
作者&投稿:满虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Achelous is a kind of adoring for the water culture in human history. Early of humans, people can not foresee the scourge and damage of water, and it's more difficult to avoid this damage and scourge. Excessive water not only can form floods engulfing everything, but also can leave low-lying humid environment and breed infections and diseases. And sometimes the water shortage also plagued residents. Anticipation and pray for the water will come to culmination. People will naturally become fear, revering, hope, and pray into faith and worship. A river, a water body, a place close to water, when there is a concern with a certain number of population, will generate the corresponding god. And to all sorts of water-related faith and worship of the gods in humans reults to the protection and attention of the water from humans.

Hello, I'm 11 years old xxx, this year, I am a kind, intelligent, cheerful girl! I hope I can learn more about the English knowledge, hoping to become a member of this school! I will give a result prove itself!

There are a rightness of loverses, male of very weak in character, do what affair all let the girlfriend try first before.The girlfriend is very dissatisfied to this.
Once, two people go out to sea, returning a sail, the hurricane destroys small boat, thanksing to the life that the girlfriend holds tight a piece of wooden board to just protect two people.The girlfriend asks male friend:"Are you afraid?"The male friend takes out a fruit knife from the bosom, say:Afraid, but there is shark, I deal with it with this."The girlfriend just shakes head wry smile.
Soon, a goods round discovered them, proper when they are jubilantly happy, a group of sharks appear, the girlfriend shout loudly:'We make an effort to swim together, will has no matter!"Male friend but make an effort to push forward female friend suddenly nautical mile, picked a dynasty of wooden board the goods round independently, and shout a way:"I try first this time!"The girlfriend was surprised and foolish, hoping the figure of the male friend, feeling very despair.The shark is close to, can be uninterested to the female friend but the path keep toward male friend to swim to go to, the male friend is tored to bite fiercely by the shark, he grow crazy ground the blunt girlfriend shout a way:"I love you!"
The girlfriend rescue, the persons of the deck all Be stand in silent, the captain sits to girlfriend to say nearby:"Young lady, he is I saw most brave man.We pray for him!""Not, he is a chicken heart." The girlfriend says coldly."Do you how to say so?Just I have been observing you with the telescope, I see him clearly mow to break own wrist with the knife after push away you.Shark to the blood gamey smell very sensitive, if he does like this to fight for time, afraiding of you can never appear is on the boat at this....."

A pair of lovers, male and very cowardly, doing his girlfriend before a first try. Very dissatisfied with the girlfriend. One, two sea, and when it came time to hurricane destroyed boat, thanks to seize the girlfriend of one plank will save the lives of the two men. My girlfriend asked her boyfriend : "Do you fear? "From the lap of her boyfriend took a fruit knife, and said : fear, but sharks, I will use this to deal with it. "Girlfriend is shaking his head and smiling bitterly. Soon a cargo ship found them, when they went into raptures, a group of sharks there, but his girlfriend screamed : 'We pull together tours, Never will! "boyfriend suddenly forced to promote women Friends miles, independent Baizhao wooden plank ship, and shouting : "My first try! "girlfriend was shocked, watching her boyfriend silhouette, very desperate. Sharks are close, the Friends of the woman is not interested You went straight to her boyfriend, and her boyfriend shark ferocity Tearing with, He saw the crazy-girlfriend exclaimed : "I love you! "girlfriend were rescued, the people on the deck in silence and captain to sit around with his girlfriend, said : "Miss, I have seen he is the most courageous person. We pray for him! "" No, He is a coward. "said his girlfriend cold. "How do you say this? I always used binoculars to observe you, I clearly saw him after you take off with a knife cut his wrist. Sharks blood is very sensitive, If he does not do this to gain time, I am afraid you will never arise aboard the vessel ... "

carryin' on 努力坚持下去 有首歌里有And I don't need no carryin' on 我要努力坚持下去 been way off line 背离常轨 如:You tell me your life 's been way off line。你告诉我你的生活已背离常轨 take one down 击败某人,取下 如:So no one could take him down。 没人能...

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1. Teachers can help to point at what Juanmian, thank you.2. To take the exam this time it is not easy, thanks to teacher 3. Not so bad as the basis of that.4. I hope that the teacher to let me an opportunity to continue learning.5. Year of the Ox happy teacher'...

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高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
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求英语高手帮忙翻译五个汉译英 急用!!!万分感谢!
as soon as It started raining as soon as he arrived home.4只要我努力学习我相信我的梦想一定会实现 as long as come true My dream will come true as long as I study hard.5什么也不能阻止他们按时到达那里 prevent from Nothing will prevent them from getting there on time....

i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。She was scared and speechless for several minutes by this sudden shock....

I'm sorry that you haven't found most people here to be very friendly. Keep trying and you'll find more who will be patient with you while your English improves.听你说你没找到很多特别友好的人,我觉得挺遗憾的。不要灰心,我相信你英语好了的时候,你会找到更多朋友。The best way...

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养策降脂: i have sports everyday. i never drink coffee, but i would like milk everyday since milk is good for health. I never eat junk food because they are bad for health. I think i have a very good life habbit, and good life habbit will make make me healthier

满城县13236669256: 请英语高手替我把一篇中文文章翻译成英文,谢谢! -
养策降脂: University of Edinburgh Edinburgh University is a privately established institute of higher education, the coeducation, one of for nowad...

满城县13236669256: 请英语高手帮帮翻译中文这篇短文文章,谢谢~Long long ago, there was a kind lady. Every day, she baked bread for herfamily and an extra loaf for any hungry ... -
养策降脂:[答案] 很久很久以前,有一位好心的女士.每一天,她对任何饥饿的路人,烤面包和一个额外的家庭.她把额外的breadbeside窗口.当她把面包,她总是给她的儿子祈祷.她儿子的坏去了一个很远的地方,她没听到他很长时间. 每一天,一个流浪汉来、把面包....

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养策降脂: 1.LI Ning is 20 years old. He is a unversity student from Fudan University 2. His English is excellent. He can speak English fluently. 3. Hope to be a part-time interpreter. And he can have the chance to be trained.

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养策降脂: As phone said, if the first dozen good hole on material would be very harmful to our printing, likely because of less than in position goods damage, but we could start as you will see the effect if the test,"

满城县13236669256: 求英语高手帮忙翻译以下内容(把中文翻译成英文)
养策降脂: Mr. Mike, good afternoon! Sorry, just the day before yesterday approved the shipment of the machine, I made a mistake. Is to instrument S / N number wrong. 3 with the original protective covers for machine number 514,2 Taiwan without protective ...

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