
作者&投稿:阿融 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

England's mountainous north, there is an almost isolated, "Wuthering Heights", the owner Earnshaw day from the streets to reclaim an abandoned, to close for the adopted son, named Heathcliff, Hindley and his daughter Katherine and son to live with . Heathcliff and Catherine from morning till evening, germination of love, but Hindley hated him very much. Old Earnshaw's death, Hindley became a master, not only to prohibit contact with Heathcliff and Catherine, but also abuse and insult him in every possible way. The results of this persecution intensified his hatred Hindley, have deepened his love for Catherine.
One day, Heathcliff and Catherine the secret out, I've met a small neighboring Thrushcross Grange master Edgar Linton. The seemingly mild-mannered of rich kids fell in love with Catherine's beauty, asked her to marry. Naive Catherine agrees to marry Linton, to take advantage of the wealth of his house to help get rid of her brother's persecution of Heathcliff. Catherine married Heathcliff knew the news, you'd rather die, angrily away.
A few years later, a handsome, dignified demeanor of the guests to visit Linton home. Heathcliff was originally made for missing money, returned to his hometown. He returned home for the sole purpose of this is to have persecuted him, taking away his sweetheart who retaliation.
Hindley is a life of debauchery of white silk Hakama children, day and night, excessive drinking, haunted casinos, the old Earnshaw spent all the money left behind by industry. When he saw Heathcliff fortune back, went so far as to invite him to stay at the Villa, the rest of the family property mortgaged to him, become his servant.
Heathcliff has become a frequent visitor to Thrushcross Grange, Linton's sister Isabella him as a legendary hero to elope with him. He took her prisoner at Wuthering Heights, and tortured her, and to vent grievances heart.
Married Catherine Harrington after her husband to see the hypocrisy of the heart was very much regret. Heathcliff clothing Jinrong go, but also ashamed of her pay, and thrown into the abyss of grief. Despair, she fell ill, and soon passed away, leaving behind a pregnant birth only 7 months old baby girl - Katie.
Isabella to take advantage of the occasion of Catherine's death, escaped from Villa, refuge outside London, and soon gave birth to a boy, named Linton Heathcliff. Hindley in less than six months after the death of Catherine, among the dead in drunk, and his child Hareton Heathcliff into the palm. Heathcliff in kids further implementation of revenge, his "train" as a brutal man, let him undergo his childhood experiences. 12 years later, Isabella died from his home, his son Heathcliff back. He Kuxiao his uncle, gentle demeanor, but the selfishness, Heathcliff, he is very disgusted.
Time goes by, Katie had grown slim and graceful. 16-year-old birthday, and she accidentally met the uncle did not know Heathcliff. When Heathcliff is to know about not just this girl and the enemy's own sweetheart Katherine Linton's daughter, the love and hate again in his mind writhed, woven into a new pattern of revenge: let her marry his son, in order to justifiably Harrington exclusive home industry. Harrington fell seriously ill at the time when Cathy and Heathcliff forced to hastily married his son. A few days later, Linton died, Heathcliff became Thrushcross Grange master. Small Heathcliff quietly passed away shortly after the marriage,
Let Katie dip into submerged in sorrow.
At this time, Hareton has been 23 years old, looks with young Heathcliff same time, despite being deprived of the right to education, lack of human warmth, but the honest and faithful to a quiet demeanor. Katie had a love for him. Heathcliff had hoped that they hate each other, thought that they were actually in love. His determination to break up the pairs of lovers. However, when he carefully observed them, Catherine, and his old love the scene when surfacing. At this moment, his mind's hate faded, love prevailed, and he did not have the heart to re-retaliate. He has to go looking for Catherine. A blizzard of the night,
Him with an empty heart and suffered human bitter resentment, issue of revenge after the guffaw, left the earth.

1,A 你敢游泳过河吗? 显然B是动词,舍掉。 A横穿过,C贯穿(一般是隧道),D从上方过去(像是飞机飞过河流)本题关键点在于介词的运用。
2,D 她常被误认为她的孪生姐姐。A作为,B像是,C由,出自(某人)本题的关键点在于
3,C 在一个晴朗的晚上你仰望天空,你将会看到这些星星。on a clear night 是对的。因为中间加了定语修饰,不适合用at,其他的不符句意。本题关键点是at/in/on night 区分。
4,D congratulations on固定词组,为某事庆祝on sth。本题关键是词组的掌握。
5,C be made from 用什么制成,看不见原材料。be made of 也是用什么制成,能看见原材料。be made by 有某人制成 be made in 在什么地方制成或生产。你看得见玩具的材料。本题关键点是几个词组的区分。

1. No one could understand me
alone 是副词,在这里修饰动词 understand 了,意思成了“没有人能够单独地懂得我”。 understand 后应该改动如下:
宾语从句—— undestand that I am alone (或者lonesome) and gentle.
直接宾语—— undestand my loneliness and gentleness
2. I tender,
tender 侧重于脆弱,形容词最好用gentle,名词用 gentleness。
3. I am weak,
weak 意思是虚弱,表示身体欠佳,如果用形容词,改为 effeminate,名词则用 effeminacy
4. because I pretended to pretend to be strong.
1)两个 pretend 意思重复,删除一个;
2)改为进行时态 because I am pretending to be strong

* No one can undestand that I am alone , gentle and effeminate, because I am pretending to be strong.
* No one can undestand my loneliness, my gentleness and my effeminacy, because I am pretending to be strong.
* No one could undestand that I was alone , gentle and effeminate, because I was pretending to be strong.
* No one could undestand my loneliness, my gentleness and my effeminacy, because I was pretending to be strong.

no one can understand my loneliness, my tenderness and my weakness because i pretend to be strong
no one can understand that i'm lonely,tender and weak because i pretend to be strong
不用alone因为i'm alone有一个人的意思容易歧义。

推荐用个so that巨型更加连贯。
i pretend to be so strong that no one can understand my loneliness,my tenderness and my weakness.

no one can understand my lonely, my tender, my weakness, because I have pretended to be strong.


Nobody could understand my lonliness, my tender and my weakness, because i'm pretending to be strong.

No one could understand my loneliness, softness as well as the weakness, for I'm pretending to be acting as a stronger.

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急!哪位好心人帮我翻译一下下面这段韩语对话 请不要用机器翻译_百度知 ...
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请求大家帮我解释一下下列成语,最好每个成语一行 好的答案我会再加分...
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谁能帮我一下四字成语,什么胆什么心 “什么胆什么心”的四字成语: 赤胆忠心、 吐胆倾心、 剑胆琴心、 摘胆剜心、 剖胆倾心 不什么下什么 的四字成语 【不耻下问】乐于向学问或地位比自己低的人学习,而不觉得不好意思。 【不愧下学】犹言不耻下问。 【不愧下学】不耻下问...


《【完结】平说语文:中小学语文学习方法》百度网盘资源免费下载 链接:https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/1WWDSvFBO4F-yAKbhGDUGoQ 提取码:f8rg 【完结】平说语文:中小学语文学习方法|第9课 导致错别字的原因不一样.mp3|第8课 实操干货:阅读中要查字典.mp3|第7课 实操干货:抄写和默写.mp3|第6课...

请问有人懂印尼语吗?? 请帮我翻译一下。 谢谢。

永新区17398995236: 请英语好的人帮下忙,帮我填一下完成句子,1、众所周知,第二次世界大战在1939年爆发.———————————World War ││ ——————————... -
钮图乳癖:[答案] 1.As we all know that the world war 2 was happened in1939 2.The man who is wearing black cloth had drunk 3.The picture is worth taking care well 4.The computer belongs to Tom and needs to be repaired 都是自己做的哦,希望可以帮到你~嘻嘻~

永新区17398995236: 英语好的人请帮我翻译一下:(请务必不要有语法错误,听的人是真正的外国人,错了多丢) 大家好,我是**,18岁,没有什么特别讨厌的,也没有什么特别喜欢的,如果要说有的话,我很喜欢动漫和BIGBANG这个组合.如果你也喜欢其中的任何一项,我很愿意跟你做个朋友.就是以上这些,谢谢.
钮图乳癖:Hello, I'm xx, 18 years old, no special hate, also nothing special like of, if want to say anything, I like anime and BIGBANG this combination. If you like any of these items, I'd like to make a friend with you

永新区17398995236: 紧急,请英语好的人帮一下忙!!
钮图乳癖: 您需要额度是“I was very optimistic about the industry you are, I think your company attaches great importance to the talents, and the work is very suitable for me, I believe I can do it well.”希望可以帮上您的忙!

永新区17398995236: 请英语好的人帮下忙,帮我填一下完成句子,谢谢 -
钮图乳癖: 1.As we all know that the world war 2 was happened in19392.The man who is wearing black cloth had drunk3.The picture is worth taking care well4.The computer belongs to Tom and needs to be repaired 都是自己做的哦,希望可以帮到你~嘻嘻~

永新区17398995236: 英语好的人请帮我一个忙请帮我用英语简单的概述一下《呼啸山庄》的内容.500左右 -
钮图乳癖:[答案] England's mountainous north, there is an almost isolated, "Wuthering Heights", the owner Earnshaw day from the streets ... At this time, Hareton has been 23 years old, looks with young Heathcliff same time, despite being deprived of the right to ...

永新区17398995236: 英语好的人来帮我一下吧!翻译,谢谢(是学历证书中的内容)1.By the authority of the Senatus Academicus XXX was admitted to the Degree of Doctor of ... -
钮图乳癖:[答案] 1,根据爱丁堡大学学术评议会(Senatus Academicus一定指的是爱丁堡大学的学术评议会)的授权,XXX被授予博士学位 2,学校秘书 3,Roger Land大楼 Kings's大楼 West Mains路 (注意:与前面一位说的不同,University Secretary (学校秘书)...

永新区17398995236: 请英文好的人帮我翻译句子 谢谢~! -
钮图乳癖: 1.我很快就该走了(BE DUE TO ) I'm due to go soon.2.这是一列开往南京的快车(EXPRESS)This is an express to Nanjing. 3.陈先生请旅行社提点建议(ASK...FOR)Mr Chen asked the travel agency for some advice.

永新区17398995236: 英语翻译请英文好的人帮我翻译一下下面的句子,不懂的人莫多事1.though it was late,they kept on working2.Apples here like water and sunshine3.Fred was ... -
钮图乳癖:[答案] 1.尽管很晚了,他们还在继续工作 2.这里的苹果需要水和阳光 3.fred 是一个很努力的学生,很快他就成为了班上的第一 4.T 和W 在同一个屋檐下生活了五年 5.我们拥有越多的激情,我们就会拥有越多快乐的经历

永新区17398995236: 英语好的人请帮帮我~ -
钮图乳癖: Holding back my tears, I step forward hard. Nobody understands the delicate feelings in my heart.

永新区17398995236: 请英语好的朋友帮我一个忙吧,急! -
钮图乳癖: The beginning of the new semester, students in a high surely is a difficult military and the heavy load of homework, we feel physically and mentally exhausted. Here we ho...

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