
作者&投稿:堵逸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Recently, I often get immersed in my own world, think alone, read alone, and seemed to have faded out of everyone's social circle. While contemplating, I suddenly thought of a line in a manga, everything has a price for exchange. Maybe one person is successful, but by being successful, he would have lost many precious things, maybe friendship, maybe love. Throughout history, the number of people who have lost many for success is countless. Hope that friendships last forever, and love will exist for an eterniy, as true love is priceless. I thank the person who reminded me of that.



Home Economists are concerned with the empowerment and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and of facilitating the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid, unpaid and voluntary work; and living situations.

Home Economics professionals are advocates for individuals, families and communities.

4) 既然你的孩子已经安然无恙地到达了,你可以放心了。
10) 乔治本人坚信自由,到了“失去它,毋宁死”的程度。


我最近一直很忙 翻译英语
I'm busy these days.


1.How's your life in Beijing?2.How's your work?\/How's your work going?3.Where are you going to for (your) honeymoon trip?4.Lily just gave birth to a baby,but I didn't know whether it is a boy or a girl yet.(注意:在不知道是男还是女的情况下,要用 it)5.Usuall...


Please wait for a moment,I am busy now.

帮下忙 翻译几句话 英译汉 谢谢啦!

It's been a while. 我们很长时间没见了。It has been ages. 有好几年了。I'm in kind of a rush right now. 我现在很忙。Gotach是“got you”的另一种口语表达方式,字面意思是抓到你了,引申意是“明白你的意思了” ,近义:get you。got you=gotcha,还有一个意思是“骗到你...

英语句子翻译 1、目前我很忙,咱们下周找时间再讨论吧 2、三月初新学期...
1. I‘m busy right away,we can make it next week to talk about it.2. In early March,new term is approaching.3. Two visitors reached at the same time.4. Once these counties declared war to each other while now they make peace.5. You can come and go whenever you want....

Thought of is one kind of happiness Wants to be one kind of misfortune I can the forever happiness Occasionally misfortune The star knew You are forever lucky!With you in already the full year, actually truly in the together dayactually was the pitiful several months together!You ...

左云县15755715900: 请帮忙翻译一下这几句句子吧~~~谢谢了~~急着用~~请使用括号里的词进行翻译,谢谢了,急着用~~1.他觉得给别人带来幸福的人才是世界上最幸福的人.(... -
单阳伊诺:[答案] 1 he thinks the happiest person is the one who brings happiness to others 2 it is impossible not to make a single mistake in life,but people can make as few mistakes as possible 3 it is an amazement that almost all the people can speak one or two ...

左云县15755715900: 请高手把这几句话翻译成英文 谢谢了
单阳伊诺: 1, I love you,my dear kitten.our dreams are all full of hopefulness on our way home to the happiness. 2, Walking pass by the quiet street ,to find the directions of heart with ...

左云县15755715900: 帮忙翻译这几句话 非常感谢! -
单阳伊诺: 最近过的怎么样?最近(さいきん)どうですか?哈哈 真有意思 はは、本当(ほんとう)に面白(おもしろ)い 你谁啊?我不认识你 あなた谁(だれ)ですか? 私(わたし)はあなたを知(し)りません.别跟我说话 我讨厌你 私(わたし)に话(はな)しかけないで、私(わたし)はあながた嫌(きら)いです.我已经不喜欢你了 私(わたし)はもう、あなたが好きではありません.我没忘记我们的约定 私(わたし)は、私(わたし)たちの约束(やくそく)を忘(わす)れていません.

左云县15755715900: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面几句话,谢谢. -
单阳伊诺: 1, assembles computer. 2, takes away computer two from our place. 3, returns our place computer three. 4, replaces computer four. 5, tests computer five.

左云县15755715900: 帮忙翻译下这几句 谢谢啊 -
单阳伊诺: 1. Stone先生给予了我们一个老师能够给予的最伟大的礼物--学习的激情.2.他有自己的方式吸引我们,一段故事,一个文学人物或者一个想法,直到我们开始好奇并且急于了解,这时候他会停下来说,“我以为你们都明白了(我以为你们都读过了)”.3.当我们摇头时,他会把书的名字写在黑板上,然后转向我们.4. 有一些和这本书类似的书籍,我宁可不读它们.5. 许多愿望对于我来说已经不太实际了(意译:我和很多机会擦肩而过),但是你们是可以实现这些愿望的(抓住这些机会的) 手译,没有上下文,只能这样理解了,这段英文是很文学的写法.

左云县15755715900: 请用英语帮忙翻译几句话,谢谢! -
单阳伊诺: "Whenever and wherever you are, I hope you can do a independent woman, a treasure of emotion, a woman can rely on their own will grasp the destiny of women, I hope you peace and happiness forever, treat ourselves."

左云县15755715900: 帮忙翻译一下这几句话.谢谢 -
单阳伊诺: I still go to school, studying marketing Every weekend would go on in French class. Here is relatively easy because Can have more time to learn what they like. Of course, sti...

左云县15755715900: 麻烦帮忙翻译这几句,谢谢 -
单阳伊诺: jack:今晚的月亮真圆啊such a perfect moon, isn't it?rose:是啊,真圆啊.Yes, it is.jack:你就没有什么话要对我说吗?Don't you have some words for me?rose:有Yes.jack:什么?...

左云县15755715900: 请帮忙翻译下这几句话,谢谢
单阳伊诺: 当我伤心,我想挽救你不惜一切代价 我的意思是 这是一个只会被打破的誓言 即使当我呼吸我最后一次 我也将永远不会后悔!

左云县15755715900: 帮忙翻译一下这几句句子,谢谢
单阳伊诺: we can't be late for school keep the classroom clean and quiet, it's help for our health and study it don't allow to eat in class don't play games and listen to music at class, it will affect other students' study don't pick flowers and climb trees

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