
作者&投稿:延策 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 如果你打碎这扇窗户,你必须赔偿!
2. 如果你不快点,我们会错过火车的。
3. 如果他掉下去,他会受伤的。
4. 如果明天下雨,那我们将不会去海边。
5. 如果你感觉好些了,那你就可以起床了。
6. 如果他卖了那辆车,他就可以买辆新的。

我有一个大衣。 My overcoat is old.我的大衣是旧的。 I want a new jacket.我想要一个新的外套。
I make a jacket out of it.我做一件夹克走出来。 I love my new jacket.我爱我的新外套。
I have a jacket.我有一件夹克。 My jacket is old.我的外套是旧的。 I want a new sweater.我想要一个新的毛衣。
I make a sweater out of it.我做一件毛衣在它外面。 I love my new saeater.我爱我的新saeater。
I have a sweater.我有一件毛衣。 My sweater is old.我的毛衣是旧的。 I want a new scarf.我想要一个新的围巾。
I make a scarf out of it.我做了一条围巾在它外面。 I love my new scarf.我爱我的新围巾。
I have a scarf.我有一个围巾。 My scarf is old.我的围巾是旧的。 I want a new hat.我想要一个新的帽子。
I make a hat out of it.我做的帽子走出来。 I love my new hat.我爱我的新帽子。
I have a hat.我有一顶帽子。 My hat is old.我的帽子是旧的。 I want a new button.我想要一个新的按钮。
I make a button out of it.我做了它的一个按钮。 I love my new button.我爱我的新按钮。
I have a button.我有一个按钮。 But I can't find my button.但我找不到我的按钮。 I minght have lost it.我minght失去它。 Now I have nothing.现在我一无所有。 ????。????。 ????。????。
I make a book out of it.我做了一本书在它外面。 Yhe book tells you that I can always make something out of nothing.粒子形成的书告诉你,我随时可以无中生有。 ?????。??????????。 ?????。??????????。

1. Americans have a craze for the sun, a belief that the sun will cure chronic illness and that where there is sunshine there will be a job---or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed.
2. Amid mounting social discontent over inflation, the government leaders have used swift police action to drive home the futility of public protest.
3. These are disorientating times for younger Americans. After a childhood of suburban ease and coming of age in the years of endless promise, they are now struggling to adjust to a life of contracting limits not suffered by their parents.
4. Somehow a balance must be struck. The government runs the risk of drawing fire from conservative Malay political quarters if plans to boost English fluency appear to threaten the status of the Malay language. But judging from the pragmatism now coloring government development programs, some of the nationalistic obsessions of the past appear to be receding.
5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago, is a far cry from the free-market economics practiced in the West and will probably remain so for a long time.
6. The company’s top executives are all refugees from the country’s bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector.
7. The anxiety of growing up is attributed to the lack of adult role models and a break in communications between generations.
8. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
9. Britain will have the chance in the next few months to try out an emerging technology that could put mobile telephones within the reach of even modest domestic budgets.
10. Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work

1. Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with their sixteen-year-old daughter simply can not communicate.
2. I firmly believe that, read my short fiction in English to expand our vocabulary of a pleasant way
3. We learned from reliable sources, a second semester English-speaking people to teach us English
4. These learning strategies if you have any questions. Please feel free to ask me to explain in more detail
5. Canadian girl is good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. That is why she had less than three years to master the Chinese language spoken reason

1. Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with their sixteen-year-old daughter simply can not communicate.
2. I firmly believe that, read the shorthand (simplified) English novel is to expand our vocabulary I have an easy and enjoyable way
3. We learned from reliable sources, a second semester English-speaking people to teach us English
4. These learning strategies if you have any questions. Please feel free to ask me to explain in more detail
5. Canadian girl is good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. That is why she had less than three years to master the Chinese language spoken reason

다녀왔어요~ 다녀왔습니다~(敬语)我回来了 갈 게요~ 저는 가겠습니다(敬语)我走了 잘 먹겠습...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
8.大学毕业才一年,她就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人.It`s within one year that she went from one person who pusured her dream to one person who cared about nothing.9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission ...


我之所以报考贵校原因有三点:1:我喜欢法律专业,希望将来能在法学领域有所作为。2:xx大学的法学教育在全国高校中是最好的,在这里我可以享受最优质的教育资源。3:xx城市的政治文化氛围很好,在xx城市,特别是在xx大学这样一个良好的学习环境里,更有利于我对法律知识的学习。There are three reasons...

我努力让自己真正体会那些我们需要展现给客户的情感。9, i work at developing the feelings inside of me that i need to show to clients\/customers 我正在学着培养我内心的感受,用来展现给客户。注:clients\/customers 为同义词,这里统一翻译为“客户”。这几句话本身就是问卷调查的内容(叙述的...

庙小妖风大,池浅王八多。Strong wind always comes from small temple.Turtles are crowded when the pool is shallow.厕所里扔炸弹---激起公愤(粪)。Throwing a bomb into the WC——arousing lot of angry shits.和尚打伞---无法(发)无天。Monks holding umbrellas——No hairs, No god ...

1、Help us establish a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook 有利于我们树立正确的人生观,价值观和世界观 2、To promote a harmonious society and the construction of spiritual civilization 有利于推动和谐社会和精神文明建设 3、Only in this way can we in the fierce competition...

文言文翻译,我经常做的事。给你参考。1.穷在闹市无人问 富在深山有远亲 In time of prosperity,friends will be plenty ,In time of adversity,not one amongst twenty.得势时朋友盈门,失势时不见一人,富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人问 http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/4548413.html?si=4 2...

1.公开 2 经常出现于咖啡馆的阶层\/人士 Café society was the collective description for the so-called "beautiful people" and "bright young things" who gathered in fashionable cafes and restaurants in Paris, London, Rome or New York, beginning in the late 1800s. Lucius Beebe, noted...

Outside take: "hello, I want to go to the window of the world, sitting in your car can to"Driver: "window of the world?"Outside take: "yes, can?"Driver: "can go to, please get on the bus, please go toward inside go"Outside take: "oh, good, thank you, that's ...

翁源县19487393121: 请各位英语高手帮我翻译几个句子!重赏!1.Why do you want to drop the chance to go abroad fo free?2.On average,I do exercise for two hours eevery day sa ... -
布凝欣粒:[答案] 1.为什么你想放弃公费出国的机会呢?2.如你昨天提及的一样,我通常每天做2小时的运动.3.首先,这意味着我们要在休息时间提供免费的水.4.在体育馆里,很多器材对公众全年开放.5.作为英语老师,我们应该尽我们所能提高学生学习英语的兴趣.6.It`...

翁源县19487393121: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家.(befamousfor,befamousas)2.Tom认为他比他们... -
布凝欣粒:[答案] 1.The old man was famous for his great work whilst famous as a scientist. 2.Tom believes he knows everyone's business better than themselves.3.Since this century, natural resources are overtly used.

翁源县19487393121: 高手帮我翻译几句英语句子 -
布凝欣粒: 1.斗牛最初是一个富人的在马背上的运动.

翁源县19487393121: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
布凝欣粒: 1. You look so hot today! Spent a lot of time on the hairstyle didn't you? 2. Tom, Peter shouldn't be freaking out because he was the bravest man when it comes to adventure park. 3. We will not let him get away with this, go home 'till we are drunk. 4. Did she stuck in a traffic jam?

翁源县19487393121: 求英文高手帮我翻译几个句子~ -
布凝欣粒: 1、Sacrifice my love2、Sacrifice the love of my dying

翁源县19487393121: 英语高手来帮我翻译2个简单的句子
布凝欣粒: 1、When it is windy,we can feel the air moving very fast.2、The policemem searched the escaped criminal from door to door.

翁源县19487393121: 求英语高手!!帮我翻译几个句子,谢谢~ -
布凝欣粒: 1. For instance, we often feel lonely, puzzled with the changes of the surrounding world. 2. We are eager to be independent, hoping to appear like grownups. 3. Although there's more gloom than harvest, however, we believe the two enrich and varify our childhood. 打字好费力,起码要奖励10分.

翁源县19487393121: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
布凝欣粒:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come... 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必如此谨小慎微,因为英语不是你的语言啊!你说得不好很正常的,他们会理解...

翁源县19487393121: 英语翻译英语高手些来帮我翻译一段话吧!翻译的美一点哦!“十年后,世界上如果还有“坚持”这个词,我希望它属于我十年后,世界上如果还有“感动”... -
布凝欣粒:[答案] "Ten years later,in the world,if there is" adhering to "the word,I hope it belongs to meTen years later,in the world,if there is "moving" is the word,I hope it belongs to youTen years later,in the wor...

翁源县19487393121: 英语高手来帮我翻译几个句子
布凝欣粒: You are a conscientious teacher and I hope you can continue to help me with my English.I hope we can become friends.

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