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作者&投稿:茅虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As an emerging travle type, rural journey is more and more popular to tourists in and abroad. In the process of development of rural journey, young tourists as an important part draw much attention widely. In order to attract more young tourists and improve the current situation of rural journey, this article contains a systematic research on dicision process of products purchase during rural journey of young tourists. With datas from emails and direct questionnaires, in view of travle motivation, origin of information, budget, criterion of choose etc., the author made an empirical investigation and research on decision process during products purchase during rural journey of students in collages.

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accomplish the development of terminal.
develop the intention scheme of new type products verified by customer.
Follow customer change requirements and develop new intention scheme.
develop new type of integral bathroom product, accomplish the detailed drawings and follow the mass prodution, from NPI to shipment.
accomplish the intention scheme with Multi-view.(不太明白需要角度是什么意思,类似于多视图吗?)coordinate with business department to submit design scheme with plane effect drawings depending on the customer requirments.
Make company commercial brochure, instruction, installation flow and etc. based on product characteristic.

Complete the terminal design.

Produce renderings of a variety of new products for the customer to confirm.

Follow up and make changes according to customer requirement.

Research and development of new sanitary ware products, make detailed drawings of the new products, track down workers' installation, generally supervise the whole process, from the products preparation to completion, until the products shipped.

Make renderings of specified angle required by customer. work with other business department to draw design project, layout plan and rendering as desired by customer .

Make companies need brochures, operating instructions, installation chart etc. by products.

complete terminal desgin work
complete new models drawing, for customer's confirmation
follow up customer's amending requirement and finish new drawing.
research and develop new models of sanitation and shower products, make specific drawing for new product and track worker's installation; track product from initiation to completion, until delivery.
make drawing at required angle. make a plane drawing of a design which meet customer's requirement by coordinating with sales department
make brochure, operation mannual and installation flow chart on the basis of products.

1.Take up employment remaining a fondness for but speech, she with her twin younger sister almost the nothing important is common of Place.2.第一那一个杂志故事, 和写了它的人已经从不能够追踪找到。3.他们已经谈到比较强烈句子 罪犯, 使死刑回复和如何 总统要清扫国家。4.The art object...

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He runs a passenger service company, but it was soon closed because of a lack of staff.我必须大声吆喝以吸引乘客,以免他们走上其他公司的BUS。I had to shout loudly to attract passengers, so that they would not get on the buses of the other companies.我要在车上呆一整天,还要一...

1.It's very difficult for a pedestrian to know how fast a car is travelling before it can stop.对于一个行人来说了解一辆行进中汽车需要多久能够停下来是很困难的 2.Then if the road is clear,it is safe to cross.那么如果路面很空旷,穿过将会很安全 3.If people run across the ro...

1.我一定要感谢那些在我处境艰难时支持我的所有人(stick by)I am obliged to thank all those who sticked by my side when I was in such a difficult situation.2.这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。(see to it that)Please see to it that don't ever be late for the important ...

1.我很幸运,在我年轻的时候就学会了许多不同的技能。I'm lucky to have learnt various skills when I was young.2.这些画价值在五千万美元左右,绝不能直接暴露在阳光之下。These paintings value around 50 million U.S. dollars and must by no means be exposed directly in the sun.3.我...

1)如果机器不保持供油充足,它就不能正常工作。2)本和南希在正式见面之前,就互通书信交往了很多年。3)我的家人都得了流感,但我却好像安然无恙。4) 既然你的孩子已经安然无恙地到达了,你可以放心了。5)当他们告诉珀尔那个消息时,她一点都不兴奋。6)在学习一门外语时,最好的方法是从口语...

high morals will by no means employed 6.今天付出,明天收获 You will reap what you soweed yesterday You will get what you have paid yesterday What you paid today will reward you tomorrow You will be rewarded with what you did yesterday 纯人工翻译,如果满意,请及时采纳,谢谢!

8. finally understand that the first wolf pretended to sleep is for deceiving its enemy. 才明白过来 :原来第一只狼假装睡觉是来迷惑敌人 9.it saids that Yan Zhenqing is becoming Apotheosis.(is becoming immoral for his autopsy.) 说颜真卿太师因尸解而成仙 ...

1.就是在大学里他养成了熬夜的习惯。(It)It was in the university that he formed the stay-up habit.2.把食物存放在冰箱里,这样食物就不会变质了。(and)Keep the food in the fridge and it won't be unsound 3.他肯定已经忘了通知大家会议已经取消,是吗?(inform)He must have ...

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 帮忙翻译这几句话 非常感谢! -
木翰和爽: 最近过的怎么样?最近(さいきん)どうですか?哈哈 真有意思 はは、本当(ほんとう)に面白(おもしろ)い 你谁啊?我不认识你 あなた谁(だれ)ですか? 私(わたし)はあなたを知(し)りません.别跟我说话 我讨厌你 私(わたし)に话(はな)しかけないで、私(わたし)はあながた嫌(きら)いです.我已经不喜欢你了 私(わたし)はもう、あなたが好きではありません.我没忘记我们的约定 私(わたし)は、私(わたし)たちの约束(やくそく)を忘(わす)れていません.

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 帮忙翻译一下这几句话(英语的) 十分感谢哈!
木翰和爽: 1当模特们在黑暗中行走时 所有观众都报于热烈掌声 2.这些男子中的商务装大多数是黑白颜色的 而休闲装却是灰蓝色的. 3.热空气中的水蒸气冷却了 雨就形成了. 4.如果没有风 雨滴在空气中每秒下落速度三米到八米之间.下落速度根据雨滴的大小. 5.这种上衣是用一种特殊材料制成的,这种材料很容易使空气穿过 并且仍然能防止水的渗入.

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 请好心人帮忙翻译这几句话,非常万分感谢! -
木翰和爽: 译文是: 上述细节是为A.P.'s的应用汽车的,并且必须批转对我们至少2个星期,在船到来作为MITI的将需要至少7个工作日预先之前处理应用Sepang电路收取11000人民币每辆汽车的费用,为对SIC的设施的使用申请一定是有偿的A.P.,在应用递交给MITI之前我们充电A.P.'s的申请费在1100.00人民币每辆汽车和在300.00人民币的临时进口许可每个容器.

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 请帮忙翻译几句话,非常感谢! -
木翰和爽: 1, Small size easy installation, can be integrated in the vehicle dashboard, show that the temperature of the pressure data can also be applied to install two cars in front tyres At the same time, about tire pressure data. 2, With figures show that the ...

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 来个大神帮我把这几句话翻译成英语!万分感谢! -
木翰和爽: 1.I'm sorry I can't go to your house 2.These days I have no time, because I want to learn at home. 3.Please forgive me for not coming! 4.You can invite me to the party and I am very happy

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: (急!!!)请各位英语达人帮忙,翻译一下以下几段话,非常感谢. -
木翰和爽: 1Dear, The issued order XXXX is received, PLS well noted the goods will be delivered ASAP after the receive of the payment. Otherwise it will be cancelled. Any problem ,pls feel free to contact us via Ebay or Email.2.Dear, Pls well noted that the ...

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 请高手帮忙翻译下这几句话谢谢 -
木翰和爽: Measuring the insulation resistance and absorptance can effectively check the insulation status of transformer, and find the moistened insulation and local defects.Absorptance is sensitive to moistened insulation.Dielectric loss is mainly used to ...

彭水苗族土家族自治县14749449871: 请帮忙翻译几句英语,非常感谢!! -
木翰和爽: I'm very sorry the late reply. The attachment is the product of the flow chart and the QMS file, please check!!望采纳

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