
作者&投稿:曲子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(如果这篇文章没有和原文有什么出入的话,我很质疑这位“高手”真的是做外贸的吗?这段英文极不通顺,有机译的嫌疑,语句完全不通顺。也难怪会有歧义。下面是我的翻译,仅供参考)很长时间没联系了。因为一些问题,我取消了和我朋友的订单。 请核对我的订货数量,然后回执我一些关于运输、价格、质量方面的信息。但是请注意质量问题,如果我们能在运输时间和价格上达成一致。到时候,你可以寄给我们一些样品让我们考察一下质量吗?我们将付您货物总价的10%作为定金。然后,给您寄提单的副本和尾款, 请尽快给我回复,并请注明到岸价/上海。

Sorry, although our company is willing to do business with you, we can't send you samples if your company can't provide your DHL account. The buyers and sellers should share the equal rights. Nowadays many customers are requesting the samples, however, our company can offer the samples free of charge, but it should be frieght collect, then your company should offer your DHL account so that I can send you samples. Your understanding will be highly appreciated.
有几句我是意译的,其实说的就是到付问题,到付是frieght collect.

Does your company prepare to attend China of April to hand over a meeting widely?
If you come to China to please to tell us, welcome to our factory.
I hope we can have a good cooperation opportunity.
Now we can give you a probably of price, as for concrete price, I hope you can go to factory to discuss it later after seeing over the goods.

Will your company attend the Canton Trade Fair in April? If you are here in China, please let me know, I will show you around our factory. I do hope that we can establish the long-standing cooperations. Now I just quote you the approximate price. As for the detailed price, I think we can come to the agreement after you check the goods in our factory.

Does your company plan to participate in the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair of China in April? If you come to China and please tell us, we welcome you to come to our factory. I hope we can have a good cooperative chance. We can only give you a general price now, as for the concrete price, I hope you can talk after seeing the goods in the factory.

could you pls advise if your company plan to attend the Canton Fair held in Guanzhou China in Apr, so we will be glad to welcome you have visit to our factory. we are looking forward to the opportunity that cooperate with you. we will provide you a more competitive quotation after you have saw our factory. your prompty revert will be highly appriciated. many thanks.



外贸英语翻译 谢绝在线or工具 英语高手进
1. Please provide (on separate paper) an organizational chart of your corporation. 请提供(在另外一张纸上)一份你们公司的组织结构图。2. Please indicate approximate total sales ($) for your corporation. 请简要的,大概说明一下你们公司的销售情况。3. Please specify markets that you ...

1.The trend of foreign trade in China in 2009 a larger uncertainty The first quarter of 2009 China's import and export amounted to 4,287 billion U.S. dollars, up 24.9 percent decline in imports than exports drop, the whole, the trend of foreign trade in 2009 a larger ...

Hello. I am XX. You have a cupboard ( Note: refers to the sea cabinets - container ) to Nansha dock. But cannot do single ( Note: is the bill of lading do not mention cabinets procedures meant ). Please contact with the consignor. Does your company have speak to ask what...

We will send you the original B\/L and documents no. soon after we receive your remaining payment.

首先我们澄清几点疑问:你的签发\/生产周期是多长?尼公司的质量认证是哪个?(ISO 9001 或是其他)你的国际担保事件时多长?如果你产品的价格同样很使我们很感兴趣,那我们就很愿意和你的公司建立长期的商务关系,我们可以开始进行有利益的生意。发送给我你商品的最好价格的目录。


这么长时间度没有高手帮您,我给您一个专业的翻译吧。1.请注意,付款是以保兑的,不可撤消的,允许分装和转船,见票即付的信用证支付。Please be advised that the term of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable, at sight Letter of Credit; partial shipment and transshipment are allowed.2.请把你...


汉译英 英译汉 外贸英语

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸英语高手帮忙翻译两句话,谢谢(英译汉)1.All the air fare, hotel bill, other expenses will be taken care of by us.2.so we are waiting to hear from you so ... -
比魏硫酸:[答案] 1.飞机票,酒店账单和其它开销都由我们支付. 2 所以我们正等你的消息,那样我们就可以扫描,并按照你的要求把那些护照复件寄给你,使你能够申请(某方面)信件.

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸英语高手帮我翻译一段话,谢谢(汉译英)
比魏硫酸: We have received sample pictures, after we saw them, we put forward the following suggestions: 1.We may fully make this kind of brushes for you and its quality must be better than that of those in the picture. 2.Through the picture, we found that the ...

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢(汉译英) -
比魏硫酸: Please draft the L/C term as simple as possible.

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸英语高手帮我翻译一段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
比魏硫酸: As far as I know, you are preparing to come to China at the end of this month. It needs a long time to deliver samples and we wish you could see our bulk products more than just samples. Our interactions will bring firm standings for our long term relationship. 直接说“ 你不是准备…”是很不礼貌的说法.

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸英语高人帮忙翻译 -
比魏硫酸: 他问的是需要你工厂交货价的运费,也就是说让你报从工厂起运的运费 两种选择,第一种是到德国FRA,里的人中是到芬兰VANTAA 希望可以帮到你 ex works 贸易术语是EXW 意思是工厂交货价,是报价的一种方式,也就是说卖方责任在工厂门口既完成转移,这里是说你在大连交货,但是由你们来单独报运费 你是当事人不可能是谁卖谁买也弄不清楚吧

新邵县13418133863: 请各位外贸英语高手帮帮忙,帮我翻译一封邮件.谢谢大家啦!!! -
比魏硫酸: 请注意,随着7天的评审时期现在已经过去,你的审计 A000000083327 在你的 Sedex 账户上现已经发布了.去看所有的你公司的Sedex 账户上的所有审计,点...

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸英语高手帮看一下,这段话是什么意思,谢谢一客户让我从TNT邮寄样品,请帮我看看是什么意思,谢谢PLEASE SEND ME YOUR COMPLETE ... -
比魏硫酸:[答案] 请发给我完整的地址和货物备妥日期 以便安排来你仓库拉货 请直接发样品 给我们办公室MR MAGNANI 通过TNT环球速递(经济服务快递) 运费条款 到付 我们的TNT环球速递客户帐号是018349658 很重要! 请在TNT运单上注明我们的客户帐号是...

新邵县13418133863: 求外贸英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!(汉译英) -
比魏硫酸: Please remember that money sending is to be done before the 28th of September, when our shipping agent will send you CO and the bill of landing. The goods will reach their destination port on the 4th of October. This time, we will have our 8 ...

新邵县13418133863: 请外贸高手帮忙翻译下...谢谢好心人... -
比魏硫酸: 1.10天后可以交货 We can arrange delivery in 10 days.2.7个星期前已经开始生产了 We've been start producing 7 weeks ago 3.请给我报这个产品的价格 Please quote me this product4.如果你有什么问题,请让我知道 Any questions please ...

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