
作者&投稿:侯咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The dog lay down.It want to sleep. 句子改写,将两个简单句合并成一个含不定式且意思基本相同的简单句.~

no sufficient winter weather having as yet arrived to beat them down.

Alaska is the largest state in America,which has a very small population

1. The village has around 200 people, most of whom are farmers.
2. They own a Piccaso painting, the value of which is more than a million dollars.
3. Kids like to watch TV on Saturdays, when there are many cartoons.
4. Tom didn't come to class yesterday, which surprised me.
5. I bought a magazine, whose title is TIME.

1.The village has around 200 people,most of whom are farmers.
2. They own a picasso psinting,the vaue of which is more than a million dollars
3.kids like to watch TV on Saturdays,which are many cartoons then.
4.Tom didn't come to class yesterday,which surprised me.
5.bought a magazine, the title of which is TIME.

蛮多方式的哟,可以采用递进、假设、因果关联 等连词都可以合成一句哟(还有合并句子的时候要将其中一句的主语去掉,这样才不拖沓累赘):1、就算我们多赶几里路,也一定要去看一看精彩的武术表演。2、只要我们多赶几里路,就可以去看一看精彩的武术表演。3、我们多赶几里路吧,因为要去看一看精彩的武术...

1、小华的字写得很快 小华的字写的很好 小华的字不但写得很快,而且写得很好。【递进关系】小华的字既写得很快,又写得很好。【并列关系】2、他经常看课外书 他的阅读水平提高较快 因为他经常看课外书,所以阅读水平提高较快。【因果关系】愿对你有所帮助!


I am good at music. I want to be a musician.合成一句是 I am good at music, so I want to be a musician.我擅长音乐,所以我想成为一名音乐家。

但是可以合并成一个带有定语从句的主从复合句。答案如下:We saw a large tea field, which looked green and emitted the fragrance of tea. 我们看到一大片茶田,看上去碧绿,发出茶叶的清香。友情提示:look 作系动词,意为"看上去/看起来",后直接形容词作表语。

海底高低不平,有山崖,有峡谷,海水有深有浅。 从海面看色彩就不同了。用关联词把两个句子合成一句话?因为海底高低不平,有山崖,有峡谷,海水有深有浅,所以 从海面看色彩就不同了。

【辅助练习】1、把下列句子补充完整:⑴ 这只空调虽然体积不大,()⑵ 只要你做的事对人民有益,()⑶ 星期天,你是去公园,()⑷ 小明的爸爸(),还会修汽车。⑸ 尽管林玲学习十分努力,()(),才能获得优异的成绩。2、用关联词语把下面两句话连起来。⑴ 我的成绩在班级里名列前茅。

1 The woman remembered the day when she saw Nazis burying something near her home.2 Shanxi Pronince is a place with many cultural relics which are well looked after.3This is my class teacher ,who teaches us English.

西门豹(既)惩治了官绅,(又)教育了百姓。属于递进关联。填(不仅……而且)也是极好的。表示递进关系的关联词还有:不但……还、不仅……还、除了……还有、不但……而且、不但 (不仅、不光)……而且(并且)、不但……还(也、又、更)、何况、而且、况且 、尤其、甚至。

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:The figure in my paper which is larger than 300 Mb needs more than 30 mintues to upload, which exceeds the given time.不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 高一英语题,将下列两个句子合成一个含有非限制性定语从句的复合句 -
函蝶阿贝: 1,I bought a magazine, whose title is TIME.2,The village has around 200 people, the most of which are farmers.3.They own a Picasso painting, whose value is more than a million dollars.4.Kids like to watch TV on Saturdays, which are many cartoons then.5.Tom didn't come to class yesterday, which surprised me.

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 将下列两个简单句合成非限制性定语从句 -
函蝶阿贝: my little brother likes reading harry patter,which is an interesting book.he failed in the exam,which made his parrents a little disappointed.

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 把下列两个简单句变为含有非限制性定语从句
函蝶阿贝: 1. I met some students, several of whom were freshmen. 2. The policeman came to the criminal, who was more dead than alive. 3. Tell him to go to the classroom, where we often have our English class. 4. My English teacher will be coming back, whom I haven't seen for years

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 把下列句子合并成一个含有非限制性定语从句的复合句 -
函蝶阿贝: My brother,Jim,who is working in Paris,which is the...

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 将两个句子合成一句非限定性定语从句或限定性定语从句.急!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
函蝶阿贝: 1、The woman remembered the day when she saw Nazis buying something near her home. 2、Shan xi province is a place with many cultural relics which are well looked after. 3、this is my class teacher who teachs us english.如果错的话,你可以告诉我一下下吗

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 将两个句子改为非限制性定语从句 -
函蝶阿贝: 定语从句一般都是紧跟在先行词的后面,你这个算是简单一点的句子,假设稍微复杂一点,或者容易产生歧义的句子就不好办了,如:Peter saved the drowning boy ,whom people used to think was not brave. 像这个句子就容易产生歧义了,到底是谁被人们看成是不勇敢呢?如果改成Peter ,whom people used to think was not brave,saved the drowning boy . 所以选第二种改法.

阿拉善左旗19685506405: (1/3)麻烦把这两句合成非限定性定语从句,谢谢!1.I know that you desire to give lessons in Chi -
函蝶阿贝: I know that you desire to give lessons in China,which include oral English and Written English

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 非限定性定语从句,求解!
函蝶阿贝: 非限制性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常和主句间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立.这个句子可以写成非限制性定语从句:We are having problems integrating two management styles,which are very different....

阿拉善左旗19685506405: 怎样把两个句子合并成一个带有定语从句的复合句
函蝶阿贝: 怎样把两个句子合并成一个带有定语从句的复合句 解:你说的是非限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句可以把主句看成是一件事情来起补充修饰 Li Hua has been teaching in primary school for 10 years,which is admired by many his classmates

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