
作者&投稿:童食 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think mobile phones should not be confiscated in classes. First, the phone is the student's personal belongings, so teachers have no right to confiscate the mobile phones. Second, the mobile phones have become necessities of our lives.Theyare fast and convenient, able to help us find a lot of knowledge. For us Englishmajors, it not only can provide us with an electronic dictionary to learn words,but also can improve our listening English by downloading movies. So, the mobilephones are essential for us. Third, we can use the cell phone camera to takepictures of what teachers taught in classes to avoid missing importantknowledge. Fourth, if there are any emergency at home, parents can contact tous timely avoiding unnecessary losses.


1.节约资源------economise on resources
2.将顾客的问题视为机会----- take the customer's problem as an opportunity
3.让顾客明白我们在干什么,他们在干什么----- let customers see what we are doing and what they are doing.
4.让每个角落都与你走之前保持一致------keep every corner as it is before you leave------这一句有点纠结么不知道你是什么意思。
5.永远不要透支你的信用--- never overdraw your cridit card
6.尊重宗教,相信宗教的力量--- respect religion and believe in the power of religion
7.不需要把工作摆在家庭面前---- don't place work before family
8.请在电脑上安装电脑管理和杀毒软件---- please install antivirus softwares in your computer
9.顾客投诉了,无论如何,先说对不起------ say sorry first whenever the customer complains
10.保护环境是我们的职责,不是赚钱------ protecting the environment is our duty,not our purpose of making money

The more time you spend time on learning english,the better you will learn, just like learning other languages.
They have arranged everything for us to visit the great wall tomorrow and I believe we will have fun there.
I am lucky that I have learned a lot of skills when I was young.
He decided to go on with his experiment but this time he wanted to use his own method to do it.

As other languages, the more time you spend on English, the better you learn it.

They have already arranged our tour to Great Wall tomorrow,and I believe we will have a great time there for sure.

I am lucky that I learned different kinds of skills when I was young.

He has decided to continue his experiment, but he has made up his mind that he will do it in another way this time.

1. like many other languages, the more time you spend on English,the better you learn.
2. They have arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow,i'm sure we will enjoy ourselves there.
3. I'm so lucky that when i was young i had learned many kinds of skills.
5. He is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he was determined to do it another way.


1.like learning other languages, the more time you spend in English the better your will get.
2.They have made the arrangement that we pay a visit to Great Wall, and I believe we will have a good time there.
3.I am very lucky that I learn a lot of different skill in my youth.
4.He is determined to continue his experiment, but he decides to do it in another way.

1. Like any other language, the more time you spend on English, the better you will learn it.

2.They have arranged our visit to the Great Wall tomorrow, and I am sure that we are going to have a good time there.

3.I am very lucky in that I have got various kinds of skills when I was young.

4. He is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he decides to do it in another way.

10,有机会我带你去看看 I will show you around if there's a chance.

5 I have a computer

1. you must try to have a nine-hour sleep every night.2. They try to help me to learn English 3. You should eat less meat, more vegetable and fruits.Doing eyes exercise that's good for your eyes 4. How do you keep fit?5. What color is it?6. How much is this pai...

1.事情的发展程度超出了人们的能力The degree of business development beyond people's ability.2.他的情况很艰难,从而产生了一个不好的想法His situation is so hard to produce a bad idea.3.我无法想象这件事会经常发生在他身上I cannot believe that it alwways happens to him.4.可能发生的...

请大家帮我翻译几个句子~~~要快哦 谢谢拉
4.He hope to give her more help than she gets now.5.Put on your coat or you will catch cold.6.She added a painting of Picasso to her collection.7.I am not aware of my being here before.8.You will soon find yourself without any friend if you keep treating everyone so ...

possible to ask me some easy question .2.Sorry ,teacher, i can't understander you for several unknown words.3.It is too hard for me to finish it.4.Please do me a favor, this exam relates to my future ,expecting for your help.这是按您的句子意译过来的,希望能够帮上忙。

5.I'm glad to start my life of middle school.6.I will study hard and go ahead down-to-earth.7.I will spare no efforts to earn every good results.8.I will also take part in every activities held by school.9.I will cheer up for myself.10.That's a place with ...

Thank you for sending the wallet and the school ID card that I have lost on the No. 5 bus to school in the morning on 25 April.

4`Can you see clearly without glasses?5`I think I could arrive at the station at around half past five.6`What's the meaning of this word?7`It seems that you're worried about something.Is everything OK?8`The food is too much,we could't eat it up.9`My father would ...

In 3, I eat soup with rice as early breakfast this morning 4, rice and noodles differ in that the former is the raw material of rice and the latter is the raw material of Wheat 5, there are two students for TB, so blood asked the two students to go home a year off ...

邵阳市18668394921: 大家帮我翻译几个英语句子,我给高分,非常感谢 -
韦奇安福: As other languages, the more time you spend on English, the better you learn it.They have already arranged our tour to Great Wall tomorrow,and I believe we will have a great time there for sure.I am lucky that I learned different kinds of skills when I ...

邵阳市18668394921: 帮我翻译几个英语句子!急啊,高分重谢!
韦奇安福: 1. No choice but to so it stopped raining. 2. Windows east of the room is mine. 3. For a long time have not received a letter from his son, the mother worried. 4. He lived in a house, the house in front of a towering tree. 5. Do you mind being ridiculed in public. 6. Tomorrow to discuss a very important question.

邵阳市18668394921: 翻译几个英语句子.~大家帮忙.!~我明天单词默写,有几个句子帮我翻译.! 1.我居住在光明路的尽头. 2.我的确不喜欢那条紫色的短裙. 3.你的自行车怎么了? ... -
韦奇安福:[答案] 1. I lives at the end of Guangming Road. 2. I don't like that purple miniskirt. 3. what's wrong with your bike? 4. People like living in the houses with a garden 5. I can hear Tom playing the piano 6....

邵阳市18668394921: 翻译几个英语句子,不要瞎写,出高分! -
韦奇安福: a kind of food all kinds of books different kinds of vegetables i want a dictionary i want to buy a dictionary i want to let my monther buy a dictiongary for me

邵阳市18668394921: 请英语高手帮我翻译一个英语短句,翻的好的话有高分加. -
韦奇安福: "Maybe I have not talent , and I may be stupid, so that others are not sorecognized me , Whether there would be another day..." 虽然句子不是非常高级那种,但意思绝对没问题...祝你好运..

邵阳市18668394921: 请大家帮我翻译几句英文!! -
韦奇安福: First,happy birthday to you!Wish you be one year older. Second,please go on working hard,I will always stand by you. You will come to Beijing if you have the oppertunity. By the way ,I have a little request,I want you to sent me a gift.So,look forward to your reply.

邵阳市18668394921: 请高手帮我翻译几个句子,英语的.绝对高分,急!!! -
韦奇安福: 绝对专业翻译1. 根据保存在公司注册办公室(地址:Chase商务中心,39-41号Chase Side路,英国伦敦N14 5BP 【注:在Enfield区的一个地址】)中的文件可以确定,公司...

邵阳市18668394921: 给我翻译下英语句子.(高分) -
韦奇安福: 看看我的,这是我翻译的,翻译软件太垃圾了,不能用那.希望对你有所帮助. Hello everyone, my name is sufei and I am ten years old. I'm glad to meet you. My favorite color is blue, because I love the sky, what about you? I like quiet and I don't ...

邵阳市18668394921: 大家帮我翻译几个英语句子,谢谢拉~~~急~~ -
韦奇安福: 1.London is busy,noisy,crowded and excting .But it's too expensive. 伦敦是个繁忙的,吵闹的,拥挤的,精彩的城市,但是它太贵了.2. I go to a gym twice a week with my friends .We swim and work out there.我和我的朋友每周去两次体育馆,我们...

邵阳市18668394921: 请大家帮我翻译几个英语句子!急~~~~~~谢了! -
韦奇安福: 1.Smoking is bad for our health.2. My job is to teach English./teaching English. =I work as an English teacher.3.Yesterday it rained heavily/hard in our city.4.Every road leads to Rome.5.Hurry up, or you'll be late.6.I think he is wrong.=I don't think he is ...

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