
作者&投稿:路耿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I like Kongfu Panda. Pandas are a national protecting animals. In this movie, it shows us a kind of spirit to conquer everything and you can do it.
2、I want to invent rubbish control disposal.it would try to ruduce the waste discharge and make our life cleaner and ruduce pollution.
3、I must study hard, learn the technology and take part in more activities.
4、90%Discount the main food to attact many people. Poster with the dilicious food.
5、Make an advertisment and models to show the fashion and the efficiency of the make-up.
6、Rococo is an 18th-century artistic movement and style, which affected several aspects of the arts including painting, sculpture, architecture, interior design, decoration, literature, music and theatre.Romance is the pleasurable feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.
7、It means somebody is in a troble that is difficult to dispose.
8、People tell white lies because they won't want to hurt others. If the counterpart is a patient, you shouldn't to tell the truth.
9、First,If it's a foreign city, he has to know the habits and important numbers. Second,buy a map of that city and know the famous places to take.

1 )talk about a film
Brave Heart is part of a historical film, part of a hero legend, part of romantic and part of nationalistic. It is about the story of William Wallace, a poor but free Scottish man, in 1280 AD. The sons and daughters of Scotland suffer lot under England’s cruel ruling. For his wife and families, Wallace revenges to fight back with his fellows against the English soldiers. They win more and more battles while Scottish nobles make more and more concessions under England’s bribery. Finally Wallace is betrayed by the nobles and sentenced to be hanged to death as a traitor.
2) my hobby
I have many hobbies .On weekdays ,when I study in school ,I play with my classmates .Sometimes I play volleyball with them,sometimes I play football with them .I think playing football is very interesting and exciting .But when I get home ,I like listening to music alone .Also I like reading story books.When I am not happy about something ,I usually draw some pictures though I am not good at drawing .On weekends ,there is no class ,I like shopping with my friends and my parents .
3)My Friend
My friend Jane is a pretty and cute girl. She has a pair of big and bright eyes, which seem as if they can speak. Under her small lovely nose,there is a little naughty mouth. Her hair is straight and long, hanging down to her shoulders. In a word, she is a healthy girl. She is the best student in her class. She always gets full marks in the exams. What's more, she can play the piano, and she sings and dances well. In every New Year's party,she plays the piano and sings sweet songs for her classmates. Everybody loves her very much.
4)my family
my family is a happy one, when we three together, there are full of laughters. When I was a little child, once my parents went to work I was leave alone at home. Mum locked the door in order to let me study and not to watch TV, but my Dad gave me the key queitly and said"I trust your determination" . Now, Mun often goes out for shadow boxing and she also asks me to learn that. Although I know that it is good for me, I also feel strange just I think it is a sport of the olds. My dad is more funny when he is getting old, he usually make us laugh.
this is the most important family in my heart.
5)my dream
Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.
6)I'm a college student now, and have a colourful campus life. I like sports very much, table tennis, basketball and football are all my favourite sports. Sports not only can exercise my body, but also enriched my life, enhance the friendship between the students. Sometimes in the weekend I would go to the English Corner in activities to improve my English learning. Translater is my dream job, and I wish to be an excellent translater in the future, I should start from now on.
7)1. Please insert your ABC Plus Card into the slot as
shown above.
2. Key in your Personal Identification Number (PIN)
when the instruction appears on the ABC screen to
complete the required transaction
3. Select the service you wish by pressing the button
adjacent to the appropriate line.
4. Follow carefully the instruction appearing on the
screen to complete the required transaction.
5. Collect your cash from the machine, as shown
6. Take back your card and the printed advice of your
8)Recently,our class have had a discussion about an Eco-travel. Some of my classmates are in favor of going to Red River Village. They say they could swim there and go boating on it. They also say they could learn about the birds by the river. What’s more,by staying at hotels in Red River Village,they can help the villages make money so that they can take care of the river and birds. However,other students are against the idea,they prefer Snow Mountain,saying that they could go hiking and looking at other animals there. They suggest planting trees on the mountains. They also say by going there,they could help the people to keep the mountain clean to take care on the birds on the mountains.
9)The winter vacation is comung soon ,and here is my plan.
First of all,I will finish all my homework in the first three days so that I can play during the rest of the vacation.Then ,I will go shopping or watch movies with my friends in the weekends and I will study English in the weekdays.Bsides ,I will try to eat less food because I don't want to look fat when I return to school !
10)Description of an advertisment
As for the advertisment, I remembered an advertisment of NIKE named ”Chamber of Fear” not too long ago, which was divided into three sections with 30 seconds per section and a total of 90 seconds. It told that Leborn James faced, and fairlessly conquered each chamber of fear one by one when he was facing the chambers.
”Chamber of Fear” publicized a positive life view. Nike Company wished to encourage current youths to fairlessly face their fears and go after their dreams from the Adz. It is just like the concept that Nike Company advocated: “there is no finish line”. Let’s keep a positive attitude forever no matter where you are and what you are carrying up.

1. What is your favorite movie? Why do you like it?
I'd say my favorite movie is <Forrest Gump>. I like it not just becuause the touchy friendship and true love between Forrest and Jenny, but also the breath-taking scenary it presented to it audience.

2. Imagine you could invent a machine that would make life easier and better. Describe the machine.
If I have that kind of ability as to invent a machine like that, I hope the my machine can send people to the one they love and miss when they want to meet each other no matter how far away they are.

3.If you want to become the next Steve Jobs, you should not drop-out of college, but what should you do while in college?
To be a Jenius like Steve Jobs is not a easy job. I would study hard in English and also get to know as much knowledge as I can in colleage where I have so much time and energy.

4. If you want to sell McDonald’s food, then you need to make a commercial that gives the illusion of .
这个题目不完整呢,没看懂。是要接着说of 后面的内容吗?
need to make a commercial that gives the illusion of we are catering food that are healthy, nutritious and environmentally-friendly.

5. If you want to sell make-up and fashion, you need to make commercials that give the illusion of
I need to make commercials that give the illusion that the products can make you not you and that you'd be more attractive and healthy if you become a regular customer of the product. Besides, using the prodcuts we make can make you feel more elegant as well as fasionable than any other women who do not use it or can not afford it.

6. In business, such as, commercialism, advertising, marketing, or in pop-culture, do you see these two concepts, the Rococo life, and the Romantic? where?
Yes, though not so many as in western countries. On channels like CCTV, many of the wine ad or other drinking stuff commercials tend to include the concepts of the Romantic.

7. What is the meaning: “I’m at the crossroads"
"Crossroads" here is a metaphor which means an important point in sb's life or development.
If you are "at the crossroads", you have a lot of choices and you are not sure which way to go and which decision to make.

8. Do you know of any reasons people tell white lies? When it is better to tell the white lies than the truth?
Yes, it's when they do not wanna hurt the ones they love or care.
It is better to tell the white lies than the truth when you know that the truth will hurt someone or when someone is standing at the last moments of their life.

9. If your friends want to travel in a city he has never been to, what advice would you give him/her?
First of all, get to know the route and safe hotels' telephone no. and location on the internet.
Then, prepare suitable clothes and shoes, and remember to take camaeras with him or her.
Make a reasonable budget and have some idea about the place to go and local dishes to taste.

1. Forrest Gump. presist on one thing and do it so well that can change your destiny.
2. I want to invent a kind of thought rather than a mechine. Cause I want to change people's mind. It's much more difficult than inveting a machine.
3. Prefer what I like and learn it well, then use it to change the world.
4. Desire of eathing, Health food
5. you're beautiful, and you should be more beautiful, so you need make-up.
6.Yes, the package of goods become Rococo-like. and advertising offen take advantage of Romantic sense,feeling,smell and so on.
7. I have to make a big decision.
8. white liars do not intend to harm the audience.
9. take care of yourself,and give me a call when you're in trouble though maybe I can't handle it I can ease your tense by my voice.

1 braveheart because it recorded the fond of scotland people to get freedom
2 it likes the robert ,but it has thought and memory
3 i will try my best to join job and study harder to find better jobs
4 list all the kinds and price then find the consumers
5 i willfind a model such as myself or other things to look the result
6 yes, such as in advertising selling goods
7 我不知所措
8 such as the truth is miserable and say that can reduse unnecessary troble
9 take a map, take enough money but not in cash,and be careful of other men

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俟通德瑞: 1 )talk about a film Brave Heart is part of a historical film, part of a hero legend, part of romantic and part of nationalistic. It is about the story of William Wallace, a poor but free Scottish man, in 1280 AD. The sons and daughters of Scotland suffer lot ...

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望都县19862119568: 急求高手帮忙回答几个英语问题? -
俟通德瑞: 1、I like Kongfu Panda. Pandas are a national protecting animals. In this movie, it shows us a kind of spirit to conquer everything and you can do it.2、I want to inven...

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