
作者&投稿:哀狭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Grace Yu,怎么样?


英 [miːm]
美 [mim]

1) I have somthing to change the entirety.
2) I own capability to change the entirety.


对应的英语:1) I have somthing to change the entirety.2) I own capability to change the entirety.

请英语帝帮帮忙 帮翻译以下职位的英文或英文所辖
General manager office, administration department, all insurance assets, financial and accounting department, human resources department, Ministry of risk control 、法律事务部、稽核部、综合业务部 , the Department of legal affairs, audit department, the Department of integrated services 董事会秘...

各位英语帝,请问 血溅幽灵教 怎么翻译成英语
Assault on the specter of Education =-=望参考。

Xavier Zoed Mike.

his mistake to see, and begged the future to give him a chance. The next day, Christmas came, Scrooge woke up the morning a changed man, as he promised unto them as the three ghosts, becomes generous and kind but also very enjoyable. He became well known for the good....

5 cetimetres per second is not a fast speed, you can even say it's very slow. If you keep moving at this speed for 13 years, the distance you go through equals to a half circle of the earth, which means the distance between the South Pole and the North Pole. Of course...

Today is my birthday. However noone remember my birthday and they didn't send birthday blessing to me.

Now, because the human abuses of cut denudation and emissions of pollutants.There are a lot of problems about our living environment.The most serious problem is the air, water and soil pollution.These pollution on human health is very harmful.As we all know, there is only one ...

请将这段话翻译成英文 谢谢各位英语帝了 拜托麻烦了
Generally speaking, the fingers close together after the palm and back of the area of approximately 1% of their area. Usually, the burned area in 1% the following, and only hurt the epidermis and dermis, can be at home on their own processing. Small area burn with a little to...

天行健,君子以自强不息。As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along.【又】As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection!在周易的英译本里 这两句是这样译的 The movement of heaven is full ...

天桥区13265602686: 请问我的英语作文哪些地方还可以改的更好?谢谢!辛苦您了! -
阙夏硬脂: 虽然说这确实是一篇写的不错的作文,但从句子结构组成上来说,略显单调,因为全文你几乎只用了一个句子框架,那就是主谓宾,你学过被动,学过成句吧 高分作文需要句子来点缀哦 我改几个试试看 1.Parents always want their children to be ...

天桥区13265602686: 单句改错.谢谢大家了.英语高手简单帮忙. -
阙夏硬脂: 1. which→that 解释:everything做先行词时,关系代词用that不用which.2. turn for help→turn to for help 解释:固定短语turn to sb for help 转而向某人求助3. to who→to whom 解释:定语从句中,做介词宾语的关系代词如果和该介词一起提前至从句首时,则指人用whom,指物时用which.4. it→which 解释:两句间无连词并列时,则表明后者是定语从句,而代指整个主句的关系代词应该用which/as.5. was→has 解释:如果是一般过去时的被动语态,则been纯属多余;而从句意来看,用现在完成时的被动语态结构是最适合的.

天桥区13265602686: 英语达人帮忙翻个句子;我知道你拥有任何你想要的东西 -
阙夏硬脂: I know you have everything you want.~~谢谢~~

天桥区13265602686: 跪求【英语】大神帮忙修改作文.我知道漏洞百出,时间仓促,希望帮帮忙!!!! -
阙夏硬脂: 我自己试着用你写的和看到的凑合了一下,希望能帮到你 Hello everyone. My name is Linda. Today, I'll talk about a disaster that happened in Tangshan. There was a huge earthquake, it known as the Great Tangshan Earthquake, a natural...

天桥区13265602686: 求英语达人帮忙修改句子. -
阙夏硬脂: 这个世界上一定有另一个我,做着我想做的事,过着我想过的生活.修改后:There will be another me in this world who is doing the thing I want to do and living the life I'd like to live.回答完毕,你看可以不,可以的话,请选为满意答案.希望对你有所帮助,如有疑问,请指出!希望你学习进步,天天开心!

天桥区13265602686: 请各位高手帮忙看下下面这句英语翻译有没有什么问题?有的话怎么改?非常感谢!——————— 1. -
阙夏硬脂: 抱歉回复晚了由于我上周五休假了.I'm sorry to reply late due to my vacation on Friday.

天桥区13265602686: 英语改错~求帮忙 -
阙夏硬脂: Today we (visit) a farm.Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went (to) there together.The farm worker gave us a (warmly) welecome.Then the head of the farm showed (them) around.(What) glad we were to see the crops (or) vegetables ...

天桥区13265602686: 求帮我改英语作文!初中 -
阙夏硬脂: 你好,很高兴为您解答问题,根据你的大致内容,修改如下:I have a 16 year-old friend called LiLin, he is not very tall (a lot tall 没听说过,但如果你想表达有一点高但不是很高,可以使用a little bit, 因此也可以写为he is a little bit tall.) and always ...

天桥区13265602686: 请各位英语大师帮小弟修改这篇英语作文(If I have a Robot)In some science fiction movie,pople inthe future will have their own robots.If I have a robot,so it can ... -
阙夏硬脂:[答案] In some science fiction movie (movies) ,pople (people) in the future will have their own robots.(As we can see,different robots have different factions which may out of your images.)If I have a robot...

天桥区13265602686: 求英语大神帮我改个英语改错
阙夏硬脂: We high school students do have gwowing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely. Some of us are upset about their looks. We needn't care about it. It is one's inner beauty that matters. We occasionally feel misunderstood by our ...

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