
作者&投稿:路孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

因为beef和pork是两种东西啊 所以both之后就用复数 如果前面用none any 或者表示两者之一的词 就用单数
因为前面问你is it是一般疑问句所以必须用yes 或no 来回答 意思是对Jack来说数学很难,对吧----不是的 他的数学比我们想象的要好的多
因为bread不可数 如果可数就用nothing
do you mind my...是一个固定句式

traffic 是指交通,如traffic jam 就是指交通拥挤。又如:There is too much traffic on the road. 这条路上行人车辆太多了。
Police control the traffic in large cities. 在大城市里,警察控制交通。
还可表示“交通行列;交通量”如Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour. 高峰时间交通十分繁忙passenger traffic 就是客流量。 transport既可以作动词,也可以作名词。是“运送,运输,搬运”的意思。The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air. 货物将空运到东京The machines are ready for transport. 机器待运。
在英式英语中还表示“交通工具”。如It is easier to travel if you have your own transport.
如果你自己有交通工具,旅行起来就方便多了。 还可表示“交通运输系统”The city must improve its public transport. 该城必须改善其公共交通系统。 以上traffic和transport都是不可数名词。而vehicle是可数名词,作“运载工具;车辆;飞行器;航天器
”解。The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. 运载火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道。 No vehicles are permitted into the park.公园内禁止任何车辆进入。引申为“传播媒介;工具,手段”如Language is the vehicle of thought. 语言是表达思想的工具。

1、other 怎么有人读作鸥了,这是什么现象?

  第一次听说怎么读,有可能是方言区的缘故无论是英音还是美音,辅音-n, -m,-v 和 -ther 前的元音字母o,多读作 / ʌ /,如 none, come,love, mother 等。

2.in half不懂:they sawthe tree in half. Inside the tree, encased in glass is the card with signature.他们看到树中心有一条缝隙,缝中有一个玻璃罐镶嵌着那张签过名的卡片

  in half 表示“分为相等的两半”或“从中间破开”。

  本句中的in half 是saw the tree 的宾语补足语,即看到的这棵树呈现出“从中间裂开”的状态。

3、Remember how Atlas is such acontrol freak.

  how 有以下三种功能:

  • 疑问副词:用来提出以什么方式、有多大范围,有多少数量,达到多深程度等问题。(例句略)

  • 连接副词:用来引导名词性从句和不定式短语,如:

    I asked how he was getting on. 我问他近来怎么样。

    I toldher how to find me. 我告诉她怎样才能找到我。

  • 感叹副词:在感叹句中修饰形容词、副词或动词,如:

    How hard he works! 他工作多努力呀!

    How kind of you to help! 多亏有你的帮助哇!

    How he wished he had been there! 他多么希望到过那里呀!


  • 主句:Remember

  • 宾语从句:how Atlas is such a controlfreak 【how 是引导从句的连接副词,】


  such 有三种词性

  • 副词:出现在冠词或形容词前,含“达到了极端的程度”的意思,表示“如此地/这般地”。如:

    such a long time 那么长的时间

    such tall buildings 那么高的建筑物

  • 形容词:直接修饰名词,如:

    One such dictionary is enough. 这样的字典有一本就够了。

    We are not such fools as to believe him. 我们不是那样的蠢人, 竟会相信他。

  • 不定代词:指代“这样的人”或“如此的事物”,如:

  such as have erred 犯过错误的那些人

  such being the case 情况既然如此

4、This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignoreit。

  用作表语的“of  + 名词”相当于形容词的功能,表示“…的(人或事物)”。thatwe could not afford to ignore it 是用来具体说明importance 的同位语从句。


第一个读e de(额的,e声音往下)
第二个是一半,half past eight就是8点半


2.in half:一般

  1. 是读错了的现象

  2. 分成2半

  1. o读作啊,th咬舌,er读作尔(一声)。

  2. 一半 他们看到一半的树。在树中,包裹着玻璃与签名卡。



1、They are fishermen,and they are...now(fishing).他们是渔夫,现在正在打渔。(这道题应该是考fish这个单词的用法)2、Lilei, there is someone in the office_ would like to speak with you.A.who B.which C.whom D.whose 答案:A。考察定语从句,主句为:Lilei, there is ...

三、问题中的两个句子分属上述两种情况中的一种。1、He sat there smiling.——句中的现在分词 smiling 是 He sat there 这个行为的陪衬行为,因此,它是伴随状语。2、As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country.——这个句子是由主动语态 someone had reported no pumas...

question 和 problem 都可以。但含义不同。question 指文科、社会科学的“问题”。prolem 指理工科的“题目”,还泛指一切让人感到困惑的“难题”。

1What will you do this weekend?这个周末你要干什么?2What shall you do this noon?这个中午你要干什么?3What is he going to do this morning?这个早晨他要干什么?4What will she do tomorrow afternoon?明天中午她要干什么?5What will he do next weekend?下个周末他要干什么?6What is...

this is a book. 这是一本书。 重音在 书 上。强调类别 。言外之意 ,不是别的东西 而是书。book是可数名词 单数 不能单独存在 前面必须有 限定词 也就是 必须有物主代词或指示代词或冠词 第二个问题 about you 是介词短语 作状语 本句语法分析 有两种方法 都对 1We是主语 were tal...

miles long 度量two hundred miles + 形容词long 2. eight meters wide。 度量eight meters + 形容词wide 小结:都是 “度量 + 形容词”三、问题分析:I am ten years old. 其中表语是ten years old.其结构是:度量ten years + 形容词old 四、结论:属于第二类(old当然是名词)...

1,half past seven 一般来讲,可以说差几分钟八点,比如five to eight,但是不说差半小时八点,在汉语里也没有这种说法。2,that is very kind of you:你真是太好了 3,it doesn't matter ,that is all right 4,all right:行,好,不错 that is all right:没关系,不客气 5,...

will try my best to figure all things out for you. Trust me.8.What is your rule in class, I mean, what are we doing in your class to touch your satisfaction? I just want to do the best I can, learn as much as I can , in your class.哥们,将就一下吧...8个。....

1.I think Hong Kong is beautiful这一句是正确的,但并不是双谓语,而是think后带了个宾语从句,省略了连接词that,完整的说法是I think that Hong Kong is beautiful.2.You are study English这句话错误。正确说法是You are studying English,因为英语单个句子中不能有两个谓语。3.所谓的使役动词...

几个英语小问题 每个用2 3句话回答就行
What is the difference between toys in the past and now?回答:The most difference I think is complexity level.Some toys even adults can't play well.Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good?回答:Of course it's good.The creativity can lead to innovation.What is ...

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语小问题(很简单)1填空:Let us go in the evening.I - _____ - _______ - to go to a basketball match in the afternoon.Would you like to go with me?(... -
除郎复方:[答案] am going we hope you will be here

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语小问题 -
除郎复方: 你好,mango的复数既可以是mangos也可以是mangoes.1.没有正确答案.heavy 的比较级是heavier ,前面可以加修饰词much ,even,a lot 等,但是不能加more ,也不能加many.2.A 固定句型Thank you for doing sth.希望能帮到你,祝你开心.

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语问题~~~1、它离我家有一公里远. 翻译成英语一共有哪几种表达方式?2、我们看见许多我们以前从没有看到过的图片. 翻译成英语3、博物馆里挤满... -
除郎复方:[答案] It is one kilometer from my home.We see(saw) lots of pictures we haven't(hadn't) seen before.后面一句我觉得这里的包括应该用including更好.这样的话句子就是The museun is full of people,including workmen ...

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语小问题(很简单)1翻译句子他有一个大家庭He___ - ____a - ___ - _____.我们冰箱里有鸡肉吗?没有.____ - we - ___ - _____ - ______in our - ____... -
除郎复方:[答案] he is in a big family Do we have any chicken in our fridge i like eating meat.my father likes drinking tea.

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语问题
除郎复方: 1 changes her a lot. 2 个人觉得不可以 on one's way (to )本来就是“去(某地)”的意思,不需要再加上go to,是累赘.譬如on one's way home, on one's way to school. 3 ask classmates some questions concerning how to acheive good results ...

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语小问题 -
除郎复方: 选A look是感官动词,后面要加形容词 选B rainy是下雨的形容词,要说今天是下雨天得加冠词, is raining 是说今天正在下雨 选A 主语是人 人感到兴奋用ed的形式,ing 形式是说什么事情令人兴奋的,可以这么记主语是人用ed,,主语是物用ing

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语小问题注意!!我要的是对于这几个问题的回答! 必须是英文!非常简单的回答不给分! 1 - 2句话就可以 1.What should be the major concerns of a ... -
除郎复方:[答案] 1,There is no doubt that,when asking about the significant concerts of a company,cooperation becomes the most essential factor in my point of view, 2,It's a complex issue,i am more incline to say ...

黄岛区15382073936: 求教几个英语问题,非常急! -
除郎复方: 1.不能,因为of后要用动词ing,与前面的动词walk相对应 2.不能,语法上是没错的,但在这个句子里面是错的. 3.能 4.能 5.因为return是归还,reply是回复.

黄岛区15382073936: 几个英语问题,英语好的进1、Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句)2、That black box is small.(用big改为选择疑问句)3、We can buy these socks... -
除郎复方:[答案] 1、Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句) Ann doesn't do her homework today. 2、That black box is small.(用big改为选择疑问句) Is that black box small or big? 3、We can buy these socks in the shop.(in the shop下画线)(对画线部分提问...

黄岛区15382073936: 我想向大家请教几个英语问题1,We seemed to be able to see for miles.我们似乎能看到几百里以外的地方.请问这样翻译对吗?2.以下翻译是否有误:What is ... -
除郎复方:[答案]我们似乎可以看到很远.for miles 意思是“好远好远”,不能简单的翻译为“几百里以外”. (1)未来的天气情况怎么样? (2)今天你感觉怎么样? 可以,To look places to hide,Mice ran out of the fields . (1)你有这种感觉持续多久了? (2)The largest...

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