Do we have any chicken in our fridge i like eating meat.my father likes drinking tea.

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语问题
元谭血塞: 1 changes her a lot. 2 个人觉得不可以 on one's way (to )本来就是“去(某地)”的意思,不需要再加上go to,是累赘.譬如on one's way home, on one's way to school. 3 ask classmates some questions concerning how to acheive good results ...

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语小问题 -
元谭血塞: 选A look是感官动词,后面要加形容词 选B rainy是下雨的形容词,要说今天是下雨天得加冠词, is raining 是说今天正在下雨 选A 主语是人 人感到兴奋用ed的形式,ing 形式是说什么事情令人兴奋的,可以这么记主语是人用ed,,主语是物用ing

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语小问题注意!!我要的是对于这几个问题的回答! 必须是英文!非常简单的回答不给分! 1 - 2句话就可以 1.What should be the major concerns of a ... -
元谭血塞:[答案] 1,There is no doubt that,when asking about the significant concerts of a company,cooperation becomes the most essential factor in my point of view, 2,It's a complex issue,i am more incline to say ...

孟州市19189105249: 求教几个英语问题,非常急! -
元谭血塞: 1.不能,因为of后要用动词ing,与前面的动词walk相对应 2.不能,语法上是没错的,但在这个句子里面是错的. 3.能 4.能 5.因为return是归还,reply是回复.

孟州市19189105249: 几个英语问题,英语好的进1、Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句)2、That black box is small.(用big改为选择疑问句)3、We can buy these socks... -
元谭血塞:[答案] 1、Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句) Ann doesn't do her homework today. 2、That black box is small.(用big改为选择疑问句) Is that black box small or big? 3、We can buy these socks in the shop.(in the shop下画线)(对画线部分提问...

孟州市19189105249: 我想向大家请教几个英语问题1,We seemed to be able to see for miles.我们似乎能看到几百里以外的地方.请问这样翻译对吗?2.以下翻译是否有误:What is ... -
元谭血塞:[答案]我们似乎可以看到很远.for miles 意思是“好远好远”,不能简单的翻译为“几百里以外”. (1)未来的天气情况怎么样? (2)今天你感觉怎么样? 可以,To look places to hide,Mice ran out of the fields . (1)你有这种感觉持续多久了? (2)The largest...


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