
作者&投稿:严贩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 这个绘画“Be a girl who loves life”表示“成为一个热爱生活的女孩”,这里的“loves life”在英语中是一个常见的表达,意思是“热爱生活,享受生命”。绘画的意图是要鼓励女性要积极乐观,热情生活,不要失去对生命的热爱,保持自信和勇气。

STRIGIFORMES 雨燕目 APODIFORMBS 雨燕科 Apodidae 灰喉针尾雨燕 Hirundapuscochinchinensis Ⅱ 凤头雨燕科 Hemiprocnidae 凤头雨燕 Hemiprocne longipcnnis Ⅱ 咬鹃目 TROGONIFORMES 咬鹃科 Trogonidae 橙胸咬鹃 Harpactes oreskios Ⅱ 佛法僧目 CORACIIFORMES 翠鸟科 Alcedinidae 蓝耳翠鸟 Alcedo meninting Ⅱ 嘴...

汉语翻译英语 急!!!
My name is Bob and i'm a French, recently, i'm started learning english every day, i wish to be a actor when i grow up, because it's a rather difficult job but exciting. I really wish to go to the United States of American and work in there.手工翻译 ...

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文思泉涌(How to write a lot)
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yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah let's go 让我们开始 (ha-ha-haha-ha)oooh n dey say 他们说 ooh ooh oooh (ha-ha-haha-ha)oooh n dey say 他们说 ooh ooh oooh hold up, stop now, let me get a look you (damn girl)站住,马上停下,让我好好看看你(该死的女孩...


急需一篇关于Challenges and opportunities for college students 的...
综述:The biggest challenge, I think there are two: the salary after graduation, can not buy a house; I learned the thinking of planned economy within the system, but I have to work in the market economy outside the system.There are time factors and their own reasons. For ...

灵长目PRIMATES\\x0d\\x0a\\x0d\\x0a懒猴科Lorisidae\\x0d\\x0a\\x0d\\x0a蜂猴(所有种)Nycticebusspp.Ⅰ\\x0d\\x0a猴科Cercopithecidae\\x0d\\x0a\\x0d\\x0a短尾猴Macaca arctoides\\x0d\\x0aⅡ熊猴Macaca assamensisⅠ\\x0d\\x0a台湾猴Macaca cyclopisⅠ\\x0d\\x0a猕猴Macaca mulatta\\x0d\\x0aⅡ豚...

1. The village has around 200 people, most of whom are farmers.2. They own a Piccaso painting, the value of which is more than a million dollars.3. Kids like to watch TV on Saturdays, when there are many cartoons.4. Tom didn't come to class yesterday, which surprised ...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 什么是被动时态` -
荤削儿宝: 被动语态的动词由“be动词接过去分词(be+p.p.)”构成,如下所示.过去分词之前的be动词的时态,即表示出被动语态动词的时态. (1)现在式:主词+am(is,are)+过去分词+by+受词. House painting is always done by me at home. 在家的...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 现在分词用法.浅显一点的,最好有例句. -
荤削儿宝: 1.作主语:通常被看作是单数不可数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式. Driving fast is very dangerous. Swimming is my favourite sport. Painting is an art. Hearing the bad news made him cry. 注意:现在分词作主语时,和动词不定式一样,...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 英语ing的用法 -
荤削儿宝: A.作句子的主语 句型 V-ing…+V… 例A:Smoking is a bad habit. (吸烟是坏习惯.) 例B:taking exercise every morning helps make one healthy. (每天早晨做运动有助于人的健康.) 例C:It isn't easy trying to please her. (想办法讨好她是不容易...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 高中英语被动语态的整理? -
荤削儿宝: 被动语态英语中时态很多,但语态不多,只有两种,即:主动语态和被动语态.今天我们着重讲被动语态. 1. 定义:被动语态,即不知道动作执行者或强调动作承受者的一种语态.例如中文常说:我被他打,这就是一种被动.但有时由于句子...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: What a beautiful chinese painting!的结构 -
荤削儿宝: 这是一个感叹句.后面省略了it is 典型结构是 what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 主语应该是IT,宾语是chinese painting,其他成分就是定语beautiful啦

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 动名词即【doing】都有哪些用法? -
荤削儿宝: 1 作主语. 比如doing homework is my task. 2 作表语 比如seeing is believing. 3 作宾语 I ilke playing basketball. 4 做宾补 I saw you sitting by the river. 5 作状语. knowing I was late for school,I apologised to the teacher. 6

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 1.Painting in (oils) is one of their spare - time activities.为什么用oils2.a great deal 是怎么用的 后面能跟什么a great deal与great deal of的区别 great many与a ... -
荤削儿宝:[答案] 1.Painting in (oils) is one of their spare-time activities. 为什么用oils answer:oils 在此处不是指石油,而是“油画颜料”的意... 搞清楚so 和such 用法,so +adj+n.such +a/an +n.such 后面不能直接跟adj. 14.If a claim is kept (alive),it is more likely to be ...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 关于英语的一些问题
荤削儿宝:被动语态的概念 语态也是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的关系.英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态.主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,如:People grew rice in this area some years ago.被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: ride bike放句首ride为什么加ing -
荤削儿宝: 动名词 A.作句子的主语 句型 V-ing…+V… 例A:Smoking is a bad habit. (吸烟是坏习惯.) 例B:taking exercise every morning helps make one healthy. (每天早晨做运动有助于人的健康.) 例C:It isn't easy trying to please her. (想办法讨好她是不...

融水苗族自治县17072514005: 为什么进行时态前面或后面都有be be不是表被动吗? -
荤削儿宝: be表示被动时后面加过去分词,表示进行时态时后面加现在分词.

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