
作者&投稿:秋适 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ This article is about Jacob in the Hebrew Bible. For the name, see Jacob (name). For other uses, see Jacob (disambiguation).

Jacob Wrestling with the Angel – Gustave Doré, 1855Jacob or Yaʿqob, (Hebrew: יַעֲקֹב, Standard Yaʿaqov Tiberian Yaʿăqōḇ; Arabic: يعقوب, Yaʿqūb; "holds the heel"), also known as Israel (Hebrew: יִשְׂרָאֵל, Standard Yisraʾel Tiberian Yiśrāʾēl; Arabic: اسرائيل, Isrāʾīl; "Struggled with God"), is the third Biblical patriarch. His father is Isaac, and his grandfather is Abraham. Jacob plays a major part in some of the later events in the Book of Genesis.

In Arabic, Jacob is known as Yaqub. He is revered as a prophet who received inspiration from God. The Qur'an does not give the details of Jacob’s life. It is said that he was later honored by God with the name Is'rail (Israel in English) (Yisrael in Hebrew) because of his devotion and dedication to God's will. Isra' means Night Journey and Il simply means God (Allah) (similar to the word El in Semitic Language meaning God). Yaqub was said to have migrated somewhere in a night journey with his children and later favored by God with this name. God perfected his favor on Jacob and his posterity as he perfected his favor on Abraham and Isaac (12:6). Jacob was a man of might and vision (38:45) and was chosen by God to preach the Message. The Qur'an stresses that worshiping and bowing to the One true God was the main legacy of Jacob and his fathers (2:132-133). Salvation, according to the Qu'ran, hinges upon this legacy rather than being a Jew or Christian (See Qu'ran 2:130-141).

According to the Qu'ran, Jacob was of the company of the Elect and the Good (38:47, 21:75). Yaqub is a name that is accepted in Muslim community showing the value attributed to Jacob.

雅各(Jacob或Ya'akov,希伯来语:יַעֲקֹב "抓脚跟",标准希伯来语Yaʿaqov, Tiberian希伯来语Yaʿăqōḇ; 阿拉伯语يعقوب Yaʿqūb),后来改名为以色列(יִשְׂרָאֵל "神的王子",标准希伯来语 Yisraʾel, Tiberian 希伯来语 Yiśrāʾēl; 阿拉伯语اسرائيل Isrāʾīl)是《圣经》里的一名族长。他的故事可见於《创世记》。

雅各不断地被神称赞, 从未被指责过。事实上,他是圣经里惟一一个神说他"爱"的人. (玛拉基书一章2-3节,"耶和华说,以扫不是雅各的哥哥么?我却爱雅各,恶以扫")

他用“一碗红豆汤”骗取了哥哥以扫的长子名份,为舅舅拉班劳动14年,以换取妻子拉结。在他与天使摔跤后,被改名为以色列(创世纪 32:23-30),他是以色列人的祖先。
在阿拉伯语中 雅各称为雅谷伯(Yaqub),在伊斯兰教中是一位先知。

Along with God, it is the figure of Moses (Moshe) who dominates the Torah. Acting at God's behest, it is he who leads the Jews out of slavery, unleashes the Ten Plagues against Egypt, guides the freed slaves for forty years in the wilderness, carries down the law from Mount Sinai, and prepares the Jews to enter the land of Canaan. Without Moses, there would be little apart from laws to write about in the last four books of the Torah.

Moses is born during the Jewish enslavement in Egypt, during a terrible period when Pharaoh decrees that all male Hebrew infants are to be drowned at birth. His mother, Yocheved, desperate to prolong his life, floats him in a basket in the Nile. Hearing the crying child as she walks by, Pharaoh's daughter pities the crying infant and adopts him (Exodus 2:1-10). It surely is no coincidence that the Jews' future liberator is raised as an Egyptian prince. Had Moses grown up in slavery with his fellow Hebrews, he probably would not have developed the pride, vision, and courage to lead a revolt.

also known as Israel (Hebrew: יִשְׂרָאֵל, Standard Yisraʾel Tiberian Yiśrāʾēl; Arabic: اسرائيل, Isrāʾīl; "Struggled with God"),...

亚伯拉罕 Abraham: “众人的父”以撒 Issac: “喜笑”雅各 Jacob: “取代者”,原意为“抓住(脚跟)”2、希伯来历史中的早期领袖 约瑟 Joseph: “加增”摩西 Moses: “拉出”亚伦 Aaron: “山中居人、甚高、开明的”约书亚 Joshua: “耶和华是救恩”3、主要的士师 俄陀聂 Othniel: “神的...

Sariel沙利叶 Camael卡麦尔 Samyasa桑杨沙 Asbeel安士白 Ariel亚列 天使名单吧 大天使 米迦勒 加百列 Saraphines炽天使 Lucifer路西弗Satan撒旦Michael米迦勒Metatron梅丹佐Sandalphon尚达奉Samael萨麦尔Camael卡麦尔Barakiel拜丘 Cherubines智天使 Gabriel加百列Uriel乌列Raphael拉斐尔Uzziel乌西勒Jophiel犹菲勒 Anael主天使 ...

also known as Israel (Hebrew: יִשְׂרָאֵל, Standard Yisraʾel Tiberian Yiśrāʾēl; Arabic: اسرائيل, Isrāʾīl; "Struggled with God"),...


1. 彼得 (名字意思是石头),又名西门 (意思是聆听),亦称为矶法 (意思亦是石头),主曾称他为巴约拿,意即约拿的儿子,他的父亲是约拿,亦名约翰 (参约21:15,太16:17)。2. 安得烈 (意思是强者),他是上面彼得的弟弟。3. 雅各 (意思是抓住),旧约英译为Jacob,新约英译为James,他是...

撒旦:英文全称为Satan 他是《圣经》中堕落的魔王。撒旦原本应该是《圣经》上所说的Lucifer (Lucifer :天使学体系中的等级。中文译名为路西法,意思是原天使长,光辉的晨星,后堕落。)但《圣经》中似乎并没有明指撒旦就是Lucifer。《圣经》上的记载是说撒旦原先为天使中最高位的大天使长,后来率领天界...

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1、巴多罗买(Bartholomew)简介:巴多罗买(希腊语:Βαρθολομαίος),英文:bartholomew,基督教译为:巴多罗买,意即“多罗买之子”,天主教称圣巴尔多禄茂,是耶稣十二门徒之一名为拿但业。2、小雅各(亚勒腓之子 \/ James, son of Alphaeus)简介:亚勒腓的儿子,可能身...

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闭朋康乐: This article is about Jacob in the Hebrew Bible. For the name, see Jacob (name). For other uses, see Jacob (disambiguation).Jacob Wrestling with the Angel – Gustave Doré, 1855Jacob or Yaʿqob, (Hebrew: יַעֲקֹב, Standard Yaʿaqov ...

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闭朋康乐: 拼写Osiris 奥里西斯 象征:手持王杖和连枷、带着假胡子,被描述成木乃伊国王的形象.他是地下世界之神和复活之神. 拼写Horus 荷鲁斯神 象征:荷鲁斯神是长着鹰头的埃及神.Harmakhis,“地上的荷鲁斯神”.他代表升起的太阳,是复活和永生的标志. 拼写IsIs 伊西斯 象征:伊西斯被描绘成头戴秃鹰装饰并长有羊角(有时在其羊角下还写有她名字的符号),双角之间还有太阳光盘的形象. 在死亡之书中,伊西斯被看作是生命的赋予者和死者食物的供给者,她也是审判死者的神祇之一.她还是一位伟大的魔法师.

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闭朋康乐: 1. Jesus 其它相关解释: &lt;Jesu&gt; &lt;lamb of god&gt; &lt;Man of Sorrows&gt; &lt;the Prince of Peace&gt; &lt;the Good Shepherd&gt; &lt;messiah&gt; &lt;Galilean&gt; 例句与用法: 1. 对基督徒来说,主耶稣是他们的救世主. To Christians, Jesus Christ is the Saviour. 2. 耶稣是基督教的创始人. Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion. 3. 基督徒相信耶%F

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闭朋康乐: Sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. The Jewish scriptures consist of the Torah (or Pentateuch), the Neviim ("Prophets"), and the Ketuvim ("Writings"), which together constitute what Christians call the Old Testament. The Pentateuch ...

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闭朋康乐: The book of Job is one of the oldest books in the collection of books known as the Bible. The book is believed to be one of the first books written, despite its placement in the Old . This book chronicles the life of a man named Job. Job was a very ...

临夏回族自治州17517411401: 在圣经中,找出以下情况的人物代表,要求人物英文名称和代表性事件 1 维护和平 2 维护正义 3 良 -
闭朋康乐: 要求有点高!其实你自己可以去找找!不过可以给你几个人物:亚伯拉罕、摩西、大卫、以利亚、耶利米、耶稣、保罗

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