
作者&投稿:登真 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Would you like to share your toys with other little friends?
2、That long red skirt fits her very much.
3、It is bored to do our homework all day.
4、While I was thiking of my poor little dog,I was always sad.
5、I will vote Tom because he always helps people in need.
6、He is an honest friend and never speaks ill to others.

The doctors are trying to save his life
What makes us sad is that many people are not willing to help the others

Project Hope is an organization that help those students in poverty by raising public donation
Finally,we would like to express our appreciation to those who make this performance possible
There is a movie named harry Potter this afternoon
The host came on the stage smelly, holding a bunch of flowers.
We will take a recess after every class
At the end of performance, all the audiance gave a stand ovation(这个是比较难的词组,也可以用standed and clap代替) because of the brilliant show
It's important to help those who is in need

初二英语翻译!急急急急!!! WhileTomandMarywereonholidayattheseaside,theyenjoyedwatchingtheseagulls.Theythoughtalotabouttheselovelybirds.Theywilloftencomeclosetoyouwhenyouareeating.Ifyouthrewpieceso... While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside,they enjoyed watching the seagulls.They thought a lo...


为你解答。每年年初,我们都希望要改善我们的生活。(At) (the) (beginning) (of) every year,we (hope) (to) (improve) our lives.解释:at the beginning of,在……的开始。hope to do,希望做。

人教版新目标八年级英语初二英语上册课文翻译【全册】一单元SECTION A图片 周末你通常做什么?我经常去看电影。1c 她在周末做什么?她经常去看电影。2a 你多久看一次电视?每周两次。2c 你多久看一次电视?我每天看电视。你最喜欢什么节目?《动物世界》。你多久看一次?Grammar Focus 你周末通常做什么?我通常踢足球。


A Very Fast Car Race——F1 F1 is a very fast car race.非常快——F1赛车比赛中是一个非常快F1汽车比赛。It is one of the most popular sports in the world.它是世界上最受欢迎的运动。The drivers go at ov...


初二几道英语题!!!超级 急.英语翻译!
What sports do you usually do?至于作业,我们中的大部分每天都做。As for homework,most of us do it every day.我必须在家照顾我弟弟。l have to look after my brother at home 这个也可以填care about 初二的题吧 =-= 我刚初二上完 你看着办吧,我觉得应该是对的 ...

初二··英语 翻译!

1.There are many different kinds of food. My favorite food is fried rice.In China, most of the people in the south eat rice. And I like fried rice best.It’s really delicious. When I go home from school, I am always hungry. At that time I always make fried rice by ...

兴海县17873609889: 初二英语句子翻译,,急急急急~··用anything、nothing、everything、something、翻译 1.我的手表有些毛病 2.火灾后什么也没留下 3.今天大家都到了吗? ... -
乘话戊酸:[答案] 用anything、nothing、everything、something、翻译 1Therearesomthingwrongwithmywatch! 2Therearenothinglefftafterthefire. 3Iseveryoneheretoday? 4Hehassomthingimportanttotellyou. 5Therearesomethingstrange...

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乘话戊酸:[答案] 1、Would you like to share your toys with other little friends?2、That long red skirt fits her very much.3、It is bored to do our homework all day.4、While I was thiking of my poor little dog,I was al...

兴海县17873609889: 初二英语6句翻译句子(急急急!) -
乘话戊酸: 1、回Would you like to share your toys with other little friends?2、答That long red skirt fits her very much.3、It is bored to do our homework all day.4、While I was thiking of my poor little dog,I was always sad.5、I will vote Tom because he always ...

兴海县17873609889: 初二英语翻译句子,帮帮忙 -
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乘话戊酸: 1.This is the most expensive computer among appliances. 2.It is more intresting riding a bike than going camping. 3.Wolves are no more dangerous than tigers. 4.not as as 5.Although he is very rich,he is not generous as I am. 6.They have ...

兴海县17873609889: 几道初二英语的句子翻译....
乘话戊酸: 1.每年,数百头大象被捕杀.hundreds of elephants are killed every years. 2.上周,2000棵树被砍伐.last week 2000 trees were cut. 3.我们学校开设跆拳道(taekwondo).taekwondo is taught in our school. 4.这头大熊猫将被我们好好照看.this panda will be well looked after. 5.150棵树已被种植.150 trees have been planted. 6.这种蘑菇(rushroom)不可以使用.this kind of rushroom can't be eaten.

兴海县17873609889: 几个初二英语翻译句子 1.这本杂志每个月出版两次 2.老师要求我们早点到学校 3.除了语文和英语外 -
乘话戊酸: 为你解答.1、这本杂志每个月出版两次.The magazine comes out twice a month.2、老师要求我们早点到学校 . The teacher tells us to get to school earlier.3、除了语文和英语外,在学校我们还学数学和音乐.Besides Chinese and English, ...

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乘话戊酸: 、我昨天夜里知道是一点入睡 I didn't go to bed until one clock last night 2、假如票卖完了,我就在家看电视 I wll stay at home watching TV if the tickets are sold out 3、为什么他的书上很多地方都用了红色记号 Why are there so many red marks on ...

兴海县17873609889: 翻译几个初二英语句子
乘话戊酸: 1.那对双胞胎喜欢唱歌和跳舞 Those twins like to sing and dance. 2.那个中等身材,留着竖直短发的男孩是谁? Who is that boy with straight and short hair? 3.一些人不喜欢哪位歌手个新形象 Some people don't like the new image of that singer. 4....

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