
作者&投稿:端木急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译 词组 句子~


liquid medicine
be angry with sb.
just now
live in a host family
heard of
sleep early at some nights
can't stand laughing
love my school
a littel fever
be helpful to
in one's whole life

my computer doesn't work well.
It's important to eat a balance diet
It's very easy to have a healthy life style.
Eating dangshen and huangqi is good for the body
He didn't fall asleep/go to bed until his dad came back

恩 就这样了 你看看 手译的

你和你母亲长得真像!(相像,像一个豆荚里的两粒豆子two peas in pod)
他说他跑得像汽车一样快,简直是胡扯(胡说八道,绝不可能的事,只有猪相信in pig's eye)
我们不喜欢那些贵而不实用的东东(贵而不实用的东西,白色的大象white elephant)
他可是个大人物(大人物,大土豆big potato)
他是被逼无奈,他很后悔这么做(被逼无奈,在猪圈里in the pen)
下大雨了(下大雨淋湿了小猫小狗rain cats and dogs)
这回他鼻青眼肿了(鼻青眼肿,一块黑一块紫black and blue)
Amy是他妈妈的掌上明珠(掌上明珠the apple of sb's eye)

You ang your mother are like “two pears in pod”.
He says he could run as fast as a car. “In’pig’s eye.”
他说他能跑的像小汽车一样快 在朱德眼里
We don’t like the “white elephant”.
He is “a big potato”.
He is “in the pen” .He regretted having done that.
他在钢笔里 他后悔做了那件事
Betty find a beautiful dress. She “longs” to buy it.
betty发现一件漂亮的裙子 她想买
It rains “cats and dogs”.
下雨了 猫和狗
Now he is “black and blue”all over.
Amy is “the apple of her mother’s eye”.

1,在众人面前说 在。。前面,speak in front of many people 2,带我去音乐会 take me to concert 3使某人紧张 make sb nervous 4惹大量的麻烦 make a lot of trouble 5负担的起做...afford to do 6.与……发起冲突come into conflict with 7.对自己有信心 be confidence to yourself 8....

呵呵,我今年刚高考完,英语考了136.下面只是平时学到的,顺便给你造了个句,我的水平也就到这了。仅供参考哈!1.for all that\/this 对于所有...来说 It's important for all people that we should be honest.对于所有人来说做个诚实的人都很重要。2.even if=even though 尽管 I will ...

九年级英语翻译词组和翻译句子。1.一直做某事 2.装满岩石和沙子3.许多...
1.be always doing sth.\/keep doing sth.2.sth.be filled with rocks and sand 3.many aspects 4.such as\/for example 5.reach\/arrive at(小地点)、arrive in(大地点)6。water sports 7.可直接用move(house),例如:He came to help us move 希望对你有帮助!

1.你还在为重调录音机而苦恼?就更别提你那数码多功能唱片机了 2.没有人生来是为了失败的 daunted by the thought of :为...感到苦恼(因想到...感到气馁)set out 启程 出发

Phrases词组:不上班 off duty 或 on leave 患感冒 have\/get\/catch a cold 进行2小时的锻炼 have 2 hours of excercises 对。。着迷 be fascinated with 或sweep sb. off sb's feet 或 be crazy\/mad about 我一遇见他就立刻对他着迷。He swept me off my feet when I met him.此外...

观众们都激动地站了起来。At the end of performance, all the audiance gave a stand ovation(这个是比较难的词组,也可以用standed and clap代替) because of the brilliant show 7.关心需要帮助的人是重要的。It's important to help those who is in need 现在的初二怎么那么难啊 ...

require \/ request memorize breathe hard\/take a deep breath keep doing something have fun mutually\/to each other spend some time\/it takes sb.some time to do something pen pal make a suggestion make one\/have a try Which piece of suggestion do you think is the best for English ...

英语词组翻译 急
stand in v. 位于...中, 代替演员站好位置, 使花费 stand out v. 站出来, 突出, 坚持抵抗 stand for v. 代表, 代替, 象征, 支持, 做...的候选人 stand away 不接近, 离开 stand back v. 往后站, 退后 选 stand back , 理由就是根据句子内容 ...

2.drink milk 3.吃水果 eat fruit 4.和咖啡 drink coffee 5.吃蔬菜 eat vegetables 6.想睡觉 want to sleep 7.对身体有好处 be good for health 8.对身体有害处 be bad for health 9.一天5或6次 five of six times a day 10.一月1或2次 once or twice a month 汉译英。(句子)1....

1,浇灌果园 2,给谷仓刷漆 3,在这些合唱团之间 4, 为自由投稿作报告 5,追求她自己的需求计划 6,爬进黑熊的洞穴 7,8,放在一边9,忍受孤独 句子:1,自那以后曾经有过一些焦虑的时刻,但是总的说来事情进展的比我们想象的要好。2,我们已经能够在不明显降低生活水平的前提下通过消减开支来...

隆昌县15658179937: 初二英语翻译词组、句子,急 -
印炒谓立: 你好.词组分别为:1、food on.2、the largest animal planet.3、in the air in the sky.4、weigh 209 tons.5、a new set of teeth.6、a cm long.7、19 feet high.希望对你有帮助.

隆昌县15658179937: 英语词组和句子在线翻译,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
印炒谓立: Nice to meet you to(我也很高兴认识你) hello !(你好) 26个字母 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 望采纳!

隆昌县15658179937: 翻译词语、词组、句子和英语1、从我家乘公共汽车到达学校要花15分钟. 2、简每天7点离开去学校. 3、下次他将做得更好. 4、请把收音机关小声点. 5... -
印炒谓立:[答案] 1, It takes 15 minutes to go to school from my house to bus stop 2, Jane left to go to school at 7:00 . 3, He will do better next time. 4, turn down the radio 5, he did apologize for what he did 6, running can help strengthen his leg muscles. 7, Do you mind ...

隆昌县15658179937: 英语翻译词组,句子 -
印炒谓立: 1. at the beginning of2. keep sth safe3. be ready to do sth4. pack schoolbag5. do sth else6. take shower7. read old magazine8. in four programs9. sit on soft setence 1. He writes more carefully than me.2. I give the letter to him when he sits on the ...

隆昌县15658179937: 初一英语(急)1、翻译词组 (1)一套钥匙 (2)一串钥匙 (3)去野餐2、翻译句子 Thanks____ - ____=Thank you_____ - _______不用谢 You are - _____... -
印炒谓立:[答案] 1.(1).a set of keys (2) a string of keys或a bunch of keys (3)go on a picnic(不是go to是go on!) 2.Thanks_a_ _lot_=Thank ... ——Susan will. A.at B.on C.for D.in 选B 词组:on duty 意思:值日,值班. 希望对你有用! 对不起,我打错了,应是is 因为这...

隆昌县15658179937: 急!急!急!翻译几个简单的英文短语和句子 -
印炒谓立: 1. tiwin brothers2. be more frank 3. between...and... 1. This box is much heavier than that one.2. All the boys like playing computer games.3. This road is as long as that one.4. There are more than fifty students in our class.5. Harry Potter is the most ...

隆昌县15658179937: 英语词组造句,急! -
印炒谓立: Stop to do 翻译 停下来去做; 停下来去做某事; 停下去做;[例句]Stop doing sth stop to do sth. 停止做某事停下来去做某事.mean to do 英[mi:n tu: du:] 美[min tu du] [词典] 打算做;有意做;[例句]I didn't mean to do you any harm. 我并不想会害了你.Living a thrifty lifestyle does not have to mean doing without. 拥有节俭的生活方式并不意味着什么都不能做.

隆昌县15658179937: 翻译短语和句子 -
印炒谓立: 1.your favorite subject2.his favorite colour3.my favorite actor 4.her your matter 5.What is your favorite subject?6.Since (because) he thinks that English is interesting.

隆昌县15658179937: 翻译下列词组及句子:
印炒谓立: 1.help sb do sth 2.try one's best to do sth 3.thanks for... 4.call on sb... 5.on a visit to... 1.The forrest is in danger. 2.Thanks for your help. 3.Thank you for helping me. 4.What does this sign mean? 5.It means " keep off the grass". 6.We should try our ...

隆昌县15658179937: 用英文翻译一个句子和词组[急]
印炒谓立: 1.At the end of the 20th century, China science and technology have made great progress. 2.insularity 3.The TV series4.Calligraphy,

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