
作者&投稿:博怜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello, everyone. My name is ...,---years old. I am from China. I am a student in .... I major in (什么专业,如果是大学生).I am good at ...(swim, calligraphy...music). I like sport. I love my parents. I am proud of my country. Nice to meet you.

My motherland China is an ancient country. She has more than 5000 years civilization history.It is generally accepted as one of the oldest civilization in the world. Nowaday, China is a opening and fast developing country.As one of the biggest countris, China play a important role in the world. In 2008, the 29th Olympics Game will be held in my Capital Beijing City. All Chinese will be the good host to welcome friends from all over the world. I am your host and guider there. Welcome you to Beijing, Welcome to China.



All of us communicate with one anothernonverbally,as well as with words.Most of time,we are not aware that we aredoing it .We gesture with eyebrows or a hand , meet someone else’s eyes andlook away,change positions in a chair.These actions we assume areoccasional.However in recent years reseachers have discovered that these is asystem to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.
Oneimportant kind of body language is eye behavior.Americans are careful about howand when they meet one another’s eyes.In our normal conversation ,each eyecontact last only about a second before one other’s eyes,they become moreintimate .Therefore,we carefully avoid this,except in suitable situation.
Reseachers who are engaged in the study ofcommunication throught body movement are not prepare to spell out a precisevocabulary of gestures.When an American rubs his nose,it may mean he isdisagreeing somenone whit someone or refusing something.But there are otherpossible explanations,too.Another example:when a student in conversation with aprofessor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be asign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority; it can besomething else entirely .The researchers look for patterns in the situation,not for a separate meaningful gesture.
Communication between human beings would bejust dull if it were all done with words.



幽默往往能显示出一个人的特性(特征)。如果你能带着幽默感看待一切事物,那你是一个令人感兴趣的人, 人们和你在一起也不会感到枯燥乏味。同时有幽默感也能展示出你是一个有涵养的人。

幽默总是表现出一个人的性格 如果用幽默去看待一切事情 你就是一个风趣的人 和你在一起的人就永远也不会无聊 她也证明你是一个有教养的人
拥有幽默感 你就会健康快乐 因为那让你总是保持乐观精神 那对你的身心都有好处 具有幽默感会是你眼前的世界改变色彩
因为你幽默 你也会有大量的朋友 人们感到和你在一起很高兴 因为你帮助他们看问题有了完全不同的观点和更积极乐观的想法 你给人们力量来面对充满挑战和拼搏的世界










希望能够帮到您,手动翻译的哦~ :D




please come in !Coming please !两种译法都行!

碰到我心情好。供参考。1. Marking on the larger end face.2. Coating the anti-rust oil after cleaning.3. Tapping of 3 M6-6H holes on the excircle, and 3 M6-6H holes at the smaller end.4. Packing according to technological requirement.5. Punching 1 hole with diameter of 5mm...

If you have ever flown across several tme zones, you must have experienced jet lag You arrived in a new time zone, but your body was still living on the time in the old time zone. You were wide-awake and ready for dinner in the middle of the night, and you wanted to ...

英文小说中的语言翻译时要结合语境,既要准确,又要符合中国人习惯。1:I will dedicate the book to the child from whom this grown-up grew。 我愿意把这本书献给儿童时代的这个大人。知道grow from是“由...长大; 由...发展起来”就行了。“这些大人是从儿时成长起来的”。但这句话中心词是...

1、answered with the first thing that came into my head 这得连着看,我觉得意思就是,我按照自己脑子里面想起来的第一个回答作答。其实,其实就是想起什么答什么,没多考虑 2、are no use是病句阿,如果非要用被动句,要变成are not used。are of no use和are out of use是一个意思,都是...

1、Can I help you?我能帮你吗?Yes, a dress for my daughter. 是的,给我女儿买条裙子。2、 This is … speaking. 你好,我是。。。3、May I come in? 我可以进来吗?Come in, please. 请进。4、 Can I have two cakes? 我能吃两个蛋糕吗?No, you can’t. 不,你不能。5、...

No, but the general high mountain you have the mountainous strong; No sea the same surges, but you have the sea generally running the will constantly; Without the boundless sky, but you have largeness of mind; like the sky Without the sun's light and heat, but you have a ...

(3), 在英语中 , 表示位置转移的动词 , 如 :come, go, fly, drive, leave, stay, 等 , 可用现在进行时表示按计划或安排即将发生的事 , 不必用 be going to 结构 . 如 :she is flying to nanjing herself. 明天她一个人飞往南京 . are you driving home ? 你开车回家吗 ? 3 . 形容词的比较级...

请坐的英文:Sit down, please 一、Sit down 读法 英 [sit daun] 美 [sit daʊn]意思是:坐下 二、please 读法 英 [pli:z] 美 [pliz]作感叹词的意思是:请 作动词的意思是:讨好;使高兴;使满意;讨人喜欢 短语:Attention Please 甜心空姐 ; 空姐特训班 Please ring 打电话...

let the glass globe be. 让那个玻璃地球就这样吧。(意思是,无所谓,不在乎它)be be[简明英汉词典][bi:, bi]aux. v. 1 [be v-ing]构成进行式 2 [be v-ed]构成被动语态 3 [be to-v]表示必要、打算、可能性、假设等或用来表示将来安排 link v. 用来表示某人或某物即主语本身; 用来...

太和区13810298019: 《急》各位英语高手来帮忙翻译一下!!!
在剂益谱: 1i had met some careful teachers before. 2 they have an influence on me to become careful when doing work. 3 i think teachers can change his students' careers. 希望对你有帮助.

太和区13810298019: 急!!各位英语高手进来看看啊帮我翻译下啊.. -
在剂益谱: l really want to tell you that how much i love you!!我真的想告诉你我有多爱你!l hope to tell you that i love you so much我希望能告诉你我如此爱你!呵呵

太和区13810298019: 急求哪位英语高手帮我翻译下!!(单词简单点) -
在剂益谱: hello, everyone! I am a 16 year old boy. I come from Chongqing. It is a beautiful city. I am good at basketball and football. As I like the blue sky since I...

太和区13810298019: 急急急~!!!各位英语高手~请帮帮忙,帮我翻译下面的句子~ -
在剂益谱: 1、我向他许诺说我一到北京就给他写信.I promised that I would wrote to him once I arrived in Beijing.2、他经常问我这个问题,那就是这个工作是否值得做. He often asks me the question "Is the job worth doing?".3、他什么也不说,这一事实...

太和区13810298019: 急!!!请各位高手帮我译成专业英语
在剂益谱: 来料检查feed-in material inspection 工程部Engineering Department 品质部Quality Department

太和区13810298019: 急!!急!!!!!麻烦高手们帮我用英语翻译一句话啊,拒绝翻译软件类~ -
在剂益谱: Therefore, I must improve myself and continue to develop my abilities.

太和区13810298019: 请英语高手帮帮我翻译 急!!!!
在剂益谱: The quickest way to receive love is to give it;the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tighly.最快捷得到爱的方法就是给予;最迅速失去爱的方式就是紧紧的拽住它,不给它喘息……知道你停止努力的那一刻事情才会真正结束It won't be finished, untill you stop trying.

太和区13810298019: 请各位英语高手帮我翻译成汉语姐,干吗呢? 今天一天好不? 想我了没有?哈哈.复习的如何?要加油了.吃饭的怎么样?吃的好不? -
在剂益谱:[答案] my dear sister,what's up now? how is the day?have you thought about me / how is your reviewing/ move on! have you finished your supper/lunch?how is it/ 字面意思啊.楼主好体贴呢.

太和区13810298019: 英语翻译!!!把中文翻译成英语!急!请各位英语高手帮忙!
在剂益谱: 1Ideas can be expressed by means of music 2 The majority of doctors believe, smoking is harmful to health 3The young couple moved to Vietnam to earn a living 4 Working with Wang Ming is a happy thing 5 I hope you can understand what I said 6 We keep the spirit of Lei Feng

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