
作者&投稿:端弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1A 2D 3C 4B 5C 6B 7D 8A 9D 10B 手机打字不便,不帮你翻译了。

A couple of summers ago, my mother told me, "You need to give something helpful back to your community(社会)." Although she was forcing me to do something, I thought I might as well enjoy it and so I decided to [41.C]give swim lessons at the YMCA(基督教青年会). I love [42.D]water and thought I could share that love with others by helping little kids learn [43.A]how to swim.
几年前, 我妈妈曾告诉我,“你应该做些什么来回报社会了。”虽然这是她要求我去做的,但我自己却也很乐意参与。所以我决定到基督教青年会去教授游泳课程。我爱游泳,并愿意将我的这份爱通过教小孩子游泳来分享给别人。
I started off as an assistant instructor(助教). When I got in the water, I noticed a boy of about six sitting on the side of the pool looking [44.B]frightened. I went over and introduced myself as one of his [45.C]teachers and asked his name. He was so scared that he could hardly answer. He finally told me his name was Matt after I [46.A]made him believe that I would help him.
While trying to get Matt in the water, I was told that he had a condition that caused him to be not [47.B]sure and afraid of many things, including warer. He was so frightened that when he first got in, he caught me very [48.B]tightly. I thought this would be a long, frustrating period of two weeks with Matt, but after a while he got more comfortable around me and began to [49.C]love water. His parents watched him with the biggest [50.D]smiles. They never thought their son would be able to [51.A]make it through the lessons with his illness.
I [52.C]felt like a hero for making this family so happy, By the [53.A]end of the two weeks, I had [54.D]developed a special relationship with Matt. I will never forget him and the difference I made in his life. [55.A]though teaching him how to swim may sound like no big deal, it felt great. This makes my community service worth all the time I've given over the past few summers.


楼主试着自己结合在线翻译 翻一下提高自己英语水平呀



I thought I might as well enjoy it and so I decided to [41.C]give swim lessons at the YMCA(基督教青年会). I love [42.D]water and thought I could share that love with others by helping little kids learn [

be a father of other children 有用请采纳

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Listen carefully, you're surrounded,if you want to stay alive,please lay down your arms

1. eventually 2. memorial 3. 没想出来 4. enormous 5. similarities 5. damaged 6. whispered 7. differs 8. impact 9. intended

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求英语帝! 我们能坚持很久。对么。怎么翻译成英文?
We've persisted for so long. Right.

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何锦普米: Dear teachers, hello I am glad to join your interview, I'm from neijiang xianglong secondary school ZhangDi into navigation has always been my ideal school, I believe in your school to learn valuable knowledge, I also hope your school could give me a...

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何锦普米: cadbaacbcb

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何锦普米: 数年前,如果是一次发生的事情,就用过去式;如果该事件的发生,对现在还有影响的话,就用现在完成时.谢谢!

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