
作者&投稿:花琳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语 高手帮忙来回答一下好吗~

你就说 I like group travel.

然后,搜索一下,group travel的好处。


Have you ever marveled that how delightful will it be to explore various wonders of the world along with simultaneously knowing different people and making friends with them? It is a lifetime experience to know not just various places but also various people. The talk is all about benefits of traveling in groups. Group travel basically refers to traveling with a readymade group of people. At present group travel is the best form of travel for more than half of American population.

Often a monotonous and exasperating journey can translate into an exciting and merry-making one, by virtue of being accompanied by many people. While one half of the long and tedious voyage is covered in getting introduced to your group; socializing and knowing them better makes up for the other half of it. So even though you are not with your family and set of friends, you cannot feel lonely because of the company of numerous men and women.

However the benefits of traveling in groups are not just confined to knowing people and merry-making but there are several other wonderful advantages of it. Group traveling is the safest form and cheapest form of travel today. Being with a group ensures maximum safety for even though you are thousand miles away from home, in case of any emergency help is there with you in the form of people in your group.

Traveling in a group is extremely cost effective. Most often the desire to explore ideal vacation spots, simmers in all of us. But the biggest impediment that abstains us from materializing our dreams is money. Traveling alone to globally acclaimed tourist spots such as Las Vegas, the Caribbean, the Grand Canyon etc. is immensely expensive. Huge expenditure is incurred in traveling, accommodation, and food and in getting around the place. However by way of traveling in a group all these expenses are shared and so drastically reduced. For instance, a single traveler who would have paid $100 to hire a cab to discover the site, in a group of 10 travelers will pay mere $10 for the same. Thus group travels are extremely economical for all the members of the group. Group travel provides the opportunity to see maximum number of places incurring minimum expenditure.

Group travelers are often favored to individual ones in many hotels and inns. In relation to a single vacationer, it is much easier for people in a group to find a lodging. Moreover group travelers get preferential treatment from waiting in line at customs to getting special behind-the-scenes tours not offered for individual travelers.

Today there are a variety of group travel options available. According to the destination, his desires and the facilities offered in the package tour by the travel agency, a person can conveniently decide which group to opt for. Group travel can be for a one-day trip as well as a one-month or lengthier tour. Along with other amenities, travel companies also supplement group travelers with travel insurance.

All in all in the current scenario, group travel is the ideal form of travel for everyone.


11.A --感谢你的帮助。--我的荣幸!
12.A must be 表示肯定的推测!
13.C -- 她是谁?
14. A 如果她想要保持苗条,她就必须要 改变 一下日常饮食!
15.B --Marilyn,我想我要离开了。---欧~ 那么早啊?
16.D 主谓一致,Two thousand dollars( 两千美元,作为一个整体)做主语,谓语动词用单数。
17.B -- 我已经有三个小孩了! --太棒了!(这是中西方文化差异,对某些西方国家而言,有小孩是很骄傲的事情)
18.D -- 你昨天怎么没来参加我的生日party?--对不起,只是我妻子昨天出了车祸!
这是考查礼仪用语。当你要拒绝别人的邀请,或是表达歉意时,一般是用“Sorry,but ……”句型!
19.A, 同上属于礼仪。当别人夸奖你的时候,要用"thank you!"
20. B 主要是答句里面有个So about a week.(所以,大概是一个星期),暗示问的是多长时间!

11.A my pleasure不用谢
12.A must be 一定是,肯定推测
14.A make a change改变饮食
16. D金钱时间等都不可数,用单数is
17.BThat’s terrific太好了,很棒的意思
18. D
20.B So about a week说明是问多长时间

AACAB DBDAB 第三题要选C A是用来提问一个人是做什么工作的!


11.A --感谢你的帮助。--我的荣幸!12.A must be 表示肯定的推测!13.C -- 她是谁?14. A 如果她想要保持苗条,她就必须要 改变 一下日常饮食!15.B --Marilyn,我想我要离开了。---欧~ 那么早啊?16.D 主谓一致,Two thousand dollars( 两千美元,作为一个整体)做主语,谓...

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闫超乐来: jason kan 的那个就很好单词新颖介词形容词用的也很好

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闫超乐来: 真的真的很抱歉,谢谢 如果合心意的话请加分,译这个花了不少时间 - - - 曾经犯过的错,解释再多. 还有谢谢你G,谢谢给我安慰跟我说没关系. 还有也谢谢你L, and my friends 我只希望也许以后在哪里碰到 不至于记恨我 这样我就很满足了 I just...

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