
作者&投稿:鞠雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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Changes the control box components to drill, to twist, attacks the silk drilling machine unit clamp newly to design


This design changed the control box components for the tractor to drill the datum hole working procedure the engine bed unit clamp to design and to carry on jig's three dimensional modelling. This working procedure needs to complete on the work piece 2- φ14 datum hole, 1- φ10 holes as well as work piece side Z3/8” the oil hole processing, in the design uses the turn over jig, arrives in turn through the jig body's on spacing device installs the location, drills three locations, drills, attacks Z3/8” the oil hole location, completes the work piece the craft content. This design theory basis is full, the structure is reasonable, can satisfy this working procedure each accuracy requirement.
Because hauls the turning point box control box components the processing batch to be very big, in the design has referred to many mature structures, this design structure is simple, the ease of operation, has used the massive standard components, reduced this working procedure non-cutting time greatly, in the certain extent raised the labor productivity, reduced worker's labor intensity. Simultaneously has in the design also to have some shortcomings, for example, the jig body weight quantity is big, is not advantageous for the whole shipping; Moreover after jig assembly, takes the big area, waits for in the further improvement.
本次设计利用Auto-CAD 、SolidWorks 2007等先进的辅助设计软件进行设计,结构明确,可视化效果很好。
This design using Auto-CAD, SolidWorks 2007 and so on advanced aided design software carries on the design, the structure is clear, the visualization effect is very good.
Key word:

Unit clamp



Drills the wrap



Living In A Big City
People all want to live in a big city instead of living in a small county or even a village.Why?Maybe city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences,for example a lot of supermarkets or shopping malls for us to easily buy what we need in our everyday life.And we can dine out if we don't have enough time to make dinner.With the expansion of the city,more and more people are flowing into the city,which also makes the city more and more crowded.So you could see traffic jams happening almost every day.There are also other aspects of the disavantages.
If you want to live in a big city,you will have to suffer the disadvantages when you benefit from all the advantages and conveniences.






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