
作者&投稿:潘狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Outside take: "hello, I want to go to the window of the world, sitting in your car can to"
Driver: "window of the world?"
Outside take: "yes, can?"
Driver: "can go to, please get on the bus, please go toward inside go"
Outside take: "oh, good, thank you, that's wonderful!"
Driver: "you're welcome."

1. I find living within means increasingly hard.
2.Present day politicans attempt to reach out to ordinary people by speeches in television.
3.Students should be helped to adopt a proactive attitude in life.
4. I hope all students in the class participate in these discussions.
5.You must be penalised for the crime committed

1.我曾经在一家少儿英语学校兼职3个月,没有带班,只是听其他老师讲课 I was doing a part time job in an English language school for children for a period of 3 months. I have not done teaching, but as an observer in classes conducted by other teachers
2.我还没有参加英语等级考试 I have not sat for the English grading test .
I reckon that an outstanding teacher for the juniors must be caring, patient and responsible.
3.我喜欢这份工作,并且我有信心做好它,我会尽全力I like this job and I am confident that I can do it well with the best of my ability.


I ever took a part time job in a children language school for three months,but I just attended other teachers' class there as an observer instead of teaching personally.

I have not taken any English grade test.

An excellent English teacher in my mind would be patient,responsible and have a lovely heart.
I have confidence that I could take this job well,for I love it.

1. I have an English children's school part-time 3 months, with no classes, just to listen to other teachers lecture
2. I also did not participate in the English Test
2. I do think that a good children's English teachers should be caring, patience, a sense of responsibility
3. I like this job, and I am confident that it has to do a good job, I will make every effort to

1. I have an English children's school part-time 3 months, with no classes, just to listen to other teachers lecture
2. I also did not participate in the English Test
2. I do think that a good children's English teachers should be caring, patience, a sense of responsibility
3. I like this job, and I am confident that it has to do a good job, I can do it well with the best of my ability.

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in the manual that trampling is forbidden, this is to prevent man-made damage to components.7、说明书中详细说明了多种安装方式,确保组件安装正确.In order to ensure proper installation, detailed instructions on various installation methods are included in the manual.【英语牛人团】...

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I am a business English major students. In the graduate from this a few months, I mainly responsible for the content of the work is the office secretary. In this process, I used the look, ask, learning methods, a preliminary understanding of the company secretarial work in the ...

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蒸魏曲腾: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I can't stand it.Could you warm it up with a microwave oven for me? 这床单上有块污渍...

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蒸魏曲腾: 1.you did a good job,but the milk shake still bad. 2.You did worse action,but the milk shake is good. 3.the other one please? 4.let me try

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蒸魏曲腾: 工厂地址:东莞厚街镇三屯福祺工业园 Factory Address: Fuqi Industrial Park, Santun, Houjie Town, Dongguan 档口地址:东莞市厚街镇寮厦健雅鞋城C209号 Shop Address: C209, Jianya Shoes City, Liaoxia Mansion, Houjie Town, Dongguan 开...

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蒸魏曲腾: 1. During the period of my second day goes to a school term, I have had right away already the idea going to Korea Republic. My fond dream is to serve as one broker 2. Science department my meeting is chosen, the knowledge needing to carry on...

美溪区14738295594: 求英语高手帮翻译一下几个句子!
蒸魏曲腾: 您好! 第一句和第三句都是俚语(也就是俗话) I'm dying to see you. 我急着和你见面/我非常急于和你见面. what is your major. 你的专业是什么?(是major 不是 maior) shoot the breeze. 闲谈、闲扯.说大话、吹牛 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

美溪区14738295594: 英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子?
蒸魏曲腾: The fact indicates that being away from the reality makes you have more grief. I have always been longing for excellent life,which can be the best examples for such sort of life:the truth, the kindness and the beauty. Even though you were treated in an unfair way in life, you'd never lose your confidence and give up.

美溪区14738295594: 求高手帮我翻译以下几个英文句子
蒸魏曲腾: 1,宗教自由,言论自由和新闻自由的代价是,我们必须忍受很多垃圾.2.如果我们的困难翻倍但不是翻两倍的话,我们的境况还是比地球上其他人要好.3.在一代人的时间里,我们从拒绝黑人在午餐柜台服务变成任命一名黑人担任国家的军事最高长官,并且他也被认为是总统的有力竞争者.(指鲍威尔吧)这是一个伟大的国家,我为自己是它的子民感到自豪.4.自由的作用是保证他人也自由.5美国是这样一个国家,在这里犹太商人可以出售禅珠给对圣诞持不可知论的人.6.我的生活就是我的信息.7.给我一个英雄的名字,我会为你写一出悲剧.8.一个人战胜了自己的欲望,他就是英雄.希望对你有所帮助.如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢您!

美溪区14738295594: 请英语高手帮我翻译几个句子~!
蒸魏曲腾: to protect the eyesight,3 times a day let's welcome it with applause this is my recent work. the king of Asia please support XXX what's the name of this programme

美溪区14738295594: 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话! -
蒸魏曲腾: 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

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