
作者&投稿:油钩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Recently, I often get immersed in my own world, think alone, read alone, and seemed to have faded out of everyone's social circle. While contemplating, I suddenly thought of a line in a manga, everything has a price for exchange. Maybe one person is successful, but by being successful, he would have lost many precious things, maybe friendship, maybe love. Throughout history, the number of people who have lost many for success is countless. Hope that friendships last forever, and love will exist for an eterniy, as true love is priceless. I thank the person who reminded me of that.



Home Economists are concerned with the empowerment and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and of facilitating the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid, unpaid and voluntary work; and living situations.

Home Economics professionals are advocates for individuals, families and communities.

He runs a passenger service company, but it was soon closed because of a lack of staff.

I had to shout loudly to attract passengers, so that they would not get on the buses of the other companies.

I had to stay in the bus all the day, and always had to smile to the passengers. I was almost exhuasted.
So that I wanted to give up this job, but at last, I kept on doing it.

He runs an transport firm,but as the employees are not sufficient,it soon go bankrupt.
I must shout loudly in order to attract passengers,avoiding them take other company's BUS.I could not but stay on the bus for the whole day,meanwhile keep smile to passengers,it made me too tired!
I want to give up this job,but in the end ,I keep my mind insisting on it.


1.一年前李明的英语相当差, One year ago, Li Ming is very poor at English. 他感到苦恼和失望, He felt very upset and disappointed. 父母也很焦虑; His parents were worried about him. 在英语老师及同学的帮助下,他开始喜欢英语. With the help of English teacher and classmates, he ...

帮忙翻译几句话 中译英 我翻译了一下,请大家给我修正一下
I deducted from the wages of the five insurance after a fund is the 4800 yuan, wages grew by more than 800 yuan last year;3、我要想去享受一下身边的生活,哪儿怕是看看路边行走的蜗牛,但是如果我连自己的温饱问题都解决不了的话,相信我不会有更多的时间去发现生活中的美丽,毕竟生活...

gains and losses. the life needs to sublimate the peaceful aloof spirit, the clear person understands gives up, the true feelings' person wants to understand the sacrifice 追加提醒:嘻嘻~英语不好诶,太长了,是在雅虎翻译的。不过,,,和你说,其实中文也是很好的一种语言^_^ ...

单词:1 矛盾的 contradictory 2 性格 character ;nature 句子:1 她坚持和我绝交(或是分开、离开我)She insisted breaking up with me.2 以往每次,我都会急忙去和她解释我的想法和事情的内情 Each time in the past, I would quickly explain to her what my thought was and all the ...

不管发生什么样的挫折和不愉快的事情,请微笑面对。"Hey, what's that? Does that matter?"“嘿,那是什么?有事吗?”Being able to live in the world, is already a good issue to feel being satisfied.能够来到这个世界,活着本身就是一件快乐的事。Since we only have life fulfilled with...

楼上的你太假了翻译的什么狗屁不通的,是不是直接用软件翻译的啊 想拿分数认真点好不好,下面是我的翻译 1、 With the school beginning immediately,my heart is excited、 excitement、 expectations and also concerns.I image how is the new campus、the new teacher and the classmates look...


I am sorry about didn't revert your message recently i am learning painting.I also like darkness art you have a good profession there is almost no way for an artist to develop his ideal in China I will upload my works into my zone would you like to see the pictures?ps. ...


罗甸县18532674385: 帮忙翻译下这几句话啊,拜托了!1.我希望以后能和你保持联系,并继续得到你的帮助.2.在你帮助下,我的英语提高得很快 -
况林丙酸:[答案] 1 .I hope we can stay in contact,and at the same time,i wish to receive your help. 3.With your help,my English improved quickly.

罗甸县18532674385: 请各位英语高手们帮忙翻译一下这几句话!(中译英) -
况林丙酸: do our promises can really go the entire life? i think it can't so we can say "i love you" now but please do not say"i love you for ever" can you really do that? that's too difficult young of us, can promises go for ever?字典上给出的一个关于海誓山盟的翻译是a solemn pledge of love译为一个对爱情隆重的承诺.但是一般来说海誓山盟直接用promise(誓言)就可以了

罗甸县18532674385: 帮忙翻译一下这几句话 -
况林丙酸: b: what s up with you? why did you put the rubbish front of my door? Mind your manner.a: come down its not big deal, just few trashes.b: hey...you just can't do this.a: well, i already done it, so what do you want?b: take them away now!!a: why are you ...

罗甸县18532674385: 帮忙把这几句话翻译一下! -
况林丙酸: 企业文化 Corporate Culture公司荣誉 Company Honors新品发布 New Releases产品展示 Products Display成功案例 Success 【PS:本词语已表示成功之事,无需在后加story什么的,网上用story的全部不妥!】市场支持 Market Supporting广告策划 Advertising & Planning 【PS:广告与策划是两个动作,两个概念!!】名人代言 Celebrity Endorsement五个第一 Five "Foremost"销售网络 Sales Network

罗甸县18532674385: 请帮忙翻译下这几句话?
况林丙酸: 1.这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人. Please transfer this letters to Doctor. Willson ... 3.那小女孩跑得太快,身体一下失去平衡跌倒了. Due to fast running, the girl lost ...

罗甸县18532674385: 请帮忙翻译下这几句话 -
况林丙酸: 1、你就是一个白痴,日!(说话人大概想骂人吧,有时候美国人之间比较不友好的开玩笑也会这样说.另外asshole也可以解释为屁眼儿,不过我觉得在这里解释为白痴会更确切)2、不要犹豫去做爱.给我看看你的爱?!(说话人思春?)反正如果是在聊天室里看到这样的语句纯属对方想骚扰你,无视他就好了.希望能帮到你.

罗甸县18532674385: 能不能帮忙用英语翻译一下这几句话1、这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时
况林丙酸: 1.This is the best of times and the worst of times2.Winners are always more proud than losers3.Causal cycle4.Geomantic wheel turning

罗甸县18532674385: 请帮忙翻译下这几句话? -
况林丙酸: 1.Jinmao Building takes the Chinese traditional styles and it is also modern.金贸建筑沿用了中国的传统样式,同样也是现代的. 2.It is the signal construction of Shanghai.(signal是什麽意思呢?)这是上海的标志性建筑.(标志的意思) 3.It is ...

罗甸县18532674385: 谁能帮我翻译一下这几句话?谢谢! -
况林丙酸: 你的这句话有点不通我翻译的是这样的:的精神是原始文字把这一小时的文献工作要最注意的事项.在文学翻译必须使用文学语言,这已成为共识.什么文学语言?中国翻译理论,但与英文,...

罗甸县18532674385: 谁能帮忙翻译翻译这几句话? -
况林丙酸: 乾:天道的特点是永远不停地运动变化,君子因此应自觉地奋发向上,永不松懈.坤:地的气势厚实温顺,君子因此要胸怀宽阔,待人厚道.巽:风一阵接一阵地吹,象征深入;君子就是这样发布命令,进行管理.震:雷声接连轰响,象征震惧...

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