
作者&投稿:愈广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. love the wild animals, protect their homes.
2. protect the wild animals so that man and nature can live in harmony.
3. protect the birds and the wild animals to maintain eco-balance.
4. protect the ecological safety of the wild animals.
5. together we are living on Earth, let's share the nature.
6. protect the environment, care for the migrant birds.
7. protect the birds, protect the wild life is the responsibility of man.
8. love the animals, treasure lives.

请注意分两种情况。 (1)如果开始的第4个词是subjected,那么,直译:这个报价受到顾客-----同意可接受的汽车购买价的顾客---的制约。
修饰'顾客"( customer )的成分是approval of vehicle purchase value being acceptable,其中 being acceptable是分词短语作定语 意思是:"是可以接受的,修饰 vehicle purchase value, vehicle purchase value 是车辆购买价。)approval of 是“同意。。。”所以 customer approval of vehicle purchase value being acceptable的 意思是:同意可接受的汽车购买价的顾客。be subjected to 是“受到。。。。的支配"的意思。
(2)我想可能是你(或他人)打错了单词,英语中没有subjecto to ...结构,很可能是在subject的后面你多打上一个to,如果是这样 ,直译是: 这个报价应视同意可接受的汽车购买价的顾客而定。be subject to 结构中subject 是形容词表示“易受。。。。的,以。。。。为条件的。
我认为第2种的可能性较大。。。。 我给你分析的到了你或(他)出错也能说清的地步了,请加10分吧!

这里需要注意的是subject to
“subject to”通常用来表示“视……而定”、“以……为条件”,即必须优先满足“subject to”之后的条件,下面举例予以说明:
例1 卖方代表必须是卖方的雇员。卖方代表的任命、变更或授权以及任何这方面的条件都必须得到买方的事先批准,但买方不得无故拒绝或拖延。
The SELLER REPRESENTATIVE shall be an employee of the SELLER. The appointment, change, or any delegation of the authority of, the SELLER REPRESENTATIVE and any terms thereof shall be subject to prior approval by the BUYER, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
例2 除非变更单中明确做出不同规定,否则,本合同所确定的所有费用和价格都是固定的,不得进行修改、涨价或调整,是否因为货币波动或其他原因概不例外。
Unless expressly otherwise provided for in any CHANGE ORDER, all rates and prices stated herein are fixed and not subject to any revision, escalation, or adjustment whether due to currency fluctuations or otherwise.
If the Contractor fails to comply with Sub Clause 8.2 〔Time for Completion〕, the Contractor shall subject to Sub-Clause 2.5 〔Employers Claims〕 pay delay damages to the Employer for this default. These delay damages shall be the sum stated in the Appendix to Tender, which shall be paid for every day which shall elapse between the relevant Time for Completion and the date stated in the Taking over Certificate. However, the total amount due under this Sub Clause shall not exceed the maximum amount of delay damages (if any) stated in the Appendix to Tender. “subject to”后面的就是承包商付款的限制条件,即合同第2.5款规定。相对于本条款,应优先考虑第2.5款。
例4.第48条 (1)在满足第49条的条件下,卖方即使在交货日期之后,仍可自付费用,对任何不履行义务做出补救,但这种补救不得造成不合理的迟延,也不得使买方遭受不合理的不便,或无法确定卖方是否将偿付买方预付的费用。但是,买方保留本公约所规定的要求损害赔偿的任何权利。
Article 48(1) Subject to article 49, the seller may, even after the date for delivery, remedy at his own expense any failure to perform his obligations, if he can do so without unreasonable delay and without causing the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or uncertainty of reimbursement by the seller of expenses advanced by the buyer. However, the buyer retains any right to claim damages as provided for in this Convention.

is subjected to customer就是指归属于这个客户
vehicle purchase value being acceptable是汽车购买额(这个purchase value不知是不是值这个)被接受,前面加个approval of就是对于这个事情的认可

这个报价要基于客户对机动车购买可接受价格的批复。 is subject to 作谓语,vehicle purchase value作为customer approval的宾语,being acceptable修饰vehicle purchase value

this offer is subjecto to customer approval of vehicle purchase value being acceptable

我叫XXX,(Hello everyone, My name is XXX, and you can call meXX(你的昵称).)我来自南京,(Nanjing is my hometown)我是个比较内向的女孩,虽然我不太爱说话,但是我很乐意帮助我身边的每一位朋友,以后大家有什么困难都可以来找我。(I m not quiet talkative, even though i dont talk ...

alone 是副词,在这里修饰动词 understand 了,意思成了“没有人能够单独地懂得我”。 understand 后应该改动如下:宾语从句—— undestand that I am alone (或者lonesome) and gentle.直接宾语—— undestand my loneliness and gentleness 2. I tender,tender 侧重于脆弱,形容词最好用gentle,名词用 ...



My topic today is 3.希望大家能从我以下的演讲中得到一些启示。It's a great honour to me if you can get anything from my speech.4.我的演讲到此结束,你得到些什么启示呢?That's all of my speech today;hope you have got something form it.(Is there anyone willing to share your...

你问我的是梦想什么,嘘,轻轻告诉你,我要为所有人,织一个最美的梦。What’s my fondest dream you query Shhh….Let me tell you secretly I want to weave, for everybody A dream of exquisite beauty 注:音乐背景可以试试用雅尼的 Key to Imagination 或者 Flight of Fantasy (如果满意...

kg (kilogram), TV (television), cf (confer), cm (centimetre)AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the Lord;since Christ was born 公元 A.M.,a.m.ante meridiem(before noon) 上午,午前 Apr. April 四月 Aug.August 八月 Ave.avenue 林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts 文科学士 BC ,...

哪位英语高手能帮我把下面的内容翻译成英文啊 万分感谢!
Years work experience, three and a half years market experience, the auto industry work an in-depth understanding of the market, and to have the brand marketing manager in the post the authentication. Proficient in various kinds of office software. To work conscientiously, responsible,...

the Internet that your company much-needed foreign trade, if you do not abandoned hope that he could be your company's favor, I will certainly make every effort for your company, a light of a Tim! Finally wish your cause, growing prosperity!我问过我姐,我姐是英语博士生 ...

off her ring that was exactly the same as his, and said: "remember to give it back".He was on a crashing plane when he was 43, she put a parachute on him and waving to him with smile:"This time you really needn't to give it back"这么好的女生在哪里啊?感动ing ...

怀化市15645991403: 请问谁英语厉害的帮我翻译一下这句“生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美” -
赧询痔疾:[答案] 原文如下: Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumen leaves.

怀化市15645991403: 请哪位英语比较好的帮我翻译一下这句话!
赧询痔疾: 天使之家! The Angel's House !天使部落! The Angel's Tribe !

怀化市15645991403: 哪位英文好手能帮我翻译一下这句啊?
赧询痔疾: I have been loving you since three years ago. I wish I could care for you all my life. 一楼和二楼有一个共同的错误,fall的过去分词不是fell,是fallen. 另外,fall是短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的短语连用. 知识的正确性重要,楼上两位别有意见啊~~~

怀化市15645991403: 英语好的进 谁帮我中译英一下这个句子很多人用布袋取代塑料袋去阻止白色污染的加剧 帮我翻译后半句就行 就去阻止白色污染的加剧 最好用stop from水平要... -
赧询痔疾:[答案] to stop the white pollution from being worse

怀化市15645991403: 哪位英语好的能帮我翻译下英语句子!谢谢咯! -
赧询痔疾: 1 看见大海,孩子们开心得大叫起来.(at the sight of) At the sight of the sea, children are so happy that they all yell2 你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗?(catch on) I could not catch on what you said just now. Please say it agian.3 他知道...

怀化市15645991403: 哪位英语较好的同志可以帮我翻译一下这句话? -
赧询痔疾: Guring the process of cognition,the Chinese center on the environments while the westerners emphasize the individuals.The Chinese look upon the world with pas...

怀化市15645991403: 哪位英语好的给我翻译一下这个句子!
赧询痔疾: 意:如果你觉得我再次伤害了你,请你告诉我并且谴责我. 呵呵,我想说这句话的人一定很爱你, 愿你幸福.

怀化市15645991403: 哪位英语好的帮我翻译一句话.
赧询痔疾: share the same shy,share the same horizon.because of you,i will not be lonely.

怀化市15645991403: 谁英文好的话,帮我翻译这个句子:
赧询痔疾: 您好,我现在有事不在,一会儿再和您联系 Hi, this is (NAME) I'm sorry I cannot answer your call right now. i'll call you back later 如果连语音信箱 常常还要加句 Hi, this is (NAME) I'm sorry I cannot answer your call right now. please leave a message .i'll call you back later.

怀化市15645991403: 麻烦哪位英语好的帮我翻译以下中文句子
赧询痔疾: Q Since then on, plus the rest of my trumpet Ifanyone has anything at all! Thank you for your cooperation!

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