
作者&投稿:乾浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My ideal career
Everyone in childhood can have his ambition, but mostly unrealistic illusion, when I was a child also wanted to be a teacher, the doctor, and even scientists, but along with the growth of the age, the changes of things around, my ideal is changing,too.
The time of studying in the junior high school, I want to be a construction engineers, to use my own hands and draws out the building structure, however,constant in high school sports scores more prominent, became a sport man can hold a opportunity to sports college, and then a strong desire passed was to become a doctor, because I can not only face to face with player which I like a lot but also have a plenty of chances to go out , and go with the likes of athletes that personality, so that should be very harmonious working environment, but the university’s entrance exam defeated so that have to be a accounting, this is not my interest, just for parents and the forms of employment , when the dream of a team doctor has been impossible I live without a goal after once, I don’t kown if it depends on the depressing environment,which makes me pressing .So I want to live another life of freedom, I began to make great interest in director, producer or advertising creative class career, because this kind of profession is free, do not allow formal rules, and it also can be in touch more fresh things, to different places, which according to my wishes. Although this desire is unlikely to achieve, but it also can be a kind of boring life as a flavoring, to know more about this kind of thing in usual.
Although it is not my interest what I learned, but whether I would have been in accounting for professional in my lifetime, or it is just a springboard in my career, I should be seriousto face it, after all, the knowledge is not a bad thing.
累死了 真郁闷 我还只是初二学生啊 不过应该差不多了 至少态度到了 时态自己再注意下 就这样了


1.When it comes to important plant flower is the Phalaenopsis, the first thought in my mind, which had to be traced back to an unforgettable experience. It was a sunny afternoon, a time when the spring, I am about my best friend Wang Li went to Xing Qing Park to see the flower show, Xingqing Park is located opposite Jiaotong University North Gate, it is very large, and there is a man-made lake, garden, a rockery. That flower show was held in the garden, I think that the flower show is the most species, the most beautiful flowers open. She and I stood among the flowers, enjoying the colorful and beautiful flowers, I think It's like the garden of my dreams, when both of us saw the butterfly orchid, are gorgeous to fascinated. Among the many flowers, he was so special. Because of its shape like a butterfly, so he was named Phalaenopsis. I know it is the inside favorite flower, she said: "If someone can send me a pot of Phalaenopsis birthday like" I remember her words. She and I grew up is very good friends, although she is a girl, but both of us can talk about anything, from life to learning, she gave me a lot of help, so I want to thank her for her little desire so on her birthday, I take a pot of bright Phalaenopsis gave her, he was very happy. I thought maybe that is the best gift for her, which also represents the most pure friendship between us.

2.I want to say is my father, my father, he is a soldier, a hard life in the army and strict military management of the achievements he became a polite, talkative, responsible man. I really like to talk to my dad, because of his sense of humor and he always made me understand some of the truth in life, of course, he, too, I have very strict requirements, both from life and learning; etiquette courtesy stringent requirements. He always asked my performance in a public place polite, decent and generous, because I think he is such a person. I remember one time, it was in my grandmother's birthday dinner, then dinner at my house that afternoon, I just go out with friends I was expecting him to play basketball, my father called to tell me to come back before seven to celebrate my grandmother birthday, and I agreed. Seven dinner officially began. But because of how old I am a basketball back seven fifteen, I thought it was only late will not have any effect, but I never thought when I get home to see family are waiting for I, I am a little embarrassed, and father in front of the family's accused me that I do not polite dinner that I feel is very low, do not know why my father would rage. Night dad looking to chat with me, told me in all earnestness not keep the respect and courtesy to others. That experience made me forget.

3.Just last week, I attended the wedding ceremony of my cousin, my cousin who lives in rural areas, in rural married into a meaningful, but the process is very cumbersome, first married in China's rural areas have a lot from the oldgeneration where the customs handed down and pay attention to, such as in the three days before the marriage by the bride and groom, the groom is not allowed to meet and the bride, the significance of doing so is to let them be able to be together for a long time and there are no disputes and conflicts. The day of the wedding, the groom is to get up early to go to the bride's parents in the family to marry the bride and to prepare a lot of red envelopes, because there are many obstacles in the process to marry the bride, the bride's friends and relatives will ask you for a red envelope, but this is a festive fun performance, but also traditional. Marry the bride back to the groom breaking brazier, which is a symbol of bad luck remove the body, eliminate disaster. Then is the highlight of prayer Diocese From here, it was the camera as a documentary as a souvenir, and then shooting from inside the home to the hotel. This is a happy documentary. Prayer Diocese is the worship of martyrs, parents and witnesses. Then shoot the family portrait. This is the process to be done. The picture is now hanging in my cousin's house, I think this photo is a good photo with all of our family. Everyone is filled with a happy smile. I hope my cousin and sister-in-law can continue to live a happy life, doing the happy couple.

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英语高手快来帮忙 翻译短文

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请高手翻译一下 150字短文 很急

1 it all fell apart: 这个梦支离破碎。 it,指前文提到的american dream。all里面包含了好多个内容,这个不受单复数限制。 eg It all up to you.2 我曾经坚信美国梦,这个梦意味着一份工作,一份按揭贷款,信用卡和成功。我和其他人一样,追求着这个梦并为之奋斗。我们都以不同的方式追逐这...

请 英语高手 帮我翻译一下短文
Accounting is the language of business. Management accounting is a tool. Accounting is one of an ancient and younger subjects,Accounting is people's awareness of the activities of this practice to be systematic and coherent, forming a system of accounting knowledge,Including accounting ...

The importance of exercise in life Movement in modern society for young people, almost ignored, have two kinds of typical reason, 1: because some people's life rhythm because the job is busy, and don't have time for exercise, for their part, money than the health of the body...

鱼台县15062845990: 初二英语短文求翻译,一定要口语化!!!急!!!!!!! -
矣亨韦迪: 鲍勃是一个园丁 他几个月没有工作了 一天,他出去找工作.当他正在街道走到时候, 他看见一个大饭店的门口的海报了. 上面写着 饭店招聘一个能种花和种树的人.鲍勃如此的高兴就去应聘了. 在那有人告诉他回去拿来他的旧工作服到办公室.鲍勃照做了. 老板仔细地看看他的工作服然后决定让鲍勃做这项工作了. 鲍勃问老板为什么他的工作服如此重要.老板微笑着回答 :你的工作服膝盖上布满了补丁.我这两天解雇了两个人 他们臀部上都是补丁,他们很懒惰!祝你学习进步 望采纳

鱼台县15062845990: 求大神翻译一下这段话!!翻译成英语,要口语化!地道点,不要网上翻译的!四级水平就好.谢谢!!!! -
矣亨韦迪: As I see it, it's nothing unfair. The groundskeeper does has to stand all day long, yet he lives in this world, he sees the gorgeous scenery around the cemetery, he breathe freely the very air of the mother nature, he works with his very hands to create ...

鱼台县15062845990: 帮助翻译一下这个句子,要求比较英语口语化,不要太复杂词汇:运动是基础,饮食是关键,药物是无奈 -
矣亨韦迪:[答案] To exercise is a basic thing,a balanced diet is crucial to all and using drugs is only because there is no alternative.

鱼台县15062845990: 英语翻译其实这不是古文 只是一个朋友以古文的语气写的 但是我看不懂 所以求翻译 要求:口语化一点 优美一点 -
矣亨韦迪:[答案] 根据意思好像是感情方面?距离远的原因而责怪自己无法尽责或在某人身边.直译:永远?要怎么说呢(承诺)?这让痛苦的人怎么承受呢?这里(我)说的永远不是那个(你)说的永远,我们天各一方不在一起,请原谅我没能更好的尽责(或兑现我...

鱼台县15062845990: 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译个短文,本人真心跪谢,跪谢,跪谢!!!!!! -
矣亨韦迪: The respect fellow of the judges, I...

鱼台县15062845990: 求超级英语达人高人 翻译!不要太书面 这是口语化的一段 谢谢
矣亨韦迪: The major responsibilities of the service of bank customers in a timely manner to dispose of the issue of provisional place, including financial accounts, card loss report, resolve customer complaints to appease customers emotional, within the scope...

鱼台县15062845990: 求英语高手翻译一小段文章 要求:不要太书面化,不要逐字逐句的翻译,尽量把英文写的简短一点,追加悬赏,研究报告,快乐的关键就是“一直忙碌下去... -
矣亨韦迪:[答案] as the recently study shows,the key to keep happy is to make youself busy all the time.and even if you are engaging in some meaningless things,you can feel happier than doing nothing. this research is focused on 98 students,and they make two ...

鱼台县15062845990: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一段话!! -
矣亨韦迪: I am **** from Class **,Grade 2. Nowadays I am the president of the Tae Kwon Do Club. I have studied Tae Kwon Do for more than five years, and I have already grown up under the nurture of Tae Kwon Do movement's advocating technology and ...

鱼台县15062845990: 英语高手帮忙翻译下,口语化些,谢谢! -
矣亨韦迪: Happiness is a state of mind. Its denominator is desiration and its numerator is income. However large is the numerator, you will never reach happiness if the denominator is larger. So, a good state of mind is everything.

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