
作者&投稿:锻追 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 简介:生物无机化学的产生背景及学科发展目标


该研究领域目前正处于爆炸性增长时期。其部分原因是20世纪 60年代以来对含金属酶X-射线衍射结构分析,对这些含金属酶的接触和了解越来越多。

“哦,他不想离开,说:”我的母亲,“你不应该这样下去。”“这取决于他说:”我的父亲。 “他可以弥补自己的头脑。”

Because land resources are exhausted day by day, the mankind turns sight to the abundant ocean of resource gradually, therefore the marine development of resources becomes the focus of every country's competition. But the sea floor world is enormous in pressure, the environment is abominable, the general apparatus is difficult to be competent. Then people concentrate sight on various scubas, hope to unravel sea by scuba, help people to develop the marine resources. The scuba undergoes decades of development, has already applied to scientific investigation, resource surveying, maritime oil gas developing and military field of sea floor in a large amount at present.
It was that Torpedo small-scale simulation scuba develops the design work that I mainly told this thesis. The Torpedo small-scale simulation scuba is a scuba AUV of unmanned autonomy, nobody has no cable, finish the task independently. Because it is safe (nobody), real-time (information is by the real-time processing of the computer), small, light, with low power consumption, so and there are advantages greatly functionally in homework range, time, can finish the plane, the naval vessel above water, the submarine waits for the work that can't be finished. Article touch upon development course of scuba, it classify and how about it will be use. Have mainly discussed in the text that develops the course in structure of the Torpedo small-scale simulation scuba, have proposed its computing technology of checking and horsepower of intensity of outer cover and application of the sensing technology in sneaking the body

Due to the increasing depletion of land resources, humanity gradually turned to look rich marine resources, hence the development of marine resources has become the focus of national competition. However tremendous pressure on the underwater world and the environment is harsh, general equipment competency. So people focus more different kinds of underwater vehicles, submersibles hopes to open the mystery of the sea. to help people develop marine resources. After diving for several decades of development, is now widely used in scientific investigation Harbor, resources exploration, offshore oil and gas development, and military fields. I of this paper is primarily on the small Torpedo-shaped underwater vehicle simulation design development work. Torpedo-shaped small device is simulated diving submersible unmanned AUV autonomy, no one without cables, to complete tasks independently. Because of safety (no one), real-time (real-time information from the computer processing), small size, light weight, small power consumption, in the scope, timing and functional advantages of a large, complete aircraft, surface ships, submarines, and other work could not be completed. The article discussed the development of diving course, the classification and use. Lane in the main body of Torpedo-shaped small diving simulation of structural development process, and the strength of its shell and horsepower check on the calculation method and sensing technology in the submerged body of the application

What is happiness? You’re having fish and I’m eating meat while what others can do is gnawing bones. That is happiness.说金钱是罪恶,可谁不在赚钱?Everyone knows that money is an evil thing but all of us are keeping gathering it.说美女是祸水,可谁都想要,说高处不胜寒,都...

Acknowledge your trip to xian very satisfied, I am deeply honored.十分高兴有机会接待各位,让我一尽地主之谊,答谢你们在我和我同事去年访问欧洲期间的申请款待。Very glad to have the opportunity to receive you, let me a friendship of the completely landlord, thank you in me and my co...

急求翻译高手帮忙翻译英文 谢谢
通过这一阶段的努力,我的毕业论文How to Improve English Listening Through this stage efforts, my graduation thesis try Listening to How spending 终于完成了。Finally finished.首先要感谢我的导师Miss Jia,感谢您从论文题目的选定到论文写作的指导,衷感谢您在论文上倾注的大量心血。First of all,...

but also cultural exchanges and communication, and cultural factors play a crucial role. Business contacts in trade negotiations as a special means,

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一 英:你半夜出来闲逛是为了等待奇迹吗? You out midnight to wander for waiting a miracle?文:奇迹是不能等待的,要去寻找。 We can just find it rather than wait 二 英:黄昏总是会让我觉得很无助 Dusk always make me feel helpless 好像一切都要结束了 as if everything would be ...

1.英文是与老外交流的工具。因此,如何提高英语水平这个问题就显得尤为重要了。English is the tool to communicate with foreigners,in this case, the issue of how to improve your English appears pretty important.2.我很愤怒,但也很无奈。I'm pretty mad, yet helpless as well.3.如果你有更...

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exceptionally with tendency discovery and so on.The connection rule excavation is in a data mining important constituent. It mainly is seeks assigns the data set 中项 between the interesting connection and the correlation relation. The most famous connection rule discovered the method is ...

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之艺藻酸: 手机上的,不好打,明天帮你翻#^_^ Dear mum:Mother's day is around the corner, I wish you have a happy day.You fed me hard for many years. Let me fed and clothed well and give me a happy childhood. You have to work and take care of our ...

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之艺藻酸: It is good at smelling,and it is human's loyalest friend. Do you know it? Yes, it is dog! And my favorite animal is dog. I was afraid of dog at first,because my friend used to have a dog, which was not friendly to me.But after my uncle kept a dog,I stared ...

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之艺藻酸: Grasp by designing network planning and desig...

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之艺藻酸: 今天我们埋葬了我们的二十一岁的儿子.他于星期五晚上在一场摩托车事故中当场死去.我是多么希望在我们上一次谈话的最后一刻知道将要发生这样的事.倘若我知道我一定会对他说“吉姆,我爱你,我为你感到非常骄傲.” 我应该早点抓紧...

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之艺藻酸: I found some pedestrians crossing the road slowly or climb the fence, there are some cyclists who ran a red light, some of the drivers when driving without a seatbelt, speeding, driving a call, smoking. These are dangerous! I suggest that the relevant ...

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之艺藻酸: Low carbon life, starts from meJohn is a multinational company manager, he 43, a nice salary, also big square, live shots encased in high-grade villas. But recent brother always called him "stingy" says he even a paper cups also want to use, what...

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之艺藻酸: 大气层是环绕着地球的气体覆盖层.几千年来,这些气体使地球的温度保证在15°左右.这是怎么做到的呢?是通过限制太阳传递的热量.但是现在,由于污染,越来越多的热气停留在大气层.这就意味着地球会越变越热.温室由于大气的原因...

平邑县19430791903: 求翻译一篇英语文章,在线急,不要机器翻译,高手来~! -
之艺藻酸: 世界上,越来越多的人从事危险活动.当然,一直都有人在挑战极限,他们爬上最高的山,进入未知领域探险,或者划着小船穿越大洋.然而,人们寻找的极限刺激可能只是持续几分钟或者几秒钟. 让我们用蹦极来举例,你把有弹性的绳子绑在...

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之艺藻酸: 当我们可以或当有人需要的时候,让我们献出我们的爱.这就是我在几个月前学到的东西. 我每天都能在哈努曼庙附近看见一个经常穿着白t恤,棕色裤子的小男孩儿.他拿着一个装满鲜花的篮子坐着.在6点或者8点的时候,他会尽他最大的努...

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