
作者&投稿:烛具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
把下面的句子翻译成英语。急用!拜托了各位 谢谢~

1. Mike has been more than two months to learn English. 2. From the last Wednesday has been made a two rain in southern China. 3. The conductor on the train to work or twenty years. 4. Since 1980, the singer sing the music at a number of wonderful songs. 5. Mei-join the Young Pioneers has done a lot of good. 6. Alice to China last year, has already given more than 10 John sent a letter. 7. Ever since she became a doctor, she has saved the lives of more than 20. 8. Since my aunt go to Australia, she has collected a considerable number of beautiful stamps. 9. He was so tired, so was no longer follow the. 10. He was so hungry, so eat three bowls at breakfast. 11. Thank you May 5, 2005 letter. 不用谢了 给分就行了 o(∩_∩)o

We have selected a new our forklift rental company through an auction, whom we have renewed two forklifts rentals of with. The new contract enable us to lower the rental cost and maintenance fee, provide newer and more reliable forklifts, which ultimately increases the efficiency at work.


1. Marking on the larger end face.
2. Coating the anti-rust oil after cleaning.
3. Tapping of 3 M6-6H holes on the excircle, and 3 M6-6H holes at the smaller end.
4. Packing according to technological requirement.
5. Punching 1 hole with diameter of 5mm for pin. Meanwhile, punching 3 equispaced holes (namely bottom hole of M6 ) with diameter of 5.1mm.
6. Prepare the incoming inspection instruction of raw material.
7. Tapping of 3 M6-6H holes.
8. Finish boring.
9. Alignment of the reference plane, and flat grinding of the other surface.
10. Outline turning, drilling, and broaching.
11. Inspection of mechanical properties and chemical composition.
12. Prepare instruction for packaging.

1. Large end marking.
2. Antirust coating of oil after cleaning.
3. In the cylindrical to do three M6-6H holes, the small end to do three M6-6H holes.
4. According to process requirements for packaging.
5. In the end make a Φ5 small pin holes at the same time to do three holes evenly distributed Φ5.1 (ie M6 bottom).
6. Of raw materials inspection instructions.
7. Attack 3 M6-6H holes.
8. Fine boring the hole.
9. Alignment datum, flat grinding the other side.
10. Car shape, drilling, reaming.
11. Chemical composition and mechanical properties testing.
12. Packaging operating instructions.

1. The big end play markers.
2 the rust-proof besmear after cleaning.
3. The outer circle do 3 M6-6H hole, small end do 3 M6-6H holes.
4. The technique requirements for packaging.
5. In small tip-to-face do 1 Φ 5 pin hole, and 3 of uniform distribution Φ 5.1 hole (namely M6 herein).
6. Raw materials into the factory inspection directive.
7. Attack 3 M6-6H holes.
8. Fine boring inner hole.
9. Find is PingMo datum plane, other side.
10. Car appearance, drilling, reaming.
11. The chemical constituents content and mechanical properties test.
12. Packing wi.

1.big end marking.
2. antirust coating of oil after cleaning.
3. In the cylindrical to do three M6-6H holes, the small end to do three M6-6H holes.
4. according to process requirements for packaging.
5. in the end make a Φ5 small pin holes at the same time to do three holes evenly distributed Φ5.1 (ie M6 bottom).
6. of raw materials inspection instructions.
7. Attack 3 M6-6H holes.
8. fine boring the hole.
9. alignment datum, flat grinding the other side.
10. car shape, drilling, reaming.
11. chemical composition and mechanical properties testing.
12. Packaging operating instructions.

1. Marking on the larger end face.2. Coating the anti-rust oil after cleaning.3. Tapping of 3 M6-6H holes on the excircle, and 3 M6-6H holes at the smaller end.4. Packing according to technological requirement.5. Punching 1 hole with diameter of 5mm for pin. Meanwhile, ...

1,我这次考试成就之所以不太好,是因为最近生病没有上课 今度の試験の成績がよくない理由は、最近私は病気で授業に出なかったからです 2,关于这次考试,请你试着谈谈你的看法好吗? 今度の試験について、君自身の意見を述べてみて下さいませんか 3,我考试时,东张西望那是有的,但从不...

请擅长日语的帮我把下面这段话翻译成日语。语句通顺语法正确即可。_百 ...

No move forward, no difficult; No hard work, no understanding.(equipment keeper), Department of Assets .Strong make you clam down, enabling you happy.(breeder assisstant), Department of breed.Step back gives you better opportunities.(Feeding staff ), department of feeding .The bigges...

1. By fall,I was ready to by again.1.秋天,我已经准备好了。2. A little bruised,A little humbled.2.有点淤青,有点自卑。3. And,hopefully,a little smarter.3.所示。,希望有点聪明。4. I belere we write our own stories.4.所示。我belere我们写自己的故事。5. And each time ...

1,小李,安布先生的课不好懂啊,你做笔记了吗? 李さん、安布先生の授業って分かりつらいですね、ノートとってますか? 做了,这就是。 ええ、とってありますよ。これです。 真详细,我可以看看吗? 細かいですね。見させていただいてもいいですか? 请看吧。 どうそ。 2...

1, I have sent sales do modify data tables, see Annex.2, state regulations this product can not export tax rebates, to be regarded as domestic sales, the provision for taxes on income and tax data adjusted.3, Mr. Lee has the report changes.4, this data is the adjustment ...

1、不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。Whatever she said,I won't belive the news 2、格林先生退休后,由他的儿子接管他的生意。Mr. Green 's son will not take up his business until he retired 3、科学家们将必须提出增加世界粮食供应的新方法 The scientists must come up with a ...


我们卖掉我们的东西去买我们没有的 我们没有冰箱所以我们把东西放在地下储藏室冷藏 但是最大的变化应该是电力 那时候我们的小镇没有电力供应 到晚上当我们想要光亮的时候我们往往点上蜡烛,我们还会烧煤或者木柴来保暖 我们没有电视到夏天我们往往会去河里游泳 生活曾经很艰难,但是我们很快乐 ...

雨花区13652326862: 把下列句子译成英语 我急用!1.当UFO到的时候,我正在睡觉.2.当老师进来的时候,他们正在打电话.3.当公共汽车到的时候,他正在吃饭.4.当女孩给警察打... -
哈牵卡米:[答案] When the UFO arrived, I was sleeping.When the teacher came in, they were busy calling.When the bus station got here, he was having dinner.When the girl called the police, he was having dinner.I wa...

雨花区13652326862: 英语翻译请将下列语句译成英文:1、翠花,上酸菜!2、不给你点颜色瞧瞧你还不知道马王爷三只眼呐!3、您可以对问题设定匿名,但您需要付出积分10分... -
哈牵卡米:[答案] 1、翠花,上酸菜! Hua Cui, Sauerkraut! 2、不给你点颜色瞧瞧你还不知道马王爷三只眼呐! Don't give you look colors, you never know Ma Wangye with 3 eyes! 3、您可以对问题设定匿名,但您需要付出积分10分 You can be anonymous set of issues...

雨花区13652326862: 新概念!急用!有悬赏!把下列句子翻译成英文 1.你通常几点去商店? 2.厨房里有一些土豆吗? 3.冰箱里没有鸡蛋了. 4.我没有乳酪,但是我有一些黄油. 5.我... -
哈牵卡米:[答案] 1.你通常几点去商店? What time do you usually go to the shop? 2.厨房里有一些土豆吗? Are there some potatoes in the kitchen? 3.冰箱里没有鸡蛋了. There is no eggs in the fridge. 4.我没有乳酪,但是我有一些黄油. I don't have any cheese,but I have ...

雨花区13652326862: 英语翻译请将下面语句翻译成英语【用被动语态、括号中的词语必须用上】1计划必须尽早实施{put into practice}2那正在建操场 -
哈牵卡米:[答案] 1.The plan must be put into practice as soon as possible. 2.A playground is being built there.

雨花区13652326862: 急,求把下面语句翻译成英语. -
哈牵卡米: My hometown is in ShiJiaZhuang, it is very beautiful. I like my hometown.

雨花区13652326862: 请将下列语句翻译成英语,谢谢! -
哈牵卡米: ① 请给我收据,谢谢!另外问一下,这个收据我可以用来报销的是吧.Can I get a receipt, thanks! Also, I can use this receipt to get a reimbursement right?>> 报销是 reimbursement 不是 refund、 ② 我可以付现金吗,如果不够请从我的信用卡里...

雨花区13652326862: 英语翻译请将下列语句翻译成英文!1.这是传统名菜"北京烤鸭"请品尝!2.将薄饼蘸好甜面酱后摊开,放入鸭肉,青瓜,葱丝一起卷起来吃,才好吃!当然... -
哈牵卡米:[答案] 1.This is a traditional famous course --Beijing Broil Duck',please have a try/ have a go/ please help yourself. 2.If you want to ... 另外和老外说话多用Please,显得有礼貌~(我们中国是礼仪之邦嘛~) 上面都是我自己翻译的,水平有限,难免有疏漏欠妥之...

雨花区13652326862: 请帮我把下面的句子改成英文句子 急急急 -
哈牵卡米: 一楼明显是翻译软件,BS!1.你的背包在沙发后面吗?Is your backpack behind the sofa?2.请将这些书拿给你的父亲.Please take these books to your father.3.在书桌上 on the desk4.在椅子后 behind the chair5.在地板上 on the floor6.我的数学书 my math/maths book7.一些手表 some watches 注:/ 表示可以任意使用其一.

雨花区13652326862: 请帮我把下面的中文句子翻译成英语句子
哈牵卡米: 1.在桌子下面.under the desk 2.在桌子上面.on the desk 3.在树下.under the tree 4.在门后.behind the door 5.在书包里.in the bag 6.在文具盒里.in the pencilbox 7.一幅美国地图.a map of America 8.一幅中国地图.a map of China...

雨花区13652326862: 请大家帮助我用英语翻译下列一段话,很急用.在15分钟之内我喜欢收集邮票,因为它带给我无穷的快乐,我更喜欢了解邮票的历史,因为这样丰富了我的业... -
哈牵卡米:[答案] i like collecting stamps,because it brings me infinite interesting. i prefer learning about the history of stamps,(这个不会)

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