
作者&投稿:乜露 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
麻烦各位大侠帮忙翻译一下这段话 谢谢了~~



prayer是祷告词,e.g. say a prayer

  • 行动是成功的阶梯=Actions are the ladder of the success 

  • Behaviours are the ladder to the success 

  • Actions are the ladder leading to the success 

  • Actions are the ladder to the success 

  • 行动越多,登得越高=The more the actions are , the higher it will reach 

  • The more actions , the higher 

  • The more actions you have, the higher you climb 


  • The secret to the success of one enterprise lies in the insistence of the talent, quality product and service .

  • The secret to the success of one enterprise lies in the insistence of such three qualities as the talent, quality product and service 

  • The secret to the success of the enterprise rests with three kinds of qualities , such as talents, quality products and service 

  • The secret of the success of the enterprise depends on three items of qualities , such as talents, quality products and service 

  • The secret of the success of the enterprise is determined by the following three qualities such as talents, quality products and service 


  • Attitude decides everything and details determine the failure and success

  • Attitude determines everything and details /particulars decide the failure and success

4.优秀的员工:Excellent employees:

忠于公司=Being loyal /faithful to company

忠于职业=Being  loyal /faithful to his career/profession

忠于人格=Being  loyal /faithful to personality



Persons with both talents and high morals will be employed against the normal regulations limits 


:Persons with high morals and without talents are trained /cultivated to be employed 

无德有才限制使用:Persons without high morals and with talents will be limited to be employed 

无德无才坚决不用:Persons without both talents and high morals will by no means employed 


You will reap what you soweed yesterday 

You will get what you have paid yesterday 

What you paid today will reward you tomorrow 

You will be rewarded with what you did  yesterday


大意为:The elephant mountain county is a knitwear to produce a most concentrated place, consumedly small have up the factory of thousand, light the revenue from tax shared 75% or so, particularly with in next business enterprise is lord.Along with outside Mao list price of slump...

10.I'll forever appreciate your invaluable friendship as well as the valuable book.我会永远感激你那跟这本珍贵的书一样的无价的友谊!


The wind blow, it was snowing(寒风飞雪)

yes, i called this morning at 10.45.2.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们在原来的家里住了20多年了.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们从1980年就住在这了.The Zhang's are moving to their new home next month; they have been living in the previous house for more than 20 years.The Zhang...

cloudy.我打算下个月做飞机去北京一次.I plan to fly to Beijing next month.你不准把你的车停在这里.You are not allowed parking car here.=== 一楼的dyyfl除了3句时态错误和5句的中国英语,其他基本正确。二楼的范幻风机器翻译,B4一下。

The cross-culture communicative ability must be developed from an early age and improved in the practice of foreign language learning.跨文化交际能力必须经历了从早期的实践和完善外语的学习。As an approach, presentation of cultural background in English teaching is imperative.作为一种方法的...

翻译如下:Iraqis in the distance, you can hear my call it? Idle since passed away, still alone. Ye Yi deep, but refused to sleep, a promise for you wish, so that the stars of the night sky, the water sent to the party.Wave, and you farewell, silently silent, eyes ...

I have two dictionaries. One is Chinese dictionary and the other is English dictionary.3.我并不是真的喜欢那部电影.Actually, I don't like that movie 4.从去年到现在我还没有碰到过他.I have not met him since last year.5.请稍等一会,我们的老板想和你说话.Please wait a while, ...

Mary reads every moring. By doing that, she improved her spoken English.4.这件衣服对我来说太大了.能不能再拿一件给我.This shirt is too big for me, can you get me another one?5.我家离学校有20英里的距离.My home is 20 miles away from the school.6.在我有空的时候,我常...

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦各位帮忙翻译一下这几句话,谢谢1.行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高.2.企业成功的秘决在于对人才、产品、服务三项品质的坚持3.态度决定一... -
宦哀地氟:[答案] 行动是成功的阶梯=Actions are the ladder of the success Behaviours are the ladder to the success Actions are the ladder leading to the success Actions are the ladder to the success ...

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦帮忙翻译几句话 -
宦哀地氟: 他反复地告戒儿子不要嫉妒别人运气好. 1.He told his son repeatedly not to envy others' good luck.行动比言语更为响亮. 2.Action speaks loudly than speech.使我不安的是,音乐有很大的负面寓意. 3.To my anxiety, music has great negative ...

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦帮忙翻译一下,谢谢? -
宦哀地氟: 你好,高兴帮助你.请采纳,谢谢!!!这句话的意思是:虽然中国有1600万教师,但是它没有教师 博物馆.

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦帮忙翻译这几句,谢谢 -
宦哀地氟: jack:今晚的月亮真圆啊 such a perfect moon, isn't it?rose:是啊,真圆啊.Yes, it is.jack:你就没有什么话要对我说吗?Don't you have some words for me?rose:有 Yes.jack:什么?快说.I am all ears.rose:今晚的月亮真的好圆啊.Such a ...

山阴县15511263093: 这几个句子麻烦高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢1.ifting the heavy box, I suddenly understood that no matter how negative his words had seemed, nothing could erase ... -
宦哀地氟:[答案] 1.抬起盒子的一瞬间,我忽然理解了不管他的话听上去有多么消极,没有什么能够抹去他一片片填满盒子的具体动作,即使我离开了他 2.当我回想时,清晰的明白他已经不经意的记住了全部那些,为避免破坏我们快乐而被隐藏的的事情

山阴县15511263093: 帮我翻译这几句话!谢谢!应该很容易的! -
宦哀地氟: 我是老师! I'm teacher.我是班长,小明! I'm the monitor,Xiao Ming!我是英语课代表,小李! I'm the representative of English class, Xiao Li !

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦帮忙翻译下这几句英语 衷心感谢~! -
宦哀地氟: 1. 醒目的手写标语提醒乘客“保持合理间距”.2. 鼠标是一种连接到计算机的手持设备,可与键盘搭配使用.3. 这些漂亮的盒子由印度手工业者手工制作和手工描绘而成.4. 露西看...

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦英语高手帮我把这几句话翻译成英文!!谢谢了!
宦哀地氟: 1)fearless during youth, and how about now? 2)on should not become hypocratic when grow up. 3)please be blessed

山阴县15511263093: 麻烦用英语翻译下这几句话 谢谢
宦哀地氟: When you come back, when we meet again, please don't like a stranger, we could be friends, not peace as before, at least calculate friends!

山阴县15511263093: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面几句话,谢谢. -
宦哀地氟: 1, assembles computer. 2, takes away computer two from our place. 3, returns our place computer three. 4, replaces computer four. 5, tests computer five.

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