
作者&投稿:柞戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Watch English class
Because of love, stick to it; as love, so full of hope. That is why I choose this time in front of his stick to the ideal - watch English class. The English class, her unique charm of the influence on me and give something back to me. Although I am still looking forward to one of their own teaching on the road, during which confused and can not help but failed, but the search itself is a kind of harvest, which not only I enjoy teaching English romantic, but also my life so full.
Watch English classroom is a sincere watch. I firmly believe that English teaching is not only to impart knowledge, but also to enable students to keep the sweet humanity to enable students to the full spiritual world. As a result, the teaching of English watch the sincere, it can not be left thinking Zhu Zhao. English teachers, only their own broad vision to lead the students in each class, with a temperament, an educated population, the wisdom to lead a classroom in order to promote students thinking of blooming glory.
Watch English classroom is a warm and watch. I firmly believe that English teachers should always maintain the teaching of English in a warm, and the teaching of English should be committed to stimulate the enthusiasm of students learning English. English classroom should be magnanimous mind, it should be natural Tiancheng, a heart-warming. In English class, students will soothe the soul, the students will be the liberation of the mind, the student's personality will be publicity, the colorful face of the students in English and colorful world, will be a lively and full of vitality.
English should be given to students this slogan: I use my eyes to observe, I use my mind to think I use my language. I try in every class before finishing their feelings, but also to allow students in each class to class before finishing their feelings. I tried to put the soul of balance and respect for each student, classroom to tell them the idea of everyone thinking you are the results, should have the courage to express, and also good at listening.
As a junior English teachers, I do not perfect, but it does not exclude education is not a perfect teacher to lead some of the imperfections of the students, leading to perfect on the road pursued.
Watch English classroom is a new watch. I firmly believe that the teaching of English should abide by the most imperfect of the most innovative than perfect Shoucheng great tenets of a hundred times. Education altar set foot in a short, I do not have the luxury of teaching theory, more often, but with a kind of intuition and not only in imparting knowledge, not content with the face of the test, the total would like to new ideas, try to find One's own teaching style, they may try to be ended in failure, but I enjoy the pursuit of happiness, and I constantly fail in advance.
For me, English is not quenched the passion of a dream, is a cause worth fighting for, even more extraordinary life of romance. I hope over the teaching, you have to be able to instruct the teacher to help, let me stick to more confidence in the English classroom


这是全文的翻译 大题目不完整我就不知道内容了,你可以自己想的!!手动的翻译,记得好评哦!!





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急急急 拜托谁能帮我翻译一下这篇短文! 谢谢!
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南平市19639309882: 谁能帮我翻译一下这篇短文? -
单卞氢化: 大家好,今天我要讲的是一个有关郑板桥的故事. 清代书画家郑板桥年轻时家里很穷.因为无名无势,尽管字画很好,也卖不出好价钱. 家里什么值钱的东西都没有. 一天,郑板桥躺在床上,忽见窗纸上映出一个鬼鬼祟祟的人影,郑板桥想:...

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南平市19639309882: 谁帮我翻译一下这篇短文啊
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南平市19639309882: 急 急 急 拜托谁能帮我翻译一下这篇短文! 谢谢! -
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南平市19639309882: 跪求大家帮我翻译下这篇短文!!!!!谢谢勒! -
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南平市19639309882: 急 急 急 拜托谁能帮我翻译一下这篇短文! 谢谢!"What is the saddest case you ever knew of ?" I asked a doctor in a hospital . She thought for a minute or ... -
单卞氢化:[答案] "What is the saddest case you ever knew of " “什么是最让人难过的情况下,你都不知道的?” I asked a doctor in a hospital . 我问一位医生在医院里. She thought for a minute or two and then replied," it was a nurse I had ,one of the most beautiful ...

南平市19639309882: 帮我翻译一下这篇短文,谢谢,快 -
单卞氢化: 医生嘱咐她应该多吃蔬菜少吃肉.于是第二天早晨他只吃了一个鸡蛋和一杯牛奶作为早餐,然后午餐也只吃了一些米饭和蔬菜.到了晚上,她觉得非常饿,她开始制作晚餐,她做了一些鸡肉汉堡,她在每一个汉堡中放入一些鸡肉和许多蔬菜,晚餐她一共吃了5个汉堡,在那之后她感觉好多了便去睡觉了.一周之后她再次去了医院,医生惊讶地发现她又重了.但是布莱克夫人称她每天都做到了多吃蔬菜少吃肉!

南平市19639309882: 谁给我翻译一下这篇英语短文?谢谢!! -
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南平市19639309882: 谁能帮我翻译一篇文章,用英语!谢谢!
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