
作者&投稿:韦武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

们不能乱扔垃圾的英文是"We cannot litter". 这个表述强调我们不应该随意扔垃圾,应该采取适当的的方法来处理垃圾,以保护环境和保持公共场所的清洁。以下是使用场景:

1. It is important to remember that we cannot litter in public parks.


2. The sign clearly states that we cannot litter on this beach.


3. Please dispose of your trash properly; we cannot litter in this area.


4. The teacher reminded the students that they cannot litter in the school premises.


5. Littering is strictly prohibited in this national park.


6. We must follow the rules and not litter in the designated bins provided.


7. Tourists were warned that they cannot litter on the hiking trails.


8. Proper waste disposal is a civic duty, and we cannot litter in public spaces.


9. The responsible citizens never litter, adhering to the belief that cleanliness starts with us.


10. Children were taught from a young age that they cannot litter and should always use trash cans.


文明城市工作中加强宣传教育,提高市民的整体文明素质,从这不是小事的小事做起,从我做起,做一个文明的中国人。为了给经英们一个良好舒适的工作环境,保证大家的精力旺盛情绪,请大家注意公司环境卫生,不要在乱扔垃圾,望大家相互照看!特此通知(另起一行右)XX公司(另起一行右)时间 ...

[DO NOT LITTER. SAVE OUR EARTH NOW.]真好汉,必登顶!距离马背峰还有238步台阶 238 Steps to Horseback Peak [TRUE MAN MUST ARRIVE AT PEAK. ANOTHER 238 STEPS AWAY FROM HORSEBACK PEAK]请不要在墙上乱涂乱画 No Scribbling on the Wall [DO NOT SCRIBBLE 比较强; 如发出命令!]...

英语There’s some litter怎么翻译?
v. 散乱覆盖;(在公共场所)乱扔(垃圾);使(某事物)充满;(狗、猫等动物)产仔;<古>(为马或其他动物)铺褥草 【名】 (Litter)(匈、德)利特(人名)短语 No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 ; 不乱扔垃圾 litter box 猫砂 ; 猫砂盆 ; 产仔箱 drop litter乱丢垃圾 ; 乱仍东西 例句 Glass ...

4、强制性公示语:强制性公示语用强烈的口气要求必须做某事或命令不得做某事,是所有公示语中语气最强硬的,它要求受众必须执行,没有商量的余地,起到强烈的警示作用。如:No Smoking 严禁吸烟,No Littering 严禁乱扔垃圾, Don 'tWalk禁止通行, Dogs must be kept on a leash 狗必须用皮带牵住, Police...

3.附近有一张纸币 - there is a money note near by.4.那个标志的意思是“危险”吗?Does that sign mean "Danger"?5.它不表示“安静”that does not mean "Quiet"6.两张五元纸币 - two five dollar notes 7.哪些标志表示“你不应该乱扔垃圾”?The sign reads "Do not litter"8.把它们...

2、rubbish:rubbish的基本意思是“垃圾,废弃物”,指已经或将要被扔掉的无价值或无用途的东西,是不可数名词。三、侧重点不同 1、litter:litter是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物。2、rubbish:rubbish普通用词,指任何成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤指弃掉的垃圾堆。

您说的这一句本身就是一中文句子。估计您是想把它翻译成英语句子吧?那么把“那个淘气的男孩答应不乱扔垃圾。”翻译成英语是:That naughty boy promised not to litter.以上这一句英语之中,我觉得有几个比较重要的英语词汇,有必要在此单独放出来做详细解释:naughty 英 [ˈnɔːti]...

With the development of society more and more serious environmental pollution. This issue to arouse wide concern. We must protect the environment, protect our homes, so that mankind can survive.I think we start from the little things around, do not litter, do not spit, do have ...

on, in, at 后不能加the _B.The next_morning A.Next B.The next C.In the next D.On next.in the morning 是正确的,有next不加上in 汉译英。[要符合初一的水平。} 不准吃东西、不准乱扔垃圾 _Don't eat, and don't drop rubbish_爱护图书。_Take care of the books_按时归还。...


长泰县15748967860: 我们不能在公共场所乱扔垃圾英语怎么翻译 -
少志地屈: 我们不能在公共场所乱扔垃圾.We mustn't throw rubbish in public .

长泰县15748967860: 保护环境 用英语表达出来我们不能乱扔垃圾 -
少志地屈: 保护环境 , 我们不能乱扔垃圾.To protect the environment, we should not litter.

长泰县15748967860: 我们不允许乱扔垃圾 英语(2种) 不准抽烟(2种) -
少志地屈: We are not allowed to drop litter.We do not be allowed to drop litter.No smoking.Do not smoke.

长泰县15748967860: “请不要乱丢垃圾”这句短语用英语怎么说? -
少志地屈: 有以下说法: 1、Please do not litter 2、NO litter (禁止乱扔垃圾) 3、Don't drop litter. 4、Please do not leave litter.

长泰县15748967860: 不能乱扔垃圾,用英语怎么说?
少志地屈: can not throw rubbish

长泰县15748967860: 保持教室干净,我们不能乱扔垃圾,英语句子 -
少志地屈: In order to keep the classroom clean, we should not litter anywhere.

长泰县15748967860: 我们不应该随地吐痰乱扔垃圾 英语咋说 -
少志地屈: We shouldn't spit and throw rubbish everywhere. 或者We shouldn't spit and throw rubbish here and there.

长泰县15748967860: 不要乱丢垃圾用英文怎么写? -
少志地屈: Please do not litter 2、NO litter (禁止乱扔垃圾) 3、Don't drop litter.4、Please do not leave litter.环球雅思祁连山 2014-11-03please don't throw trash conveniently

长泰县15748967860: 翻译英文“不要乱丢垃圾”
少志地屈: Please do not leave litter. 请勿乱扔垃圾. No littering. 禁止乱扔垃圾.

长泰县15748967860: 请勿乱扔垃圾用英语怎么说?
少志地屈: No littering , please. 请勿乱扔垃圾 Please do not leave litter. 请勿乱扔垃圾

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