
作者&投稿:广德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英语高手翻译 要人工 急~

肿瘤坏死因子(肿瘤坏死因子-α)是一个强有力的促炎性细胞因子,抑制成骨细胞分化而刺激破骨细胞分化和骨吸收。肿瘤坏死因子-α激活地图激酶途径导致抑制机制(上)的表达。肿瘤坏死因子-α也诱导表达的差异蛋白和泛素连接酶Smur f2smurf1和促进退化过程中,另一个关键转录因子调节成骨细胞分化和骨形成。我们发现以前的过度糖皮质激素(气相色谱)诱导的亮氨酸拉链(gilz)增强成骨分化的骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)。我们和其他人也表明,gilz是气相色谱效应和介导气相色谱的抗炎活性。在这项研究中,我们问是否gilz保留其成骨活性而起抗炎介质。为了解决这个问题,我们感染小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞与逆转录病毒表达gilz诱导成骨分化的存在或不存在的肿瘤坏死因子-α。我们的结果表明,过度gilz拮抗抑制肿瘤坏死因子的影响-α硕士成骨分化和基因和蛋白表达的文件和中,关键的成骨监管。进一步的研究表明,这些敌对行动发生通过机制涉及gilz抑制肿瘤坏死因子α诱导激酶的激酶激活和蛋白质降解。这些结果表明,gilz可能有治疗潜力作为一种新的抗炎治疗。



The "Post-80s", a generation that was born in 1980s, is a group which enjoys a rapid growth and an amazing consumption potential. They are representing the consumption value of China's new generation. What is more, the unique life background makes them have a different consumpiton behavior and habit from those of the older generations. The "Post-80s" has a brand new life idea and consumerpsychology and it will be the main force of future consumption. This paper will have an indepth analysis on the consumption behavior and consumerpsychology, which will exert great importance on the understanding of consumption trend in Chinses society, the grasping of consuming market and the making of right and effective sales stradegies.
Key words: "Post-80s" consumption behavior consumerpsychology sales stradegies

abstract: The post-80 generation, refers to the group of people who were born in the 1980s, now have rapidly grown up, and have stunning comsumption potentials. they represent the comsumption idea of a new generation. their unique living backgroud determines that they'll have a brand-new life idea and viewpoint on comsumption and that they are the main force in future comsumption. the article will probe into their comsumption behavior and mental characteristics

Abstract:As a generation who was born after 1980s,the "80s generation" is a growing group with astonishing consumption potential,which represents the new generation of consumption consciousness in China.With brand-new living concepts and consumption psychology,their consumption activity and customs are quite different from their predecessors based on their unique living backgrounds,and they also have become the main consumption group.This paper will further look into and analyse the consumption activities and psychological characteristics of 80s generation.It will be helpful to understand the Chinese society's consumption trends and grasp such a consumption market with great potential,through which the most correct and effective marketing strategy can be achieved.



1.When it comes to important plant flower is the Phalaenopsis, the first thought in my mind, which had to be traced back to an unforgettable experience. It was a sunny afternoon, a time when the spring, I am about my best friend Wang Li went to Xing Qing Park to see the...

从来没有人像我这样爱你。Never have anyone loved you like me.你感觉到了吗?Can you feel it?我的真心,你感受到了吗?My heart and feelings, are you feeling it?(我的心和感觉)我对你的爱是那么的强烈。My love is so strong.(我的爱是那麼的强)可我知道,我们没有未来,我们没有...

...M HOANG 越南人在美国出生,求高手翻译为中文,姓氏叫什么也可以,谢...
HOANG---这明显是越南黄姓 Huàng HAI ---海 就可以了。Hải M---这只是一个字母,单个辅音不成词 你检查看看是否漏写了字母。

Would you please speak English?Why do you still talk to me in Chinese?I don't want to hear any Chinese when you are talking with me.I can accept the communication problem caused by my English level with you , but I don't want to make you speak Chinese with me.I can't...

...但是对于我而言,你却是整个世界。 求高手来翻译
对于这个世界而言,你只是一个人,但是对于我而言,你却是整个世界。To the world, you are just one person, but to me, you are the whole world.

求高手翻译 never be a right time 的歌词 要求中英文穿插,机器翻译绕 ...
This is stressing me,我开始感到煎熬 It's really beginning to get to me,我真的开始感受到 You've always been the best to me,你一直都是最适合我的那个 An I've never given you any less of me,我给你的从未少于别人 You never been in a negative energy,你从来都没有负能量 Stress...


日本では、多くの人々は猫およびマット好むが、および犬の比较が、からの多くの人々より少し総感情的な猫をなぜ见るか私は知らない。 これはなぜあるべきであるか。 1つの主因は猫のためにおそらくそうなったものであり、猫の自然な本能は棒によって决定される。 猫は日本の生命の...

Whoever falls in love with you is doomed to be a humble person.希望对你有帮助。

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独孤枯凯济: 我们正要找你们呢,正好你们都在.I'm about to looking for you, you're all right here.明天下午没课,咱们一起去逛街吧.There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?好的,这是好主意,OK, it's a good idea 不过,还是让我们先看一下天气预告吧.However, let's see the weather forecast first.

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独孤枯凯济: A large number of domestic and international mark, satisfied customers will give the company revenue growth and cost savings. To customer satisfaction for service quality assessment, management will not only focus on service process and ...

西藏自治区18637789093: 现小人急求各位英语高手翻译下面句子,要求:请尽量使用多组词组翻译,如果能更好的就翻译为从句但一定一定是要 纯人工 翻译的1.为更好地利用学习资... -
独孤枯凯济:[答案] In order to make better use of study materials,we advocate that students of Senior Grade Three donate the books,newspaper and magazines which were used to jonior students before graduation.Through the activity ,friendship can be promoted and the ...

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独孤枯凯济: People all live on the earth. There are alway communications between people, which results in all kinds of interpersonal relationship. And when people get along well with others, friendship occures.Because of friendship, people help each other; ...

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独孤枯凯济: 1.我们停下来在一家 乡村小酒馆吃午饭. We stopped and had lunch at a village inn. 2.(你)车开得这么快是危险的. It's very dangerous for you to drive so fast. 3.他解出这道数学题是不可能的. It's impossible for him to solve the math ...

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独孤枯凯济: 布朗先生是我一个朋友,他跑得很快而且也喜欢向别人炫耀他跑得有多快.一天,一个小偷进了他房子里,拿了他一些东西然后很快地跑出房子.布朗先生发现了,一边追着这个小偷,一边大喊:“嘿!难道你不知道你是没有办法从我这里逃跑吗?” 但是,小偷加快速度往前冲,布朗先生生气了,跑得更快了.他一会儿就跑离了他房子几公里远.我遇到他的时候,他正在艰苦跑步.我问他:“你干嘛跑这么快?”他说:“我要抓个小偷”我又问:“但是那个小偷呢?”布朗先生自豪地说:“他落后我几公里呢!他以为他能跑得比我快,不过你看,他错了.”

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独孤枯凯济: 可以度娘译云找翻译APP.除了常规的在线机器翻译外,主要就是有很多各种语种顶目的在线译员提供人工翻译售服,你可以根据翻译需求或者距离远近随意挑选,就像滴滴打车一样.

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独孤枯凯济: 1 Please (don't) turn on the radio, OK?2 What's the price of it? (How much does it does sell at?)3 How I wish that I can fly to the moon one day.4 Th...

西藏自治区18637789093: 求英文高手帮翻译以下这段话,一定要人工翻译!谢谢 -
独孤枯凯济: 标题:致即将分别的同事 很开心在这个酷热的六月和大家在这里相识,我知道你们大部分都是在校的学生,而且成绩出类拔萃;都是很懂事的孩子,懂的利用假期来赚取自己的学费,我很欣赏你们.到现在已经和你们相处了差不多两个月的时间...

西藏自治区18637789093: 求英语高手帮忙人工翻译下!急,急,急!!!!(人工翻译啊!) -
独孤枯凯济: 1.IPQCs true up,then survey and record when they survey the cupreous ply. 2.Take off the blooey probe(Two probe are unaided and they can survey synchronously).

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