
作者&投稿:众傅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

是英语还是日语 英语Far in the horizon of friends, perhaps already far cannot greetings, but still thank you once walked.日语天涯に远くにいる友达、もはや远い挨拶できないけど、感谢はかつての连れ。


1、 My hometown is a beautiful place, a tourist resort in China’s border near Vietnam.
2、I like playing football,which not only makes me healthy, but also enhance the friendship with my classmates..
3、My college life is very rich, Ihave learned a lot of professional knowledge and made many friends.
4、My first goal is to attend you school as a graduate student . Then if there is a chance,I will go abroad. My dream is to be a famous animator.
5、Because drawing had been my favorite since Iwas a child. .Although my major is not animation professionals. I choose it because of my dream to be a animator.
6、Well,I think I an active optimism,working carefully and with positive attitude. Ican stick to do one thing and believes that Ican do it well.
But sometimes it can be my shortmomings , working too seriously and wasting much time.
7、I have a happy family. My mother taught me how to love others and my father is a teacher who taught me how to be a real man.
Sorry but , can you say it again?
Sorry, Idon’t know themeaning of the word:**.Can you change a word?
Sorry, I am not very clear about that question.

1. My hometown locates on the border of China near to Vietnam. It’s a beautiful place and also a famous scenic spot.
2. I like soccer, this makes me fit, and helps me to strengthen friendship .
3. My college life is fulfill, I acquired both professional knowledge and lots of friends.
4. Surely, my primary goal is to continue the postgraduate study in your university, and afterwards to study abroad if there is a chance, my ideal is to be am animator.
5. Because I like painting when I was young, even though I didn’t major in animation during undergraduate education, I establish my goal as an animator so I choose it now.
6. I’m earnest and persistent while doing things, and insist on to do it the best.
7. Advantage is that Im earnest ,persistent and cofident ,disadvantage is that Im over serious while doing sth and wasted some time.
8. I have a happy family, my mother teaches me how to love and care others,my father is a teacher and teaches me how to conduct myself.
PS: 1. dear examiner,would you please say that again ?
2. Sorry I don’t know what’s XX, please change another word
3.Sorry ,I’m not clear about this question.

1、My hometown is in China's border, near Vietnam, is a beautiful place. Also a tourist resort.
2、I like playing football, it makes me health, but also can enhance students friendship.
3、My college very substantial, not only learned a lot of professional knowledge, I've made many friends.
4Of course, my first goal is to get into your school student, then there is a chance I will to go abroad, my ideal is famous an animator
5 because I grew up like painting, although I major professional, but I am not animation the ideal is to be an animator, so I chose test animation this major.
6 I work conscientiously, and stick to do one thing, and believes that can do it well.
7 advantages: I work conscientiously, and stick to do one thing, and believes that can do it well.
8 I have a happy family, my mother taught me how to love others, my father is a teacher, he taught me to be a person


1。和其他语言一样,你在英语上花时间越多就能学的越好 The more time you spend time on learning english,the better you will learn, just like learning other languages.2。他们已经安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那一定会玩的很开心 They have arranged everything for us to visit ...

1、 My hometown is a beautiful place, a tourist resort in China’s border near Vietnam.2、I like playing football,which not only makes me healthy, but also enhance the friendship with my classmates..3、My college life is very rich, Ihave learned a lot of professional knowledge...

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1.To burn one's fingers 自讨苦吃(管闲事而吃亏)2.To cross fingers 双手合十祈祷 3.To put one's finger in another's pie. 对别人的事指手画脚 4.My little finger told me... 我有种预感。。。(你的小手指怎么可能告诉你呢,所以意指预感)5.A finger on the wall. 坏的预兆...

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1. Do you want to take\/have a warm holiday?2. He got up too late to catch the early bus.3. The children couldn't wait to see their new English teacher.4. Jack Chen just finished one of his new movies.5. Last week, all the classmates took an active part in the ...

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帅饱金胆:[答案] 2007.6 有人认为对做好的人应该通过奖赏的方式进行鼓励,因为他们相信“不劳无获”这句谚语.预测作文9 如何留下一个好的第一印象如果第一印象不好的话,很难和别人建立良好的关系.人们说不能通过封面来判断一本书的优...

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帅饱金胆: 1.Mutombo's finger 2.Battier's defense 3.Landry's rise 4.Scola's spirit 5.3楼这句:5月3日,我们输了,但是我们尽力了.这句语法错误.应该是We lost this game but we tried ourself best on May 3 6.Next season we will not let you disappointed

马关县18477838019: 请大家帮我翻译几个英语句子!急~~~~~~谢了! -
帅饱金胆: 1.Smoking is bad for our health.2. My job is to teach English./teaching English. =I work as an English teacher.3.Yesterday it rained heavily/hard in our city.4.Every road leads to Rome.5.Hurry up, or you'll be late.6.I think he is wrong.=I don't think he is ...

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