
作者&投稿:戊言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第二组:1、A 2、B 3、C 4、D 5、A 6、C 7、D 8、B 9、A 10、C
多给点分啊 特意给你打字的

[Abstract]The trademark translation is not the simple language transformation, is one kind of Trans-Culture human relations form.The trademark translation many factor influences, in which psychological factor including the national culture psychology, the expense psychology, the esthetic psychology and so on, regarding the setting up good commodity image, is developed successfully the market, seizes the market to play the extremely vital role.Therefore must pay great attention to in the Chinese and British trademark translation to the psychological factor research, and uses the corresponding translation strategy.
[Key word] Trademark translation psychological factor strategy

1.What's the matter with him?(feel/ill)
He says that he feels ill.
2.What's the matter with her?(have got/a headache)
She says that she has got a headache.
3.What does he want?(a haircut)
He says (that) he wants a haircut.
4.What's the matter with them?(are/thirsty)
They say (that) they are thirsty.
5.What's the matter with them?(have/a toothache)
They say (that) they have teethache.(额 这句你看看原题主语是不是应该是He)
6.What does she need?(a licence)
She says (that) she needs a licence.
7.What does he want?(an X-ray)
He says (that) he wants an X-ray.
8.What's the matter with her?(is/cold)
She says (that) she is cold.
9.What's the matter with him?(have got/a cold)
He says (that) he have got a cold.
10.What's the matter with him?(have/an earache)
He says (that) he have an earache.

通过以上 可以总结出:主语+say(s)+(that)+【宾语从句 由主谓(宾)】组成

q+1 = *a+1 = a[0]+1 = &a[0][0]+1 = &a[0][1](q+1) = *(a+1) = a[1] = &a[1][0](*q+1)+1 = *(*a+1)+1 = *(&a[0][1])+1 = a[0][1]+1 = 3+1 = 4 ((*q+1)+1) = *((*a+1)+1) = *(&a[0][1]+1) = *(&a[0][2]) =...

汇编语言高手帮帮忙 解决下菜鸟问题
命题:从1开始,连续 n 项奇数等差数列求和,可以得到 n^2。证明:1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n-1) = (1 + (2n-1))*(n\/2) = n^2 求解思路:从完全平方数 N 中,依次减去:1、3、5、...,减到0为止,减去了多少次?平方根就是几。程序的核心部分如下:MOV AX, [data] ...


1. “pour”一般指“泼”,“倒”这个动作。而“pull”则指“推”。2. 整个“wearing a dress several sizes too large and broken shoes”是个限定性定语从句,做定语修饰a girl。意思是裙子很大。3. “smile”是微笑的意思。4. “back”单独讲是回去,返回的意思。但在这个句子里面是副词,没...

答案:(1)自古逢秋悲寂寥 (2)欲把西湖比西子,浓妆淡抹总相宜 苏轼 白居易 孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。最爱湖东行不足,绿杨阴里白沙堤

问题一:这句话的主语是the idea of progress. loom做不及物动词解释为隐约出现。比如说The specter of war loomed ahead. 战争的阴影逼近了。loom so large 就是这么广泛地出现,是一个常用短语可以译为“显得突出”。整句话意思就是:“为什么进步的概念在现代社会这么广泛地出现。可以译为“为什么...

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doing 既是动名词又是现在分词,它们作定语的区别如下:动名词被修饰的名词的用途,如:a waiting room (the room for waiting)这里waiting是动名词 a dancing girl(a girl who is dancing)这是dancing是现在分词,只要是分词都可以写成从句 done 作定语表示被动或已经如:food bought in this shop 名词作...

他们喜欢帮助别人。They always keep smiling to anyone.他们对谁都是笑盈盈的。If they serve you, they will supply the best.他们会提供最好的服务。Although there are many races in Singapore, they live a harmony life together.尽管有好多种族住在新加坡,但他们相处融洽。It’s all attributed...

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马村区15333487964: 英语高手帮忙解决问题!回答好的再加10财富模仿例句把下列句子改写成间接引语.例句:He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk1.She has ... -
陈果乐喜:[答案] 1.What's the matter with him?(feel/ill)He says that he feels ill.2.What's the matter with her?(have got/a headache)She says that she has got a headache.3.What does he want?(a haircut)He says (that) he...

马村区15333487964: 英语问题,英语高手帮帮忙!急!Would you like a hot dog?No,thanks.Idon`like a hot dog.回答可不可以用:I don`t like hot dog.呢?(先回答,好的再加分)谢... -
陈果乐喜:[答案] 一般来讲,当别人问你需不需要什么的时候 你需要就说:yes,please. 如果不需要,就是no,thanks. 而且,要是不喜欢什么的的可以加上个really. 你的句子就可以说成:no,thanks.I don't really like hot dogs.

马村区15333487964: (英文好手进)一些英语问题~大家尽快帮忙解决下啊.拜托!回答的好追加分! -
陈果乐喜: 1.What is another word for chips? 答:Fries(油炸土豆片)--Chips in Amercis are called “French fries”or “fries ”for short.2.Wh...

马村区15333487964: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
陈果乐喜:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

马村区15333487964: 英语高手帮忙解答下面的选择题,答的好的追加分 -
陈果乐喜: 55:D这个大湖的这个地方不止三米深 .固定搭配的用法A.by depth B.in the depth C.out of depthD.in depth 从深度上说56:C他在那里工作的时候,遇到了相当大的麻烦 考词义A.an extensive 扩展的B.an explosive 爆炸性的C.a considerable 相当的...

马村区15333487964: 求借两大道英语题,英语高手帮帮我,回答好的追加分啊~~~不说废话了,直接发题一.根据方框中所给句子种类,判断下列句子属于哪种类型方框内:a.... -
陈果乐喜:[答案] 更正楼上数题,保证准确! 一、根据方框中所给句子种类,判断下列句子属于哪种类型 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. a 10. b 11. d 12. c 二、根据汉语完成句子 1. works at/in 2.like our Chinese 3. teaches me 4. looks/looked, angry 5. makes/...

马村区15333487964: 英语高手帮忙啦!...
陈果乐喜: 点评一下sunshine的回答 I can't agree with you .// I don't agree. 后面的with you还是多余(虽然没有错误) This is my own opinion.// I'll keep my point of view. I think the keypoint is ....// The key is...// My concern is// I'm concerning... It is good for....// ...

马村区15333487964: 请英语高手帮忙解决,不要乱填,急急急,弄完就给好评,谢谢! -
陈果乐喜: 只能给你1-6 的选择,第7道看不清:1.D2.A3.A4.A (应该是I agree. 题目出错了)5.C6.B (are,因为说的是 "results")希望帮到你.

马村区15333487964: 英语问题.求帮忙!英语高手请进!!...
陈果乐喜: He said he had done his homework already. He told me he would go to Beijing the next month. Li Ping said he could sing English songs. I told my parents I was going to study harder this term. They said they were playing basket ball on the ...

马村区15333487964: 请帮忙解答几个英语问题请英语高手帮忙解决几个英语问题:1、--Thank you for sending me the letter. - - - ___ - ___ - A.With plensure B.All right c.My pleasure ... -
陈果乐喜:[答案] 1, C 不用谢 a 乐意效劳 b 好的 d 没关系 2, C horseshoe! 马蹄铁 这是英国人的传统,他们觉得在门上挂马蹄铁能带来幸运~这个传统很有名~ 3, C磅:相当于16盎司(453.592克)的重量单位 4, C one指代bottle 为了避免重复不用bottle 5,B so it is,...

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